What i'm about to say goes along with what MurderMachineX said.
Right now (At the time i'm typing this) the U.S. is in debt by $16,765,675,000 most of it to China.
The Chinese population is so high, that the government has banned having more than 1 child. Because of this, the older and younger generations are getting farther apart, with the older people moving out of the work force, but then less younger people coming into it. Eventually, the Chinese will have very little people in the work force, and the government will start to lose lots of it's money. The Chinese government will then call all of the debt people have towards China due. Lots of countries have high debts in china, but none are even close to the US. The U.S. will decide to not pay the debt, as if we did, our government would crash. The Chinese will still not have enough money to pay for a war, therefore, there will be no war, from the Chinese. The US by now sees China as a threat, and wages war on them. China is left writhing, and screaming for help. The US can now take its place as the most powerful country on earth.
Because of the teleporter, time has gone out of whack. Things happen out of place in the time line, and things appear in places they shouldn't. This leads me to think that the Jin Mao Towers are appearing in Province 22, even though they aren't actually supposed to be there.
Everything above is mostly theoretical and probably wrong. It's just a guess.