Hi My name is Egg, male 34 from Manchester england. On most evenings after 9 and I'm also off work tuesdays and wednesdays.
Guys I need some help with several different easter egg acheivment from black ops 1 and 2.
Is it just me or are the easter eggs getting harder and much more ridiculous? I tend to do a lot of them on my own as most of the people I meet online tend to be either kids, shockingly bad players or really selfish players. So just for ease and so I'm not wasting my time I do them on my own.
If you check my achievements you will see I am very competent.
Here's a list of the achievements I'm trying to do. It's a case of if you help me, in return I will help you with any ones you are after which I may have already done.
I have all maps except Shangri-La and nuke town. I will buy Shangri-La once I've done all the other achievements.
Call Of The Dead:
1.Ground Control
2.Ensemble Cast (this one is quite easy I've done it on my own)
1.One Giant Leap
2.Ground Control
1.Tower of Babble
(I've watched youtube videos on this and seems it would be quite easy)
Die Rise:
1.High Maintenance
(Oh my god, the amount of stuff you need to do on this crazy as it is map is mental and I think a tadge too much, but yea i also have the gist of what to do.)
2.Facing the Dragon
(A doddle just need 4 people pulling in the same direction)
post on here if you're interested.
Thanks Jon