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Everything posted by TheBSZombie

  1. Maybe it's not perma jug we are losing? At round 15 i've often lost steel barricades and carpenter pro randomly. I can't think what else it is because I rarely use perma-jug but I always hear the sound. Nah the sound you hear is meant to be for perma jug. carpenter pro can only be lost after picking up carpenter and not doing the steps again and steel barriers can be lost at the start of any round if you didn't repair during that round.
  2. Samuel stuhlanger aka stu. Hears voices, is really dumb. Thx for clearing things up. Well I did put down the right character earlier. Samuel is richtofen's bitch so I guess my favorite is samuel just because he is the only one that currently has connection with Richthofen
  3. What I would do is work for more kills just try to get to the top of the leaderboards in the kills. Iv gotten my shotguns back countless times. keep losing them due to easter eggs and turned and gettting persistent jug.
  4. Who is samuel then? stu or marlton? and stu is short for stuhlenger right?
  5. It isn't just you, many forums have grammer nazis and not just this one. and you weren't the only person to say something. Its just that I know I can be a little confusing at times, but I spend enough time trying to right good essays in ap english to worry about it on here. and common sense can save a lot of trouble most of the time lol.
  6. maybe 100+ drank and actually doing the prone thing a few times so it knows we are doing it and it wasn't an accident.
  7. Im bad with names in real life, and sadly that trait has come over to the game that I love. Can I get a clarification on the 3 characters (I know Misty) So there is russman (I think hes the darker skin guy) but the other two guys confuse me. Can I get a description on the other two guys or a link to somewhere I can find.
  8. Well this is the general zombies discussion so I didn't think I needed to make clear that I was talking about zombies and not the multiplayer where you play against other players with guns and different maps like hijacked. and I don't think anybody would really play local instead of solo when local doesn't affect their stats unless they don't have an internet connection, so I didn't think I had to make that clear either. srry for all the confusion I caused. :roll:
  9. I hate this. Some people have it, some people don't. I have a friend that can make his own lobby super easy. but me, if i have more friends in my party it takes way to long for me to find a match and they think im just sitting there because when you are finding a match you can't hear anybody. Also it seems like if i set the search preference to any it seems that it takes longer to find a game.
  10. alright, lets say you are playing with 3 shotgun rank players. Is it still easier to play solo or online? Yea rank might not define a player but for this example lets just say it does. in my opinion online is easier because you can have unlimited downs as long as your buddy doesn't go down with you. plus the zombies are split so there are less zombies for you to hoarde up. in theory online is easier, in practice I can get much father on solo.
  11. got to round 45 doing the sniper competition. could have gotten second place but ran out of ammo and died on round 45 and couldn't get to jug fast enough. and thinking back I kind of was waiting at the wrong elevator.
  12. What do you guys think is easier? I believe solo is harder when you have a good team when playing online. but when I actually go play online I go down a lot more often then when playing solo. I also get more frustrated playing online because I guess Im kind of a kill whore(I do have common curtesy not to kill the zombies you trained though) so when playing online I kind of rush or go to areas that aren't very safe and end up dying. I also am kind of to polite. Which usually makes me get stuck with some of the hardest spots to train like power on tranzit or b23r on die rise since I don't speak up when someone takes my usual training spot. I also try to go to spots that get the most kills. a good example of this would be the elevator key hallway where you have to use the trample steam to get to.
  13. Yea I still haven't gotten my green flash to appear again and I have drank well over 35 perks so I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Did you do it on a solo or custom game? and do you think you did anything differently?
  14. iv had the navcard table built since like the second day. and it has been remained built all this time. I have done the easter egg 3 times and I just actually went up there and swiped the tranzit nav card for the first time.
  15. pretty much yea.
  16. More difficult than the pdw room? the pdw and the room right in front of the elevator on trample steam level (not the quick revive) without the door connecting the two sides together open is a pain the ass while using the sliquifier post patch
  17. #1 rule of die rise, learn your elevators. pretty much the spawns, where they start out, when to jump off, how far you can fall to catch one, best time to use the keys, how long it takes for an elevator to get to you so you don't get cornered while waiting. also know the callouts if you are playing online. theres quick revive elevator, trample steam elevator, spawn elevator, svu elevator, bowie knife elevator, non bowie knife power elevator, isolated elevator, Remington/ramp elevator. some people have different call outs but if you think you should be able to determine your own callouts or learn these pretty easy. with that being said, elevators may not be the #1 choice of travel at times. that leads to the #2 rule of die rise is make sure you know the different trample steam jumps and the amount of verticle leap you can take without dying.
  18. no you can go down as many times as you would like prior to round 15. and it can be very helpful and very harming at the same time. it can be greatly beneficial to the greatest zombie players because they can survive an extra hit when training till they go down which is usually in the high 60s and even later. and it helps the smaller guy so he can get past the first few rounds consistently so he can experience other stuff to help him in the long run. but its also harmful, try playing a week straight with perm jug and then try playing a survival game and your whole perception of your strength is kind of askew. and after going 60+ rounds with perm jug you might get cocky and after you go down you might go down sooner than later because you were used to the extra hits.
  19. why would i lie about this? im a new channel im not gonna start spreading stupid rumors. Iv seen too many channels fall and are just view whoring by posting half ass vids or lies or misnaming titles. And I have posted 2 vids of being hit 4+times after hearing the jug go off. i feal offended when you say you don't trust me.
  20. ehhhh.... the ray gun is always good if you can control it and kill your crawlers quick. but with the spawn rate being fast up in the 40s you can get over run and those 20 zombies that are all crawlers can be a pain.
  21. What are you talking about?
  22. Worth testing perhaps? I do think others would be better at this than me. I go down more often in the early rounds than the later rounds... Do you have me blocked or something mmx? I posted that video a good three times of me showing that you still have perm jug past round 15. here it is again..... In the vid you see you can take the exact amount of damage before round 15 and after round 15 and when i down myself you take less damage.
  23. so just spent another 30 mins with no persistent perk. I tried getting the p-perk and just laying down for 5+seconds, I tried buying all 4 perks on tranzit. I tried buying quick revive while prone, which you can't do because it makes you go to a crouch. It looks like its something you get and just have to retain it and if you lose it you are pretty much screwed. I got it the first time with only 5-8 perks drank and now I got about 250 kills (spawned in get 10 kills get quick revive end game) so that equals about 20 perks drank and still didn't get it. It might be drink 100 each time but thats ridiculous just for 1k points. And another thing is you lose it by not going prone after purchasing a perk. How would you do that with a moving elevator. This cash back perk seems really annoying. went back and count: 23 perks drank total.
  24. Here are the 3 tweets.
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