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Everything posted by TheBSZombie

  1. I just did the easter egg and we only found 5 tiles out of the 7. but we were lucky and found 2 sets that told us east and north were the last two and that south was first or second and west was the opposite of south (menaing if south was first, west was second and vice versa) and we were lucky to get it right the first time.
  2. prob to avoid script errors if that even affects that. same with the limit on claymores
  3. not sure if this is the right spot, but if you want to do high maintenance today send a message to gt: The BS Zombie I will be on all day and if i do get off i will delete this post.
  4. gt: The BS Zombie timezone: est and i would probably have to do this on a saturday or sunday.
  5. I believe patches are usefull, if applied correctly. An example would be the galva knuckles strategy on die rise, why patch it but make it where leaderboards are still the way it is. The hacker thing in moon I am honestly glad to say was never patched. But after months of playing mw3 to come back to moon (my fav map) I found people glitching more by getting to round 99 doing supper round skips and playing without masks in airless places. But yes I do like glitches being fixed, because I don't use them my self besides the galva and hacker glitch. I hate going through a 10 min round on tranzit knowing i could have done it in 5 mins doing the jet gun glitch. but they failed that patch because they introduced where you have to keep a zombie alive for the round not to start up. Since this patch i haven't played tranzit unless to get perma jug and one time to help a friend with the easter egg( which you can get in die rise but much faster on tranzit) I wouldn't say this is purely because of the patch but mostly because of die rise coming out.
  6. I was wondering, with the addition of who's who, if it would be overpowered to put into the game a way to get all the perks at one time after the completion of an easter egg in solo. Your first thought might be that this would be totaly overpowered, but think with whos who, you would have to stay alive for 45 seconds w/out perks (your who's who wouldn't have perks). This would obviously be a choice thing for people that don't like all the perks (I myself don't like mule kick) since you would have to complete the easter egg. Of course this would be overpowered in maps like town, tranzit, or farm because they don't have who's who but I think this is honestly not too powerful on maps w/ who's who. What do you guys think
  7. Jug can be lost though on round 15. and if it was any other map, I would defiantly have double tap on me, but we are going for high rounds, and any gun with double tap isn't even good against zombies at 50+. And the sliquifier isn't benefited by the perks. Proof: And perks are super easy to get with claymores and trample steam. I just don't like getting the perks because if you go down, two things will happen. either A. you will revive yourself and have quick revive w/out who's who. You can't get who's who till the denizen round because you already have 4 perks. And if you don't get to revive yourself you will have 4 perks and you have to survive those next 5 rounds till the denizen round and be perfect during the denizen round to get one of the 2 reviving perks. And if you get whos who and not quick revive and go down before getting quick revive you are either going to definetly die while in whos who form or spawn with a pistol. Which makes it harder. So plan for the future and and stick with jug/speed/who'swho/quick revive
  8. I made a video on perks of die rise and the perk selection that you might need to go high rounds. I address all the perks and told my feelings on which ones are better than others. Quick revive: Is needed unless going for a high kd to rank up, if you go down with quick revive you will pop back up and may die pretty soon which will result in cutting your possible kd in half. Jug: obviously necessary Speed Cola: Speed cola is good if you are running an lmg or just like to reload faster on the sliquifier and other guns. Double tap: This is a perk that many people think is the bees knees when it actually is pretty useless on die rise. It may be good for the first 20-30 rounds, but we are trying to get higher and I'm talking the 50s and maybe 60s. Double tap doesn't help the sliquifier so it is an unnecessary purchase Mule Kick: This is not needed at all. Mule kick messes me up when I'm trying to reload and I double tap Y. But I mess up because I go to the wrong gun. I also might get caught in a trap and go to the wrong gun and then have to cycle through the guns again to get to the sliquifier and then I'm dead before I can even shoot one bullet to clear out some of the zombies before I try to revive myself. This leaves 1 perk as your final perk to buy. And that is WHO'S whO. Who's Who: Who's who is actually a great perk, you can make it even better by getting perma quick revive online. The only bad thing is if you get a bad spawn. But for the most part if that happens, you just gotta run away and last the 45 seconds till you get revived by quick revive. You also don't want to get perks from the Denizen rounds because when you go down you won't be able to go buy quick revive or who's who again because the 2 perks you get from the denizen rounds will remain with you. TLDR:
  9. This is my strategy, I go to skullcrusher, train them all up, bring them to the little platform where you buy skullcrusher ammo and just suck them up, buy some more ammo and run like hell off the platform, because if you get stuck up there you are screwed.
  10. I really doubt that these easter eggs are as disappointing as they are. I believe that the 3 map packs are going to be released (die rise being the first) and then there will be a 4th map pack. I believe that the easter eggs will have to be done on every map in order to do the easter egg on the 4th map pack. The 4th map pack will be an all new tranzit map complete with its on bus depot, town, and farm. And after the easter egg on that map we will finally get something super special. Maybe the 4 navacards (1 from tranzit, 3 from dlc maps) are going to be used in the new tranzit dlc easter egg. If this doesn't happen there will be an easter egg on tranzit where you either a. unlock some new part of the map, or b. unlock all 8 perks. I honestly see that the navcards from the 4 maps will prob be put to use in the original dlc map just because it might be difficult to find 3 friends to use the 4 navcards on a newer tranzit. They could just have 3 people that bought different map packs and 1 guy that hadn't bought the map pack(holding the original navcard) to do the easter egg. Who honestly knows though, we will probably have to wait a few more months because we all know "time will tell"
  11. a zombie should only die out if they are injured like it is on die rise. But the jetgun thing was a glitch. I knew it was when i first saw it and never did it. And people that defended it saying it was a legit technique made me think they were stupid. I'm glad they patched it but the jet gun just needs a buff of making that thing cool down faster.
  12. TheBSZombie

    Free key

    But aren't there approximately 7 elevators plus the freight elevator? From what I know, there are only four keys in a given game [i'm not too sure if that number varies on how many players are initially in the match]. I have a feeling it's using the keys x amount of times. unless that x amount of times is around 20 i used a good amount of times. 6 times i used the freight elevator. used the powere ones 3 times the other 5. add that together around 13 times.
  13. since this glitch is patched, do you think there should be a leaderboard reset.
  14. Since this would probably have been the best time to fix the galva strategy, since it costs a lot of money to put out patches, do you think they meant for this to happen and will not fix it? edit: nm they did patch it, but after looking throught the elevator shaft some more, you might actually be able to do it on the next to last platform, but it would be 10x harder and easier for the zombies to get past the sliquifier. I haven't tested it and the since the sliquifier was "patched" a little it might not work at all.
  15. TheBSZombie

    Free key

    I just spent about 25 minutes seeing if there was a key perma perk that was put into the game with the update. I put about 8 keys into the starter elevator, no luck. I put keys into every working elevator, no luck. I think the perk you got could have been something entirely different. Yes it would be awesome for there to be a key perma perk which would greatly help and when I turned on my xbox to see if i could get it and there was an update i thought it had to be true, but there wasn't a key. I could post the 22 minutes of captured footage but i doubt anyone would really watch all of it and i think you guys can take my word. It could be something you have to get online like jug you have to get solo, and if that is the case then it might be out there.
  16. Im not hurt or mad, Im just defending myself and trying to be friendly. I hope no one is getting the impression that Im being a jerk, I just don't wont to be another jerk like some of these glitching channels that copy others and what ever that one guys name was that copied iflyillin
  17. There are a lot of quick tips that have no point to them. None come to mind atm, but there are some that get views. Im just trying to come up with some tips that I believe will help me grow, maybe this wasn't one of them but it's a learning process. Actually one video comes to mind is relaxing's video of getting 800k on round 1, no point but cool to know. His video on how to get to the bank in less than 5 minutes is interesting but isn't practical because you could end up spending an extra 5 minutes trying to teleport to the right teleport. That video in that mind set is pointless, but the underlying fact is that you can use the teleports to get places faster. And my underlying fact of my video was you can build the whole trample steam in 2 minutes, I just added the extra minute of getting to the box for anyone interesting. Maybe I titled the video wrong, maybe I should have said best and fastest way to build the trample steam. But again I said it was a learning process. I don't mean any disrespect because I can see from the few posts I have read from you or about you that you are respected by this community.
  18. The video wasn't just about the moving of parts, it was the strategy of which ones to move and how to move them. If these other guys posted videos about how to do it, then its just a coincidence because great minds do think a like. But that is not the case, the video 5and5 posted (that I didn't even know his name till now) was just showing how to move them about and I didn't check MegaTinyBoy because I'm assuming (I know assuming is bad cus it makes and asss out of u and me, but I'm in a hurry right now) he did the same thing. And since they didn't post the video and all I saw was relaxings video on how to do it, which i guess i can post right now (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuD-hw_kIpE ), I thought I would post a video on how to do it even fastser. And my way IS faster because it cuts the time almost by another half. So just to summarize, I'm not mad at you cus I know some people cuss cus its the internetz and My video is original cus it shows a much faster way to build the trample steam. and to address Rissole, I do understand why you would trust chopper, because based on post count, yall both look like you have been on this forum for a while. And as stated earlier, I am in a hurry and that is why I didn't have the time to do a guide. Next time I will d oit fully or not do it at all. I really want to get known in this community even if its 1k subs or 1mil subs. And I would like not to step on any toes in the process. Sorry for any trouble caused by this
  19. And yes I didn't put credit in that video but i directed you back to my original video that i posted a couple days ago where I did credit relaxing end for showing me the strategy. Plus I didn't even use his strategy verbatim, I mixed it up and made it a whopping minute faster . I don't try to be mean because I just started this channel and won't to grow but I get on the defensive side when someone drops the f bomb.
  20. did you even watch the video? yes i did give credit. And I haven't seen this video anywhere because I do look. Im not going to be a bitch and vid steal others. Give me a link where others have posted this vid and il prove to you how I personally changed the strategy to make it better.
  21. I just wanted to post the best way on how to build the trample steam. You can basically build the trample steam in 2 minutes instead of the normal 5+ minutes. This is helpful to all those zombie players that would like to shave off as much time as possible in the preparation of going for high rounds.
  22. perma jug goes away at round 15, if you go down at round 15 you will take two hits when you get up. if you go down before then you still will come back and take 4 hits. This is very helpful when playing with 4 people and doing easter eggs in the early round.
  23. Another point, would you consider these three things boosting? Starting on round 20 on town to get kills faster and ending the game when you are about to go down to save your kd boosting for kills leaderboard and higher kd? is using the galva method on die rise boosting for high kills using galva method and using the skullcrusher's noob tube on insta kill for gernade kills. (yes the noob tube does count as gernade kills if you weren't sure)
  24. Wouldn't the calender that is on the wall be the date that the rockets hit the earth since no one would have been in the skyscrapers to change the calender?
  25. yep fence was the word i was looking for, thx.
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