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Everything posted by BriggzyJ97

  1. Peacekeeper all the way. Tactical insertions could work if you want to get to the bank straight away after you spawn. Probably wouldnt use them, but they would be interesting. Shock charges as well would be interesting, I would use them over normal grenades.
  2. This is one good thing for us ps3 players, all bugs are worked out before we get it. Not like I'm boasting or anything :D
  3. Road to diamond: Five-Seven: 100% Tac-45 : 100% B23R: 15% Executioner: 30% Kap-?? : 0%
  4. This part is interesting, because although there are many women in the house, they are the same women. She reminds me so much of the scientist women [cant remember her name, brother to Robert] from Bioshock infinate
  5. Unless mine and my friends tables are glitched as well, you can only put the correct navcard in once. Once you have out the correct one in then it is completed until you reset the EE's
  6. I think something new and original is needed. No offence hellhound lovers but I think that card has been played too many times, everyone knows exactly what to do and they carry no wow factor, it's just "oh, it's dogs" compared to "ahh shoot that crazy witch chasing me" The JJacks are okay, but it's normally either kill or be killed with them. Either in the corner behind a flinger, or surrounded by them. I like Brutus , it's a clever way to encourage quick fast paced games if you get a huge powerful guy spawning directly on top of you. And although I hate them, the smoke grenades are also a pretty cool idea I've yet to encounter the witches so.... I think boss rounds are also a needed break in the hordes
  7. Honestly, I don't think treyarch will put in 4 grief maps in one map pack. It's like putting only salad out at a buffet. Some people don't like it. However what they could do is make a new massive survival/ story map, like tranzit ( but without the fog/ denizens/ bus. Put a grief mode in there, a turned mode, a new mode possibly, plus a load of smaller maps like town survival. This would cater for everyone and everyone would be happy. People who don't like grief would be severly annoyed if they got lumbered with just one new map
  8. I'm sorry, but that is simply not true. Well at least in my experiance. Skulls know their way just around the map just as well as anyone else. I was telling a shotgunner how to get the spork the other day. Fair anough about doing EEs with randoms, I have never done that . And the differance between bo1 lobby leads and the ranks is that the lobby leads have a specific round number, and tells you how they are at things like reviving etc, Whereas with the ranks you just have normally incorrect expectations of that person, without knowing that person. To me that is literally the definition of prejudice.
  9. Juggernog as well, it's the only one that is necessary, if there was a map without jug I would not be happy. My perks: Juggernog Double Tap 2.0 Quick revive Either Who's who, tombstone and possibly Vulture aid when it graces ps3's stage. I always get annoyed at people who don't get quick revive. Especially when they then can't revive you. People, ALWAYS buy quick revive. It's needed to get to any high round. The only excuse of not buying it is if you already have perma-QR
  10. Yeah I agree with you OP Redirect: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=31884
  11. Hey everybody, as always sorry if this reasoning and theory has come up before. So, many people have thrown up Agartha as the next map and I say this is true. I think this because of one thing, Samantha. No matter what side of the Easter egg you do, the fact remains that maxis truly believes that Sam is in Agartha waiting to be freed. Now if this is true then what's to say the O4 ( or O3) are not also alive and well, with Sam, in Agartha. This would make it entirely plausible for us as the player, to be the O3 + Sam, fighting to get out of Agartha. Then, depending on the Easter eggs that have been done, we could have either Maxis trying to help them or Ricky trying to stop them. Just my thoughts :D
  12. Rusty cage, where are we going or Won't back down. Rusty cage fits with the map beautifully Where are we going is very well performed and recorded, and fits the map well Won't back down is just awesome :D
  13. -Favourite layout? Die Rise, I liked how it was so differant to any other map, Ascension is my fave horizontal map layout -Favourite starting room? Ascension, even though when Buried comes out on ps3 it might become top -Favourite map with the best wall weapons? Die Rise, the box is never visited. -Favourite map with the best Wonder Weapon(s)? Call of the dead or Mob of the dead. Because of the VR11 and the Vit With -Favourite way to access the Pack-a-Punch? MotD. Icarus FLY -Favourite map with the best traps? MotD. Off with your head -Favourite map with the best special enemy(enemies)? Tranzit, I hate Him, but he is awesome -Favourite way to get the Free Perk power-up? Die Rise monkeys, it's just a free round, free 2000 points and a free perk.
  14. AN has got to come first, just for the pure power of the gun, keeps me going till round 18 every game, then upgraded will keep me going forever. SVU comes second. I just love the feeling of headshotting zombies like a quickfire, shooting range. I've got an Shadowy Veil Utiliser in the fridge atm. Third is the Uzi, it's fire rate and movibility are amazing. The FG42 is very fun to use and when I go on der riese it's the first thing I get. When buried comes out on ps3 the LSAT will be pretty high up on my list as well
  15. First of all can I say that as elements come in most cultures and things across the world and most of history, electricity is not an element. It's fire, water, earth and air. Sometimes these elements are told to be have once been together as a substance called the aether. Anyway I have two theories Theory 1 My first theory is that Motd is not included in the elements due to it not being in time with the others. This would make it that the last map pack would be water related. Maybe our dreams of Atlantis are coming true Theory 2 Motd is included in the elements meaning that all elements are accounted for. This could only mean one thing. The next map is going to be about or even in the aether. This seems to make sense to me Just my ideas :)
  16. Great analysis. The part about Al saying how he will rule the world and damning the dead, looks interesting Just had this crazy theory that perhaps Al is Richtofen. Actually that probably can't be true, but ill throw it out there anyway. Don't know why no one else has commented :?
  17. My theory at the moment, regarding Avagadro is that, someone in afterlife mode is captured by the government, they are then sealed within the power station, then they are driven mad by being having the energy sucked out of him. He becomes enraged at humanity, where he attacks the first thing he sees, the GR4
  18. I agree with Infest, unless they do something Awesome with the underwater gameplay mechanics. Then Indont see it happening. Perhaps a map with an area that is flooded at the start but the water gradually drops revealing new areas and items ( perks, PaP). However I think the idea of a "boss" zombie has been done now. What I'm thinking could be next is a huge "boss", which doesn't actually move but can interact with a section of the map. Like in one walkway a huge insect appears and can fly up and down one pathway snatching people up and delivering them somewhere else. The flying technology is certainly available from Icarus. This is what I thought the achievement "Face the Dragon" was going to be like, but I got it wrong.
  19. Yeah, in the camo there are: Alchemists transmutation circles The pentegrams And these symbols http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchemical_symbol They seem to denote to differant chemical and metals, like the King of Toast was saying above. I think that treyarch put them in to just look cool and they slightly reference satanic arts as alchemists were portrayed as demonic in the dark ages I tried to match up the writing on the wardens wall to some sort of language and writings, but after long searching I couldn't find anything. I think that writing is a message
  20. I don't dislike them, but I feel they haven't got the same, almost stereotypical like ability as the O4. I mean who doesn't like a mad- German, an honourable Japanese man, an angry American and a drunk Russian. It's almost like we were brought up around these characters. And I seem to circle around madness so Richtofen has always been a favourite ;)
  21. Been playing Cod since I was 8. Zombies since 11. And about the swearing. I have been brought up with an average amount of swearing in my life. But I think it's just the sort of person you are, I barely ever swear, maybe like 10 times a year, but not because I don't like it, just because I don't need it. I have plenty of words other then swears to use, so I think what's the point using one of those words which might offend people. I think that the more swearing in the family the more a person is likely to swear, unless they make a mental decision not to. Just my thoughts ;)
  22. I wasn't sure which to say. Set is The god of chaos and the desert. But Osiris is The Lord of the dead, which is what I was going on here. If I was going on the " evil" gods, I probably wouldn't have said Hades either. Thanks Scoldon.
  23. I had a glitch yesterday where I used the gondala with someone on it. And it killed both of us instantly. Just like when you die when diving onto one another, but it was instant. It was quite annoying because we were both set up with no money. You're glitch might be to do with you're friend being down. It might have interfered with the X button for some reason.
  24. First of all very well done linking all of these parts together. Secondly I couldn't help laughing at the part about the golden phallus/rod. All of those kids playing COTD shouting "I've got the golden rod" Thirdly I like how the connection between Osiris/Set and Maxis/Richtofen. That part sounds way good to be not true or it must be partly true. Finally. Brilliant, really. No surely not, really. Really, oh ok if you insist Seriously though, you don't know how happy that makes me.
  25. Thanks everyone, this means a lot :lol:
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