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Everything posted by BriggzyJ97

  1. Good ideas though, but if this isn't the build able weapon then what is, because in my opinion there's bound to be one ----Briggzy
  2. Ahh yh then when the government come in afterwards to investigate (Grief anyone ? ) They find "Him" and transport him to green run. I severely doubt he walked there :D
  3. Thanks to all ;)
  4. Ahh I was wondering about how such a flimsy looking plane would make it all the way from Alcatraz to the GG bridge and had completely forgot about the Da Vinci heat elevation principle . If there's a air screw present then this could definately explain it. Idk how I missed the air screw. Thanks for pointing it out.
  5. Hey everybody , Briggzy here and I thought I should make one of these seeing as I haven't yet. Anyway hi I'm Briggzy or Briggs or whatever you want to call me . My favourite colour is a dark green likethis my fave character is Richtofen , fave grenade is QED's even when they give me terrible things, just for the fact that they are completely random and fun. fave weapon is Python and Executioner. My favourite maps in order with 1 being the best and 13 being the worst are; [*:3dp5s7dt]Die Rise[*:3dp5s7dt]Moon[*:3dp5s7dt]Der riese[*:3dp5s7dt]Ascension[*:3dp5s7dt]Dead ops Arcade( don't understand the hate)[*:3dp5s7dt]Shi no numa[*:3dp5s7dt]Five[*:3dp5s7dt]COTD[*:3dp5s7dt]Kino[*:3dp5s7dt]Shangri-La[*:3dp5s7dt]Tranzit[*:3dp5s7dt]NDU[*:3dp5s7dt]Verruckt My fave perk is Phd and then Who's Who just because of the voice that goes "who's who" when you die Thanks and I am looking forward to theorising with you all ---- Briggzy
  6. Hey Codz, I doubt I was the only one who thought about this but couldn't find another thread so I decided to post one , Anyway I realised how similar the afterlife mode and " Him" are; [*:33i05khw]The ability to "shoot lightning"[*:33i05khw]The colour scheme(A sort of electric blue)[*:33i05khw]A sort of "hadouken"-esque style movement and timing [*:33i05khw]The ability to give power to machinery These things made me that they are definitely connected and I thought that maybe "Him" and afterlife are connected and this made me think that we really know nothing about "Him" So here's my theories about it; [*:33i05khw]Avagadro is someone in afterlife modeThis makes the most sense because of the simelarities . Also if a bunch of scientists locked you up in a tube and sucked the power out of you for nigh on 80 years then you would be pretty annoyed, enough to attack anyone that got in your way especially 4 people on a talking bus [*:33i05khw]Avagadro is an advanced version of afterlife This is completely plausible and have no evidence to support or disapprove of this [*:33i05khw]Avogadro and Afterlife are completely unrelatedI can't find myself to believe this because they both look so similar Perhaps we will find out which of these, if any , are true but I just thought I would put this out there. P.S. sorry if the formatting is bad and if u faint from an overdose of lists ---- Briggzy
  7. And (hopefully) awnsering a whole lot of unanswered questions I'm hyped as well
  8. Perhaps like an assist bonus for taking down half of him seeing as its such a big bonus
  9. I was doin Tranzit Easter egg and my friend was host . We got to power and maxis didn't start talking so I was suspicious but couldn't think of anything that we had done wrong so we continued. We did it all and still nothing so I asked my friend "WAIT! Is this on easy difficulty" Him "Oh Yeah, Why". Facepalm , that's two hours wasted. Have now tried it about 30 times, still haven't got it. :x
  10. Maybe Sacrafice and salvation
  11. Perhaps there's two game modes (Like tranzit and survival) where one mode the game ends with you escaping and one mode you fight on in Alcatraz
  12. Although you've probably got enough suggestions here's a new method ( I think ). 1)Just go into any right angled corner. 2)Move forward very slightly. 3)Put Trample steam down. 4)Move back into corner and sit still (Unless a JJack gets past). 5)Collect perk, ammo and points This pretty much always works for me and once I got the hang of it JJack rounds are a breeze , maybe even funny to watch , rather then the manic time they once were . The only things that can go wrong is placing the Trample Steam too close too the wall and getting flung or the trample steam randomly breaks
  13. Some nice research here , and that part about the "ghost"warden could certainly be either the "boss" zombie or the screaming warden at the beginning of the video
  14. Apart from the suspected 80 year time differance and I doubt time travel is involved with a plane
  15. However I also wouldn't say that maxis and richtofen talking and giving instructions is "hidden" but they are definately Easter eggs so MOTD's could easily be just as hidden as previous EEs
  16. Alright k thx didn't know about asylum thx :)
  17. I always get put as Stulinger so I hear these voices every time I play and although I don't have a sound file I promise you that I heard the voices say something that sounded very much like "help" . Doesn't really help but thought I'd add another peice into the puzzle
  18. Hello , this is my first post by the way. Anyway I was looking around and I saw these Chinese mythological "hopping vampires or zombies. Sound like anything that we know . Anyway just a thought here's the link http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiangshi#section_5. Thanks, Briggzy
  19. Hmm nice thought but I am having trouble imagining this to be true . I mean the nova 6 crawlers/Phasers/JJacks all seem to be just as smart as the zombies (I.e running into trample steams and the like) and they don't seem to be capable of speech ( "mend the rift")
  20. Hi , first reply by the way Well I was thinking about this and I thought that if richtofen has been hearing these voices for a long time then they would have wanted him to get in control because they implanted the paranoia and schemes ( e.g trapping maxis and Samantha) so in my eyes he is like a puppet for this entity because they can't alter the world . Just a thought
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