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Everything posted by BriggzyJ97

  1. Plus due to the fact that there is a lot of steam around the zombie head, it makes it seem like its a specifically designed suit to make the zombie stronger and perhaps more easily controlled.
  2. Hey, With the release of the new apocalypse trailer there have been two screenshots which interested me: This And this: This looks like the mysterious temple to me, and the first part looks alien to me (Or Vril-ya)
  3. Yeah, I don't know why they would be diving round northern France... Maybe an experiment in artificial intelligence.
  4. To me it looks like the new Zombie cyborgs look like a new boss zombie, whether they will be round specific or a Brutus type boss I'm not sure. I'm imagining about 3-4 dropping from the sky then chasing you every 5 rounds. Like Juggernauts... They look like bioshocks Big Daddy... Now onto the issue of the nature of these creatures. I call them a "cyborg" because to me, they look like they are just a floating zombie head melded onto a robot.
  5. I'm hoping there will still be the funny ones. Nicki won't be that drunk, tank will be less angry, Takeo will be less honour bound and Eddy will be less crazy
  6. Agreed, I don't know how they will explain the PaP though.... Flickering perks anyone? I'll miss my new Mark2 RayGun :cry:
  7. Also do not repeatedly post requests of this type, they are meant for the teammate finder section. Plus if people want to do the EE then they would have replied to your first post or PM ed you
  8. Honestly, yes. The only thing which I have had a problem with is the ranks and leaderboards. Everything else is how I imagined it would be. It feels new, fresh and most importantly unique
  9. ......I'm happy with apocalypse.... Origins looks awesome, Treyarch are likely to add in the new game modes like they did with buried. They could very possibly add in stuff to other maps as well. I don't mind remakes of old maps and they look okay I haven't really seen them. A whole new arsenal, new WW, 2 new vehicles, a huge robot, an ancient, mysterious temple in a historical important and accurate setting. Lots of answers that will be answered. That sounds good to me..... To people that arnt happy... Imagine a map pack with no zombies at all. That is what the MP fans would feelif it was all zombies. Treyarch can't please everyone
  10. There's still quite a lot of living people in that small image, that confuses me, surely we won't be that many CPUs in the game.
  11. May I say that these pictures look like a higher quality than BO1 to me... Almost like they've been remastered...
  12. I don't think that this map will be Richtofen going back to the past for one reason only, he's young. Unless an extension of his soul has gone back into the past then I don't think that the Richtofen as we know him will be present. Which is a shame but oh well.
  13. Indeed, I wonder if the whole map will be set inside the robot, which we can make do things, like walk to PaP, I have a feeling that the robot will be unpowered when the game starts.
  14. I honestly think that Treyarch will implement PhD into all maps at some point....
  15. May I say that Aether most likely not a physical dimension. It is likely to be somewhere which is "blue and swirly all the time". There would be no mass, no land, nothing. Just energy and perhaps some souls wiz zing around interacting off of one another
  16. Oh my, I see why people don't like them In this video they talked a lot without really saying anything. Most of it they said that they have a theory that we will be having a sequel, they then advertised their site by producing imaginary cliffhangers( e.g. "On our site somewhere is a picture with all the answers") They then eventually said that Maxis is the driving force for the storyline, which of course he is. Mostly what they were doing is making themselves seem higher up without any reason to be so...
  17. A HUGE robot would probably do it for me...
  18. Yesterday, a ghost glitched so it was forever walking into a wall. It was really annoying because we had to go back through the house to kill it.
  19. One good place I've found is on the gunsmith roof. If you jump over from the bank roof, go to the left instead of the right, there is then a sloped roof, and a flat roof past that. They can only jump up at the very end of the flat roof, or on the roof by mule kick. If you put a flinger at the end of the flat roof then they can only come from the other end. This is also quite a big roof enabling small training and quick escape routes
  20. Mine took ages to come up, I thought it hadn't worked :P
  21. Rifle- AN-94/M27 LMG- LSAT SMG- Uzi Sniper-SVU Pistol-Python Shotgun-Executioner Special-Crossbow WunderWeapon- Mark 2 RayGun
  22. It would be better if they done this in an intro. I don't think it would be fun to go through a ton of maps until the last one. Agreed, unless you just had to spend one round in each one, or even just a quick screenshot of the maps while teleporting.
  23. It's a split way choice. You can either have less people, meaning you it will be quicker to get the EMPs. OR You can have more people making it the throwing EMP stage less likely to go wrong and quicker to build buildables. But you have to have 4 people who have done them all to do the buried box, so my advice is to get an EE team to do them all.
  24. You've got me added, but I only do hardcore :P
  25. I wonder what it would do... Make the player let out a scream every 20 seconds making the zombs stop for a second??
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