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Everything posted by BriggzyJ97

  1. The light is still there, but obviously you can't see it because of all the rock above you :)
  2. World at War has always been the true story for me. Tank Dempsey was the leader of a group sent into Verrückt to rescue the "playable characters" that we're stuck inside. The Black Ops versions only feature - - Comic Book loading Screens - Nacht Der Untoten has an additional secret song - Verrückt has an additional secret song - Shi No Numa has a radio that explains time travelling to far into the future, it's nearly the same as the Call of Dead audio. Apart from the characters, that is the only differences. ...But as we all know, this story has evolved over time. Perhaps we should discount everything from WaW since Treyarch made the Reboot maps after the story and popularity really took off. If so, I think the story of origin for our characters should also be thrown out. Nah, WaW is the actual story, the BO1 maps are not "reboots" they are just replays. They are for nostalgia and gameplay only
  3. Tch, I don't check codz for ONE hour and this happens. Typical. On the topic: English player, English player, English player, English player, English player. You don't even know how happy this makes me :) I was literally thinking yesterday, "wait a minute there's no English player at all" That definitely sounds like old fashioned English soldier speak to me. I've got a feeling that were going to either France or Germany next dlc.
  4. I don't believe so... I haven't seen anything on the web
  5. I don't think that backwards time travel is a lazy way to go for Treyarch, but it is a.... Problem inducing way. It causes more problems and creates too many unorthodox questions. I mean soon well have people saying that Richtofen is Samuels dad, Takeo's aunt, that in the next game there will be a crew made up of just Richtofen's. it's too much freedom with what could and has happened
  6. Wait a minute, is there a new turned map, how have I not heard about this!!
  7. Shout out to people like Eternal who can figure this stuff out from two notes. However, one thing is bugging me: why would Richtofen choose now to go back to Tunguska? Wouldn't that be something he had done before, back when he was with 935? He must be smart enough to know what would trap him in a loop, why would he go trap himself in one anyways? Unless it's the voices in his head telling him to... However if Richtofen was able to travel back in time, why wouldn't he just go back in time and kill Maxis as a baby or something that stop him being able to get in the way. Or maybe not as a baby because then Sam wouldn't have been able to be born, but perhaps just teleport to when Maxis was executed. Then just walk Maxis away from the MPD so his soul cannot be sucked into it.
  8. So, let's assume Richtofen is the Doctor referenced in this letter and let's assume it is Nikolai. If Richtofen knew about Nikolai and knew about the Tunguska incident, can we not assume also that Richtofen saw Tunguska as an opportunity to begin the events of all the Black Ops we've seen? I'm thinking now that Richtofen traveled back in time, met and befriended Nikolai prior to Tunguska, then simply waited for the rest of history to unfold. I've always suspected that Richtofen knew more than he should about the events ocurring and that he was being cryptic on purpose. You can't just travel back in time and demand things...You have to persuade subtley and gently whisper things in people's ears in order to sway their choices to achieve the end result you desire. My friends, I think this is what Richtofen has been doing all along. Once he joined 935 and time travel/teleportation was discovered, he developed a master plan to take over the world. These notes are illustrating how he accomplishes this from the current time in our story. I think the next map will see Richtofen going back in time to Tunguska, so he can perpetuate the actions that lead to his world domination, but he will never get to enjoy his supreme power because he will forever be stuck in a loop. However, Maxis is the only person in a position to stop him, Maxis the only unchecked variable. This is getting exciting! Did you mean that he developed a master plan to become in charge of the zombies. Because he did. He had been planning that since at least Kino. That's why he purposely teleported the O4 to COTD and Shangri-La. This would also lead to paradox upon paradox EDIT: ohh i understand now, okay, sorry bout that. The paradox thing still stands
  9. Excuse me, but how is that lazy, it's anything but. They have to do double the work to create two endings. And they are doing it so that it gives the public the choice of what to do. It makes the game a more personal experiance. That's like saying any government is lazy as it makes us, the public vote for who to be in charge. No it's for the public
  10. I think that the map physically cannot be affected for the reasons that bird man stated. Many people don't do the EE's. However I think that there will be two EE's in the next map. One for Eddy and One for Maxis. Also don't worry about pressing that button, im sure that it will save whatever side you put into power last.
  11. I haven't got buried yet is I can't really say but: Moon used to be my favourite, it's size, the new features, QEDs!. But because I have been playing BO2 for a long time recently, they don't see the same as they used to.
  12. :evil: :evil: :evil: NIKOLAI FTW Nikolai's slacking. Soon Takeo will be in front of him. And then the green DOA player :lol:
  13. No more release for 10 hours... Treyarch really do know how to create anticipation... If only we knew who wrote the first letter, because if it is Edward then it would mean O4 return.
  14. No, ok I'm going to have to edit the vote, I didn't mean to help you survive on round one i meant to help you survive the entire game that you recieve on round 1 Weapons seems to be winning
  15. Ooh imagine the conversations between the N4 and O4 Tank: So you're the new us, right?
  16. Ooh, ooh idea. Perhaps there will be a prequel. AND a new story enhancing map. By doing this Treyarch gives the users the O4 while still giving confusion about their lifestate. It seems like something they would do.
  17. I'm hoping the next page drop will be in the next 2 and a half hours because I have to go to bed then :/ Why can't Treyarch be in England :(
  18. I'm guessing that Nikolais one will involve vodka. Seeing as the 1st was science, Takeo's was honour
  19. Came to say this. It would be hard to believe that this isn't Takeo and they aren't hinting at the O4 being in the next map. I'm gonna be pretty mad if this is just some kind of cock tease from Treyarch. That truly would be the ultimate troll.
  20. Sorry for double posting, but what was the time frame between these two Facebook posts??
  21. Yeah that would certainly be interesting. They are definitely written by the differant people.
  22. Oops, you beat me to it GRILL Anyway, perhaps Takeo. Wasn't there a Japanese group similar to 935. I can't remember the name
  23. Meaning there could possibly be more on the way
  24. Oh, i didn't mean, "which of these would you want FOR round 1" I meant "which of these would you want to get at the start of the game to help you with the entire game"
  25. Perhaps it's a metaphorical warning. The writer was worried about maxis digging way back then, now we should be worrying how he is digging after Samantha now. By the way this might not be a direct reference to the map, I mean most of the other diary entries don't directly reference die rise and Buried
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