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Everything posted by BriggzyJ97

  1. Is anyone, or does anyone have access to a handwriting analyst. To me the curls on the writing show that the person who wrote it is of the higher class. The emphasis on letters like the top of the O is commen in feminine people, whether that be a woman or a feminine man I don't know. The angling of the words, the spelling shows that the person who wrote it is in a hurry. The fact that the handwriting near the end increases in size shows either two things, he/she is emotional about this or they like having a full page. I honestly think this is Sophia.
  2. May i say that "the doctor" does not necessarily mean Richtofen. It could be Maxis, in which case it could be Sophia, schuster. Anyone. I don't think Richtofen had any close friends
  3. I've already done ToB, HM and MG ALL Rictofen!! What have I done?!? Yay more souls to add to the league #Dumbledore'sRichtofen's Army
  4. I still have absolutely no idea why they changed it from the old system. "Don't fix what ain't broken"
  5. Plus Richtofen and Maxis want Richtofens body ( not in that way ) so I would think we're going there at some point.
  6. Hey codz, I was just wondering which of these you value the most, either perks, weapons, space, or equipment So which of these would you want most when you start a game of zombs Perks: You get of 4 perks that are available on the map you are playing on Weapons: You get 2 weapons of your choice and you get to upgrade one of them. Space: All doors are opened. Everything is accessible. Equipment: You whatever special grenade you want from that map and you all buildables are premade. So which one??, feel free to state reasons below. I would pick perks mainly because I can't survive for long after 15 without them, for me they are also the most expensivee because I mainly buy wall weapons.
  7. Why may I ask? And DeathBringer, how would that work? Your still holding the gun even down. In Whos Who and Tombstone you only have the M1911. Yeah, it's the lack of Phd, until that comes back( and not the persistent upgrade) I refuse to use the Ray gun apart from a few early rounds sometimes. It brings me more trouble then good.
  8. Right, Here we go. All of these are CO-OP as I don't do Solo Nacht: 13 http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/401/xq75.jpg/ Der R: 37 http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/703/24vm.jpg/ Every time I go onto Image shack it wipes my codz reply, so these are the only two I can get with this post. Edit: ill have to do the rest through an edit. COTD: 35 http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/577/mbmq.jpg/ Shangri-La: 37 http://imageshack.us/photo/photo/16/g8vv.jpg/ That's all I can be bothered to get at the moment, that took 20 mins to get :p
  9. ... I don't even want 1 ray gun let alone 2....
  10. I cant really remember where I got that idea from. But I suppose it is plausible, in a weird sort of way. I mean MOTD was set in 1933, and I would guess weasel is about 27-35 years old in that (even though I'm terrible with ages), so if he then breaks the cycle and is allowed to leave purgatory then by 1945( The timing-ish for Shi No Numa(Thanks Tac for your thread)) he would be about 40-47, which is about the ageing of Richtofen, and even if you were to say he's older, the timing of Shi No Numa is not confirmed and could be anytime from 1945 onwards according to Tacs thread. Of course there is the issue with his facial structure/hair. From what I remember, Weasel is bald in MOTD, however Richtofen has a thin layer of hair. However what if the weasel is just shaved, because as a mobster he might think that looks better or because he was told to by his boss. And then when he left for Germany he started growing it again. Then because he's a doctor with a perchance for murder and experimentation, perhaps he experimented with facial augmentation, on himself. Then his accent, perhaps it was self inflicted, because he wanted to join 935 and its unlikely they would hire anyone who isn't German. Or it came from years of him living there. That's quite a crazy theory though
  11. Looks like I'll get ready to call my sick days. You need a replacer :D
  12. Everyone has their own opinion on the maps.... There's no point debating it..... It's like me asking what's the best topping on a pizza.
  13. Yep, completely plausable, I don't think well know until dlc info day.
  14. It's happened to me at least 5 times on the barrier on the roof, just to the right of the Bowie Knife. That's the only place it's happened to me.
  15. Richtofen all the way, "The SPLEENS!!", "Shrink?!?!, No I'm a real doctor" I voted for him, submitted, then realised I could pick three, so I can't vote for any more now The other two would be: Takeo: For Honour Russman: "Up, Down, Turn around, kill a herd o' zombies" I now sing this randomly
  16. I'm not sure if you included BO when you said since BO but COTD was solo. Just to be a pedant
  17. I wasn't aware of Codz or any theory forum way back then so I'm not sure what the general consensus of the Pentagon thief is. But I always thought of him as a ghost of a scientist who died at the pentagon. He was driven mad at some point, either before or after he died. He was then turned solid by the teleporters and the 115 they utilised. Just my opinion
  18. To be honest, it would be strange if this one is single player, seeing as none of the else are. It would be pointless, due to you having to do all EE's to complete the N4 Box
  19. I don't think you get the point... it doesn't matter you can start it in Solo. You'll never be able to finish it. Has anyone tried doing it with less than 4 players, because perhaps all the targets don't show up. Like 3 players = 3 locations worth, 2 players = 2 locations worth and so on.
  20. All my Co-Op records are below but the best I can do for the BO2 ones is my word, because of the stupidly designed leaderboards. As for the BO1 high rounds I can get you the proof tommorrow( because its getting late here now) or Throw a monkey Bomb, or feedthemachine94 could vouch for me if they want to. Good idea btw
  21. Sorry to be pedantic.. Again. But it's SLDG HAMR. It's a pun because HAMR looks and sounds like Hammer, and the SLDG HAMR looks and sounds like SledgeHammer, which is a bigger and more powerful version of a normal Hammer. Sorry, that was a typo. Oh, sorry I saw someone write it as SLOG earlier as well. So I was wondering if it was a commen thing. Obviously not :)
  22. Yeah it's as good a theory as any I think that the COTD team were targeted because of how they helped the O4, but I've never had an explanation for the Five crew.
  23. I was wondering if I phrased that so it would be easy to understand. I'm terrible at phrasing things . That's not what I meant. Ill try again in bullet points Fact 1: The body gets older Fact 2: The soul doesn't get older, it is ageless. Fact 3: The voice is connected to the soul, shown though when Sam and Ed trade souls they bring their voices with them. Therefore the voice doesn't age as it is connected to the ageless soul rather than the ageing body. However it is obvious that the voice does age due to everyone's voices matching their body. Therefore we have a paradox, where the voice cannot age but does.
  24. In my opinion the demon she mentions/The Ultimate Evil is not in Samantha's body. I think of it like this The zombie collective mind is at the end of a corridor. They are watching a TV at the other end of the corridor, which is giving them instructions. This is the Ultimate Evil. The MPD has the power to put another TV in the middle if the corridor, this blocks the instructions that are coming for the other TV, while sending its own instructions out. Here's a basic diagram Before MPD activated: Aether The world ----------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Evil ------------instructions--------> Zombies -------------------------------------------------------------- After Sam falls into the MPD: Aether. The world ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UE------instructions----> Sam's/Ed's soul----- instructions---> Zombies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This explains both how the control of the zombies works and how Sam has knowledge of the UE, because she is still receiving the UE's instructions. However because she is not mindless like the zombies she can choose to not follow them. As for her ageing her body, as MMX said, is frozen and cannot age. Her soul also cannot age as a soul is ageless and can never die. Her voice however is up for debate as it seems that in this universe the voice is attached to the soul rather than to the body and more specifically the voice box. This would mean that the voice will not age as it connected to the ageless soul. However this is contradictory as obviously the voice ages otherwise the O4 will all sound like children, which is not the case. The only reasoning I can find behind this is if the ageing of the voice is psychological, so that because people expect their voice to change as they get older, it does. Just my thoughts
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