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Everything posted by BriggzyJ97

  1. Yeah, these ones normally help me: Knife something= use/buy/interact with this Knife something, then jump, run to something else and knife that= use/buy/interact with that, then use/buy/interact with this Jump repeatably= follow me
  2. So everyone knows that there are two box locations in the maze, but I have heard that it can only spawn in the maze if a player is there when the box moves. Can anyone confirm this
  3. Sweet I've wanted this for a while, hopefully it last longer than the green mist... This is what I think this will be. An equipment (claymore) esque thing which when pressed makes zombies run away from you. It sounds like something Treyarch would do, seeing as many people were complaining about how they kept walking into the green mist by accident, causing trains and the like to be messed up. Now they can choose when to use it.
  4. Perhaps... I knew something wasn't right when Maxis asked Samantha to "kill them all". Like, how do you even ask a kid to do something like that? Even if she is stuck in the MPD and is capable of controlling the zombies. Maxis definitely knows more about Samantha than we do. Origins is definitely going to change everything we know about Zombies. I have also always thought that Richtofen hated Samantha too much. Like he seriously hated that girls guts.
  5. So that's fire confirmed. It looks like the Elemental crystal can easily be swapped out for a differant one.
  6. That looks amazing. In going to be running around like "you shall not pass"
  7. I'm thinking, Fire, water, Air , Earth. But what would be Awesome to the extreme, is if two players with two differant elements used their staff on the same area then a combination would occur E.G. Fire+Water= Fog (causes fog to roll in) Fire+Air = Lightning (Causes chain reaction of damage between zombies) Fire+Earth= Lava (causes floor to be deadly to both zombies and players) Water+ Air = Rain (causes weather to change to rain) Water +Earth= Mud (causes effect similar to sliquifier) Air+Earth= idk snow perhaps (causes weather to change to snow) Admit it, that would be awesome
  8. He was alive a few months prior to Der Riese. So technically, he'd be liked 80 or 90 in Verruckt. Oh was he, I didn't know. Even still, I see no problem with this, he does sound relatively old in the radios and such. well to me at least.
  9. I was talking to someone about this earlier and I realised the only inconsistency about Maxis is Samantha. I believe that Samantha is actually a Vryl-Ya so... Also people are saying that maxis will be 80 or so in Der Riese. He's not alive in Der Riese though so he requires no age . It's also completely plausable that Sophia and Samantha's Mother could fall for an older gentlemen. Especially Sophia, because she sees how passionate Maxis is about his work.
  10. Has anyone experianced zombies near the gazebo completely ignoring them and walking slowly towards Stamin Up. This has only happened to me when there has only been one zombie left, and I can assure you there was no green gas involved. Just wondering if it has happened to anyone else??
  11. To me the machine looks more like an energy extractor. I don't know why, but when I see it I imagine a giant pressed needle being pushed into the ground, then the plunger is pulled back taking energy from the earth. It's like it's taking earths blood. Just my idea :)
  12. I've always had the theory that Sam only had these tones when she had heightened emotions (Hate,Joy,Sadness), because that's when she had less control over the entity in the MPD. When she has been calm before her voice has always been just a young girls, so why the change??
  13. That would be ... Disturbing. Having your wife in your daughters body. Maybe Maxis and Samantha have existed for all of time and have just traded bodies for all of existence.
  14. Seeing as they have shown the meteors to have the circular patterns, like the tomb walls and the temple megaliths. Perhaps all meteorites are Vryl-Ya structures that have been entangled with some sort of energy, changing the properties of the stone.
  15. That's a possibility but it doesn't explain everyone else. I mean, Richtofen Jr.? Tank Jr.? But they are not that old. If they are all about 20-25, they they would be about 42-50 years old, whichcould be possible. Scratch that, that would make them too old in my eyes.
  16. Perhaps the Maxis in the Intro was Ludvig Maxis Senior, who then had a son called Maxis Junior, the one we know. I doubt this myself but I just thought I would through this out there.
  17. I doubt it. Even though Treyarch like raising questions, that would be so out there it's ridiculous The screenshot released earlier kinda showed it pretty obvious. Yes, it's the New Model Army. Which is nice, since it is WAY better than the Python. And that was Samantha's demonic voice. You know, the voice she uses when controlling zombies and such. Now the question is, how would she know about all this? Right, to me it seems that voice is way more demonic than sams. Perhaps the demon in the MPD has gotten stronger. I think, as someone said above, that that is not Sam and is something else called Sam, which perhaps Maxis named his child after. Sorry about the Remington but that and the Python look almost identical apart from a slightly longer barrel and a hexagonal chamber rather than circular.
  18. Yes but creating another reality where maxis died, so that Samantha never went after the O4, so that Richtofen rules without opposition, not too mention that most if not all 935 made equipment including teleporters and WunderWeapons wouldn't exist. And countless other things. All I'm saying is that without Maxis the zombieverse as we know it wouldn't exist.
  19. I think that puts to rest the theory of it being maxis in the blacked out portrait then. His beard would be there. I love that beard though. Was that the Remington new model army?? Samantha either sounded really old, a man, or an alien. I doubt it. Even though Treyarch like raising questions, that would be so out there it's ridiculous
  20. My PS3 freezes regularly on any game. It's not even that old, in fact it's my 4th PS3 due to the other ones dying or something. The most regular freeze is normally that the image and the game itself stops but any music that is on at that moment continues playing. Hmmm. Only game that has ever froze on my PS3 was Black Ops II, and I had my PS3 for at least 2 years. Maybe I've just got bad luck then. My pS3 always has no memory, which I've always thought has affected its power.
  21. There is no way he is a robot... He's a zombie, but most of his flesh is gone, due to the fact that he is from the middle ages. Agreed, there is definately skin there but has shrank as old skin does, it is like a mummy. Also due to muscle mass eroding away the arm Is very thin .
  22. Thank you. Well, the site was down for several months... So... yeah... Ha ok, I know how that goes. Great post though. What do you think about the Gersch purple color? Does anyone else think his right arm and fingers look metallic, not like bone? They seem to be smooth and shiny. And he's holding the head of someone in a gas mask, maybe one of the 935 excavators? Maybe it's a zombie head, in which case, ally. Like Leroy but awesomer with swords and stuff ;)
  23. In the medieval zombie picture behind the zombie, is the object the 935 symbol is on a crate or a tomb. Those eyes don't really look blue to me, more of a light purple. Perhaps there are multiple controllers fighting for power Something about the purple is screaming out to me that a Vril-Ya is in charge. There's nothing really to say about the Takeo picture.
  24. PINNAZ posted that picture ages ago. That's what this last page has been about, like seriously how did you not see it posted. I think it's a magnum and an Olympia
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