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Everything posted by BriggzyJ97

  1. Okay, that makes the most sense I suppose. I was thinking either that or the RPD.
  2. Sorry to be pedantic.. Again. But it's SLDG HAMR. It's a pun because HAMR looks and sounds like Hammer, and the SLDG HAMR looks and sounds like SledgeHammer, which is a bigger and more powerful version of a normal Hammer.
  3. Does anyone know what the LSAT changes to on the Non LSAT maps??
  4. Yep, The mustang and sallies, the beginning pistol, the ballistic knives, the ray gun and any map specific "wonder weapons" cannot be stored
  5. As long as all 12 "main" lights are all one colour and the 3 NavCard lights are lit then you've done everything right, I think
  6. I think that if any of the N4 are carried on it would be Stulinger/StuTofen. He's the only one with any importance to the story, due to him being the vessel for Richtofen. Also I don't think anyone would be able to survive in a group of 4 in this world. not without the help of a certain German and his mystery box.
  7. I would say that if they time travelled, her voice would have stayed the same but if not then her voice would have changed as her voice has been age by Richtofens old vocal chords. I wouldn't be surprised if her voice had inherited a "masculine" tone from Richtofen as well.
  8. Very nice work, a great resource. P.S. Tranzit Cut Quotes- Richtofen. The question mark in the third from bottom quote is "Omnipotent" I think. I only got know that from someone's old sig. Naitrax I think
  9. Yep, you can just do the maxis side to fix it. The box has to have the 12 main lights completely lit, either Maxis or Richtofen. And the three NavCard lights on the top of the box have to be lit as well.
  10. Yeah, I have no idea either . That last idea sounds cool. I never considered that the hunters cabin was someone living after the apocalypse
  11. Yeah they definately say "Sam" when close anough. I was under the impression that the denezins where a local existing mammal, like a gopher or something, which then because of the ash clouds in the sky and the ensuing darkness evolved to be able to see better in the dark, therefore the big eyes. They then attack people because of the territorial instincts from they're previous evolution. Well if "He" is connected to the aether, then he would say "Sam" for the same reason the zombies do. Either Richtofen keeps them saying it for nostalgias sake, or the have a voice box memory (like if you say something alot it becomes more likely you say it)
  12. Are you sure, because "He" doesn't swipe, unless I'm mistaken he only does the long range lightning attack, if a zombie was with him then you might of heard him rather than "Him"
  13. Not to be pedantic but this is true. You can survive in either of the tunnels, or the start room when power is on without the helmet, or in the labs when no windows have been broken or in the bio done pre-breaching. You can also survive in A51 without a helmet. Plus you can run between most areas without a helmet if you're quick.
  14. Creepy song... But pretty cool at the same time. I haven't heard it before so it's possible that its been out in with the patch.
  15. Has anyone said the mystical magical ladder that drops from the roof giving you everything you could have wanted Edit: On Kino Der Toten
  16. I doubt it. For all we know, what's been two years for us could have been two minutes for them (if they returned, of course). Not to mention that a voice and "soul" cannot age. The vocal chords and brain do, but since that doesn't matter in this case, I don't think so. Yeah I suppose, plus if Treyarch did bring her back I think that a young girl would be a more... Interesting character than a young women. It would remind me of Ellie from The Last of Us
  17. Interesting question: Would Samantha's voice and soul have aged since Moon??
  18. Even though I haven't got it yet.( 5 days ). I know that ill be getting the LSAT almost every game. I love that gun with a burning passion :twisted:
  19. Hey codz, I was thinking earlier about how we could be going to Agartha next as both Maxis and Ricky have a reason to go there. But then I had another thought, what about if we go to the rift. It makes sense to me because Maxis wants to open the rift to get to Samantha, and Richtofen wants to mend the rift for god knows what reason.(Probably because he wants to heal the world so he can rule it properly) I had another reason behind this as well, but I can't remember it at the moment, so ill post it as this
  20. I so hope it's the O4, even though it won't be the same without Richtofen. I don't mind the N4 now though, they have grown on me Off topic: It's a gif of brad Pitt clapping with something obnoxiously sticking out of his mouth. Also thanks to Taklok for pointing this out. Now I want to get on my computer just to see it. I do all my codzing on my iPod you can tap on the image and open the image and it'll work. The amount of times I've done it and its just the "brains" emote :)
  21. Yeah, I agree. I thought they were going to carry this scheme forward to buried, but unfortunately no. I reckon they must have been going to do this, but then something changed their mind. Apart from the fact that its impossible to carry every peice at once, I don't see any reason not to do this.
  22. My friend went up to knife a few says ago. Just after he got up to knife rank I looked at his KD and it was about 50.245. The game before he was on 49.56. Just thought I would share
  23. you CAN fly with the jet gun. Not as well as you can with the paralyzer but its possible to float from one area to the other. Can you?? Sorry , I never use it Ill rephrase it: You can fly to new areas like the bank roof with the Jet Gun
  24. I think that the purpose of MOTD is to give us an example of what to do next. I think we will have to break another cycle. Honestly I hope that the M4 are not going to come back, I think that two main crews is bad anough, let alone three and then all the grief/turned crews as well. I preferred it when it was 4 men against the world :)
  25. Umm I got a few of the top of my head: Just knifing, Just m1911 Just pistols Always Jumping( this ones quite funny, especially with randoms) Turn up/down sensitivity way out of your comfort range) Always spinning.
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