So this guy Jimmy, just posted some photos yesterday on twitter, without any explanation, they are weeeeeeeird, and they got me thinking, here are the links: ... 04/photo/1 ... 61/photo/1 ... 04/photo/1 ... 69/photo/1
As you may see, there are 4 photos:
1.- Kind of an Adress, I googled it and the closest thing I got suggested was "an cheathru rua" a small town in Ireland, here is the wikipedia article: Maybe this is the new zombies map location? As regarding the rest of the adress, I couldn´t find a thing.
2.- It´s obviously a church, kinda like the one in tranzit, so I really dont know, maybe it´ll be a part of trazit in wich we will be playing?
3.- For my eyes, it is a weird face, I have no clue about this.
4.- It seems like a beverage or something, I only could think two things about that photo:
Jimmy was drunk.
A new perk.
I don´t know what you guys think, I´d like to hear it, maybe I´m just trippin balls and that´s it.