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Posts posted by Vyhl

  1. I just hope the XP progression system has no hinderence on gameplay like the ability to do EE's or anything. All I want is for it to allow us to unlock aesthetic changes only.

    Maybe different starting pistols or different camos for PaP.

    I really can see them doing something like this though. Since in BO3's MP there is very big focus on how you can have just about every attachment on every weapon now. Even rapid fire on sniper rifles ( just decreases bolt length for bolt actions). What if we could unlock attachments as we level up and have them equipped to our character persay, so that whenever we buy a wall weapon or get one out of the box the weapon automatically has this attachment on it?

  2. They already confirmed that the shadow man is the announcer for this map and anot Samantha.

    I'm sure the box will be Cthulhu inspired and maybe like a treasure chest or something.

  3. With all the sensitive people out there right now, especially flag related, it would be a bit foolish to go brandishing a swastika on your product.

    I agree it's a little nerving, but it's a smart business move and everyone here knows where we are in the game, and who we're fighting, no need to spell it out. 

    We should have to forego historical accuracy because some peoples feelings may get hurt or others might get offended.

    Feelings should never be more important than facts.


    Right, so you want 3arch to lose out money from a slight inaccuracy because a lot of people (including whole countries) are sensitive about this subject?

    It would be a slight amount of money, so yes. I hate how sensitive people have become. 

  4. With all the sensitive people out there right now, especially flag related, it would be a bit foolish to go brandishing a swastika on your product.

    I agree it's a little nerving, but it's a smart business move and everyone here knows where we are in the game, and who we're fighting, no need to spell it out. 

    We should not have to forego historical accuracy because some peoples feelings may get hurt or others might get offended.

    Feelings should never be more important than facts.

  5. I guess if the buildables are better this time around and more useful that'd be nice.

    I guess I hate them mostly because the nav cards and table idea was so poorly executed.

    Well in a real zombie apocalypse we'd be stringing things like car doors together to build weapons. 

    And while I do agree that I'd prefer easter eggs to be subtle, and that BO2's habit of forcing them down our throats was a bad idea, the power system in MOTD and origins was innovative and fun IMO. 

    Also, the "Campaign team" is not taking over, only Jason Blundel has moved to head of zombie research and development. 

    I didn't intend to sound like they were taking over persay, but this time around acitivision certainly put a lot more effort and time and help to the zombies part of of the game. 

    I think at this point its safe to say that members, or even different parts of the campaign team has at least helped in the past (motd and origins) and has now been fully signed on to help with zombies all year round.

    And considering Jimmy Z no longer works at treyarch and Blundell has replaced him. There's certainly a new direction zombies is going towards thats nothing like what we're used to getting.

  6. They said they were only had the idea of one remake on the table right now. I can't imagine they'd randomly re-make those 3 maps either, MOTD and origins made sense, but COTD? That's the most random map ever. I think those two posters are simply there to look cool. 

    It's not the most random...Richtofen was stationed there for quite some time and where the experiments on the O4 happened including our mystery portrait man from Kino. Heck, the remake could be during the 40's still while everything is intact and not destroyed by the landscape.

    But I do agree though, they're probably just there to look cool.

  7. I'm hoping buildables are gone for good but I'm still 99% sure they'll be back.

    I detest them completely and find them ultimately annoying. Origins and MotD were way too objective based and not enough survival based. I'm hoping that aspect is toned down in BO3 but considering the campaign team is the head for zombies now I'm sure it will only get worse.

    Honestly, I think everything outside of The Giant is going to be disappointing for me. The only map I truly loved and enjoy in BO2  is Nuketown because its not screaming at you 24/7 to do an easter egg. I also really hate how power worked in MotD and Origins. I feel thats one thing that should never have changed.


    forza better then gt? Roflmfao

    U do know gt is the offical sim for any pro racer right?

    Steering wheel ftw


    I'll just end both your arguments right here and now so you can both direct your anger to me: Mario Kart is the only racing game that matters.


    I guess I should try getting this thread back on track... DLC on PS4 isn't really a good thing or a bad thing. It's nice for us playstation fanboys to finally get it first, but it doesn't particularly matter. CoD on both consoles is riddled with annoying 10 year olds, that isn't gonna change by switching consoles. As for xbox fans, if this rubs you the wrong way, know that it was just as bad for us when this DLC shit began. It shouldn't even be a thing. Regardless, get over it. Expand your horizons and play other games in the meantime. It's not that long of a wait.


    Honestly though, the mario kart thing isn't even that false, It's the only racing game a majority of people play nowadays lol.

    Oh and I Have Zombie Army Trilogy to keep me busy while waiting :)

  9. Where in the comic is it the incorrect order in BO2? How does 1915 even relate to Origins?

    I think he meant the correct order in terms of chronology.

    Also, 1915 is only three years off when Origins takes place, so it isn't out of the question, that the loading screen might be foreshadowing that map.

    The chronology of the maps is what I meant yes.

  10. They said they weren't planned on doing any more "revisited" maps. 


    They said they weren't planned on doing any more "revisited" maps. 

    If they were, they wouldn't admit it right there and then.


    No they flatout said that on the agenda there is little to no hope of another remade map for black ops 3. Why would they? There's only going to be a single zombies map after the giant released with DLCs 1,2, and 3 at the LEAST. Possibly/Probably DLC 4 as well. Why would they piss people off with a "Sorry mate, we weren't original enough to bring you a new map, so.. HERE'S KINO AGAIN! 

    I wouldn't be pissed about that :(

    But I do understand what you're all saying, I had not seen or heard that they said this so it's news to me.
    I just hope the DLC maps go forward with the NO4 story after what goes down at Der Riese. 

    Also, I've been wondering, what if they add another, much larger EE in Der Riese other than Fly Trap? I don't know how I'd feel about that.

  11. Charlie Intel just posted that the beta will be exclusive to PS4 from August 19th to August 23rd.

    A lot shorter than what I thought it'd be :/ I was hoping it'd at least be 7 days, possibly even 2 weeks.

    Xbox will probably get the beta from the 23rd to the 27th then.

    Why would you want it to be two weeks?

    pretty sure he means that he wants the beta to be 2 weeks, not the exclusivity period.

    Yeah thats what I meant

  12. Well, now we do know for a fact that blueprint with the new 935 logo, most likely is the remake of der riese, which means more comic book loading screens :D


    But it can't be, that means the comic book would not be going in the correct order. Also it says 1915 on it, thats like ignoring the facts just because they are both blue prints.

    It's already not going in the correct order with BO2.

    Maybe the 1915 was supposed to just hint to us that the origins crew would be going to Der Riese, 

    No matter what it is, it's very out of place and doesn't make any sense still then.

  13. @Vyhl Roundhouse was cool, but not as cool as Upheaval. :3

    I always camped so hard in the buildings on the right side of the map that ones my second favorite. I think Castle needs to make a return, along with Seelow.

    WaW had so many great maps

  14. Nuketown will probably be brought back. Please note that any map that wasn't in a Treyarch game has a 1% chance to be brought back. When they bring back maps they only tend to be brought back from games within their companies own games.

    True, but SH brought back Pipeline.

    So I have a small amount of hope in me.

    Then again IW and SH worked together on MW3 so that may be the reason why.

    They also brought back Highrise now. It's nowhere near as fun as it was originally though IMO.

    Id love for treyarch to bring back jungle. I always really liked that map.

    Actually my #1 map would be Roundhouse from WaW. I LOVED that map.

  15. Yes, it appears to be the new PaP camo. Reminds me a lot of the original Der Riese version. But, even if this isn't the new camo, it certainly looks kickass.

    That was my first thought as well. Honestly, I'm surprised we got the Cyborg camo with weaponized 115 instead of PaP MP camo and W115 camo. DOesn't make much sense aside from cyborg being the other fan favourite, even though its zombies themed.

  16. This is the best image I could get of the PaP camo for SoE, if anyone can get a clearer image then please go ahead :)
    I think it's going to be a gold and black color scheme with black being the base and all the (floral?) design pattern will be gold. What does everyone else think?


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