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Posts posted by CGZombies

  1. Nice job,I rarely play tranzit,But this is a very nice guide!Might need some buffs to the strategy section though ;)

    If you want to put in a strategy (credit will be given) please post it below. We'd love the help. The achievements bit is just sooooo tiring to type but I plan to do it now. Thanks for the support to the both of you, means a lot!

    Im not the person sorry,but u should mentiona jet gun strategy :)

    Well, personally Green Run is not my favorite map, and I only played it to complete the Easter Egg. However, if you know of any topics where a strategy is described link us to it and we'll post it. Especially the Jet Gun strategy.

  2. In all the past maps we have had either a Turned or Grief mode with the exception of Green Run and Buried which had both. What do you think is in store for this map? Grief, Turned, or Both?

    Now the "longshot" is this and bear with me on this, but what if instead of including a mode of Grief/Turned they included another Story Map, another TranZit (That is the Story mode version) What if on one map we have the 04 and on the other we have the N4. Additionally, what if you had to do an EE with the O4 to do the one with the N4. I know this is a bit (really*) farfetch'd but the idea is pretty nice. Just imagine the amount of hours of play time Treyarch would receive.

    I'm happy with the O4's return and have nothing against them, but before you comment don't turn this thread into a war about which one is better in terms of the O4 v. N4. Consider the possibilities and make an educated response, not one of a child.

  3. We have been thinking and have been looking for a thread that recaps the zombies storyline. If one has been made please direct us towards it.

    However, in the case that one has NOT been made, I feel it is up to us, the community, to begin revisiting the past and start forming a basic timeline. I understand the the Call of Duty Wiki site has one but I find their information unreliable. So let's begin with some basic storyline elements and start configuring a basic timeline. I trust everyone has a map that they absolutely know a lot about so share the information you know about it and let's get started. We will be scouring the web for good solid information in hopes to condense it here on a basic timeline.

  4. Nice job,I rarely play tranzit,But this is a very nice guide!Might need some buffs to the strategy section though ;)

    If you want to put in a strategy (credit will be given) please post it below. We'd love the help. The achievements bit is just sooooo tiring to type but I plan to do it now. Thanks for the support to the both of you, means a lot!

  5. I would recommend using the AN-94. The gun is pretty effective to about round 35. (I know this about X > 40) At that point the gun becomes weak but with the ability to constantly buy ammo, it will help. The usual setup of my weapons at round 40 is AN-94, Ray Gun Mark 2, and Paralyzer. I use the AN-94 80% of the time, the Ray Gun for emergency, and the Paralyzer for when it hits the fan.

  6. Totally up for this. I hope you guys can re-implement this. The tool is great and is now FREE! They have released a new version so the original is now free. If you, the staff, ever need help with some web coding I wouldn't mind after all it's one of my hobbies/passions. So just hit us up. If you would like an example of my work just visit our website.


    It's a free domain with a weak host, no point in upgrading until the team gets bigger.

  7. Xbox One -

    Pros: Exclusive DLC (Specifically CoD), Servers as far as we know are more reliable, Multiplayer experience is unmatched, All-in-One Entertainment

    Cons: Trying to again re-implement DRM, $100 more, Sub-par Technology, Kinect (Privacy)

    PS4 -

    Pros: Cheaper, Better Technology, No Mandatory Camera, Graphics

    Cons: Servers, Multiplayer, Still Implementing Big Changes, Many things are still in development

    Decision -

    Haven't decided. After E3 I was so sure about PS4 but then I remembered that I love getting my map packs on time, the XBL servers are really reliable. However, I'm still on the fence. So I've decided that the week after both come out to watch reviews on the both of them and then make a educated decision then.

  8. Here's is our second unofficial guide. Hope you enjoy this one as well.

    -Ray Gun

    -Ray Gun Mark II

    -Jet Gun A.K.A Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23



    Same gun, explosive weapon be wary of close encounters as you will be damaged via splash i.e. don't shoot zombies up close you'll hurt yourself.

    This gun is a tremendous upgrade. Works well on collateral kills.

    This gun is a buildable and can be built from the following parts: Jet Engine, Gauges, Trigger Mechanism, and Wires. The instructions on how to build it can be found below.

    Same as always, temporarily distracts zombies.

    Cuts power, necessary for EE, and a quick way to destroy the Mini Boss.


    -Raygun (Original, High Rounds)

    -RPG (High Rounds)

    -Mustang and Sally (High Rounds)

    Note: Sometimes it is difficult to make crawlers when you don't have a Raygun, Especially when you are using Mark 2 it is impossible.

    After leaving the bus station interior. If you follow the left side you should see a pit of lava and a zombies spawner. However, the wall has a narrow path which you can hug and follow. If you do in the open area you reach is a NavCard, which should be approximately centered on the ground.

    There are 4 parts to a NavTable. The 4 parts are a Gem (Crystal), Wooden Board, Radio Box, and a Circuit Board. The locations of the items are as follows.

    -Gem- The Gem is outside the Bus Depot. After leaving the interior of the Bus Depot on the left side is a hole in the wall (should be next to a zombies spawner) in there is a gem.

    -Wooden Board- The Wooden Board is in one of two locations. The first possible location is in the tunnel between the Bus Depot and the Diner. It should be in front of the M16 Wall Weapon. However, if it is not there don't fret it is located in the Power Room. After turning on the power and the door opens (The door can also be manually opened with a Turbine) follow the catwalk until on your left side there is a hole in the railing if you look down there should be another catwalk. Drop down if you turn around there lying on the ground should be the Wooden Board.

    -Radio Box- The Radio Box is in one of two locations. The first possible location is at the Diner. If you open the Auto Shop (Where the Mystery Box originally spawns) and go to the room with the car there should be a cabinet on top is the Radio Box (you will jump and have to press X to grab the part) If the Radio Box isn't there the other area that it can be spawned at is Nacht Der Untoten. This place can be found between the Farm and the Power Room i.e. Cornfield. Once you get off at the cornfield you will want to enter the right side (the side with lamppost on it) Follow the pat and hug the right side. Eventually you will come to a very narrow opening if you follow that path you will end up at Nacht Der Untoten. Inside typically on a shelf is the Radio Box.

    -Circuit Box- The Circuit Box is in one of two locations. The first possible location is at the Farm. If you open the House, directly on the left next to the Refrigerator should be a Circuit Box. If it is not there it is in the Town. At the town head towards the very back where the Semtex Grenades are or where the Mystery Box spawns outside. To the left should be a dumpster, the Circuit Box will be laying against the dumpster.

    -Building the NavTable- The NavTable is built under the Pylon, which is in the cornfield. Once you get to the cornfield area you will want to enter the side without the lamppost. I recommend entering the side closer to the lava pit. Enter the cornfield and take a Right as soon as possible followed by a Left, and then at the Fork take another Right. Once you reach this area the Denizens should stop attacking you. The NavTable is built alongside the fence.

    Note: Once the NavTable is built it will never have to be built again as long as everyone in the game has it built. Secondly, the NavTable is a prerequisite for the Easter Egg i.e. you can't do the EE withouth it being built.


    First one is outside the Bus Depot on a Bench. Second one is at the Farm in the House laying on a mattress. Last one is at the Bar in Town in one of the booths (as you enter on the right side).

    Bus Depot

    Diner (Original Location)


    Power Room

    Town (2 Possible Locations)

    Juggernog - Town above the Bookstore.

    Speed Cola - Diner, building on the right side

    Quick Revive - Bus Depot, interior.

    Double Tap - Farm, Barn Upstairs (left building)

    Stamin' Up - Town, Bar as you enter on the left side

    Tombstone - Power Room, just before you drop down outside on the left side.

    The Pack-a-Punch is located in the Bank at Town. Throw a Grenade a the Vault Door, and repeat for the other Vault Door inside. You should now see a Corner and one Wall should have a Power Label on it. To open this door someone must go to the Power Room and after they fall down from above ground behind them should be a door that reads you'll need a source of power. Someone must plant a Turbine there. Once done the door inside the bank vault should open. This leads to the Pack-a-Punch the items required to build can all be found inside, and the place to build it as well. This area will close once the Turbine powers off and everyone is out.

    Semtex can be bought at the Town. IF you head towards the back where the Mystery Box spawns if it were outside on the right side is a door, it can be opened with a Turbine and inside are Semtex.

    Claymores are found at the Farm in the shed which can be opened via Turbine.

    The Bowie Knife can be found at a cabin just before town on the right side.

    The Galvaknuckles can be found at the Diner and requires a Bus Part to access it. It requires the roof part and is inside the actual Diner on the right side, if you look up you will see a outline a possible roof escape. The Galvaknuckles are necessary to share points.

    At the bank in the town if you throw a grenade at the vault door upon explosion it will open. Inside are two keys the first allows you to deposit money at the rate of 1000 and the second allows withdrawal at the same rate. Money is carried over maps and games. If you have Galvaknuckles just before you enter the vault on the ground are two keys. Melee them using Galvaknuckles and they become accessible. You can create a power-up to share points. You add 1000 each time and it costs an additional 100.

    The electric guy as some of you may refer to him. He comes on rounds where the previous round ended had much thunder in the sky. If he shows up the way to defeat him is simple. You can toss an EMP and he will die instantly. If you're out of those then every time he attempts to shock you and takes on a human silhouette, melee him. After about 3-5 times he will die. Congrats!

      Persistent Upgrades A.K.A Perm-a-Perks

    If you revive your teammates around 15-18 times, you will get a Green Mist and should receive Quick Revive. You will lose this upgrade if you attempt to revive someone and they die. If you attempt to revive someone and can't but another ally revives them you won't lose it either. This upgrade compounds with the actual Quick Revive perk and makes reviving near an instantaneous rate.

    Good: If you hit the box and get a GOOD weapon (Ray Gun, Ray Gun Mark 2, HAMR, etc.) a bear will appear, and you will get an increased chance of getting GOOD weapons.

    Bad: If you hit the box and get a BAD weapon (Snipers, SMR, Ballistics, etc.) a bear will appear, and you will get an increased chance of getting BAD weapons.

    Juggernog is easiest obtained by going into solo, getting quick revive, downing and then downing shortly after being revived. This upgrade allows 4 hits to knock you down, with the actual Juggernog perk it will take 6 hits.


    The Turbine's parts are found in the Bus Depot, and is also built there. The first part is lying against the Map in the center and is a Mannequin. The second part is on the chairs across from the Buildable station and is a fan. The last part is by the Pay Phones on the ground and is a Fin.

    The Zombie Shield's parts are found at the Diner, as well as it's buildable station. The first part is in the auto shop either on the car, or on the wall and is a car door. The second and final part is located in the other building with Speed Cola and is a Dolly.

    The Turret parts are found at the Farm, as well as it's buildable station. The first part is in the House and is a gun, it can be found either on a couch upstairs or downstairs. The second part is the Ammo, and can be found in the House on a table or in the Barn on the Boxes. The last part is a battery and can be found in the Barn or in the House.

    The switch is built at the Bus Stop after the Farm. There should be an outhouse buy it and the door should open, fall down. There are three parts, Board, Switch, and Zombie Hand. The parts are all spawned random, here are the possible the locations. As you fall down on the left side, before you go down the stairs towards the circle on the right side, after you head up the stairs on the right side and lastly on the computers in the room you build the switch.

    There are four parts to the Jet Gun, there are as follows, Jet Engine, Gauges, Trigger Mechanism, and Wires. The buildable station is at the town inside of the Bar. The Jet Engine can be found in the Tunnel between the Bus Depot and the Diner, it is usually underneath the M16 however if it is not there it is on the other side of the tunnel by a car, by other side I don't mean further down I mean the left side.

    The Gauges are found between the Power Room and the Town as you walk towards the town hug the right side and you will find yourself at a cabin inside are the Gauges. The Trigger Mechanism is found between the Farm and Power Room in the cornfield at Nacht Der Untoten. Enter the cornfield on the right side (side with lamppost) and hug the right side eventually you will come across a very narrow opening follow it and you will end up at NDU. Once there inside typically on a shelf or on the destroyed stairs is the Trigger Mechanism. The last part is at the Power Room. Once you turn on the power and the door opens (also can be opened via Turbine) follow the catwalk until on your left side you see a opening. Fall down and follow the catwalk the wires should be on the left side or on the ground. If the wires are not there they will be found on the floor just to your right side where there is a Wooden Board used as a bridge, if not there either then the last place is on top of a barrel.

    There are three parts to the Bus, the Train Grill, Roof, and Ladder. Each one is obtained using a Turbine. There are four possible locations for each part i.e. one place will not have a part. The places are every bus stop, the Bus Depot, Diner, Farm, and Town. The Bus Depot location is directly adjacent to the Turbine once you open those double doors on your right side. At the Diner it is the shed by the truck. At the Farm is also a shed between the two buildings. The location at the town is in the very back on the right side.


    To complete this achievement start a game, and exit the bus depot. Once outside the bus depot run into one of the foggy areas. A denizen will eventually then latch onto you and you must melee it continuously and then the achievement will unlock.

    To complete this achievement you can do one of two paths you can turn on the power and go to a green lamppost once at any green lamppost you must get a Denizen onto your head and walk under the green lamppost (the denizens will not jump onto you unless you walk away from the green lamppost so walk away get it on your head and walk back) the denizen will tunnel into the ground and create a teleporter then just jump onto it. The other method is to use a turbine to power up the green lamppost and then get the denizen to latch onto you and create the teleporter and jump through.

    To get this achievement you must destroy the electric man (Avogadro A.K.A Him) without taking damage this achievement is easiest with an EMP grenade but if you don't have those you can simply melee Him when he takes on a human form. Just be sure to avoid the electric shocks.

    To complete this you must upgrade the bus completely. There are three parts to the Bus, the Train Grill, Roof, and Ladder. Each one is obtained using a Turbine. There are four possible locations for each part i.e. one place will not have a part. The places are every bus stop, the Bus Depot, Diner, Farm, and Town. The Bus Depot location is directly adjacent to the Turbine once you open those double doors on your right side. At the Diner it is the shed by the truck. At the Farm is also a shed between the two buildings. The location at the town is in the very back on the right side.

    To do this just build the turbine, and go to two random perk machines and buy the perks. The perks will not activate unless the turbine is next to the the machine or the power is on.

    To unlock this achievement simply build every buildable and equip each one at lease once. To see where the parts are for each respective buildable simply look at the buildables section of this page.


    Weapons: Any

    Perks: Speed Cola, Stamin' Up, Juggernog, and Double-Tap

    Location: Town

    1. Open the Bar and the Area above the Bookstore.

    2. Stay at the ledge of the Bar (Second Floor) and kill zombies until you become overwhelmed.

    3. Fall down and run to the area above the Bookstore (Jug-Room) and stand at the ledge.

    4. When you become overwhelmed head back to the Bar.

    5. Rinse and Repeat

    Strategy by: Unknown

    If you have anything to add feel free to comment below, thank you.

  9. Here's my (PatrolinMexican) theory:

    I believe the N4 will not die, for various reasons.

    One being that since we have traveled into the future and noticed that we, the N4, die, doesn't that alter the timeline and change the mentality of the N4.

    Secondly, Richtofen could have been using this as a card, in terms of you must do what I say or it's going to hit the fan.

    Lastly, Richtofen likes Samuel, who in turn likes Russman. Now those two could survive definitely, but what of Misty and Marlton. To be honest, I feel that the N4 have bonded over this time period. Sure, they still "hate" each other's guts but to me it seems they've learned to get along. This can be seen in the cutscene prior to starting Buried on solo. They are all talking about what is happening, what they've done. Yes, they make small insults to each other but, they are more hollow than usual. When things started crashing Misty jumped in and took charge. If the others didn't like her as much, why would they even allow her to speak. That being said I feel if Samuel were to be spared by Richtofen he would ask Richtofen to allow the others to live. Now this is pure speculation, but it's a thought (not a very complete one) and has many variables.

    In closing, I'd also like to mention that maybe the N4 may find a way off the Earth and head towards the Moon. This would be very interesting, as it could lead the story into a bit of a Grief mode, where the O4 would verse the N4, perhaps maybe only on Maxis's side.

    I hope you enjoyed that read, try to be friendly when you tear it apart and prove me wrong. :D

  10. You're right. My teammate grabbed the key to the jail there and had the booze, so it dropped there.

    Cool. Appreciate the information.

    On an unrelated note:

    Videos for the achievements have been released on our YouTube channel. Sorry for the low audio, I had rendered it with my speakers very high up so I though it was sufficient. Give us a view, a like, a comment, and why not subscribe to us.

  11. I was referring to adding image BBCode in original post so people can actually see images instead of clicking links. No worries I'll fix it later today. Thanks again.

    Exactly what I was going to say. BBCode helps a lot guys. Really helps in make topics easy to read. Other than that this post is legen....wait for it....dary, Legendary. Good work man keep it up.

  12. Good stuff, fun read and it was very informative. Thanks l GRILL l

    Thanks CG! There's still more to talk about in terms of DG3 comparisons, but I'm going to do some more research first.

    Good stuff. Research is what makes Zombies fun, although that's more of a me and my teammate thing to do, I can never manage all that stuff in just my head. I get tired and then just run for the coffee haha. Again good stuff and keep it up.

  13. This hasn't actually happened to me yet but I'm glad you brought it to attention because I quite often try and prone dive down that hole. not anymore though haha.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Sorry bud, but thanks for the info. :D

  14. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but after completing the EE the Lever/Switches are still in the Maze, and are all up. Maybe a possible continuation? Or do you thing the developers, Treyarch, were too lazy to make a de-spawn for them?

    I know you guys are probably like "Really a continuation?! Come on, MAN!" I just thought it was worth mentioning. Any ideas guys and gals?

  15. How to make crawlers.



    -Head chopper


    Sometimes it is difficult to make crawlers when you don't have Raygun, Specially when you are using Mark 2 it is impossible. You can try out Head chopper. Warning, do not use it on walkers, they move too slowly and die in it, always use a runner when you are trying to make crawler using head chopper.

    Tip: Be sure to lead Leroy away before making any crawlers using nades.

    Hope this helps.

    other explosive weapons such as the rpg or mustang and sally also help.

    Added. Thanks, TBSZ

  16. I don't know why I can constantly play this map over and over again. The only time in which this map becomes boring is when I reach around round 40. The rounds become so long, but if you just give a crawler to Leroy then you literally have a "in-game pause" and I can go to sleep and wake up and keep playing. This means possibilities of going to round 125+ with ease. Haha. I love the fact that they left the field more open for trainers, and campers. Let's you do whatever, so no one should complain. :D

    Rate: 9

  17. I made a post for solo strategy for starters. I will add it here today along with other updates.

    Solo strategy for starters (No bank balance or gun in locker).

    EDIT: viewtopic.php?f=152&t=33660

    Good work CG.

    Way, do you think the Spoiler BBCODE would work better? We could BBCODE all the how-to's and then the viewer can just click the one desired. This would decreases the space of the post, and make it easier to read. I plan to do it and copy the original post. That way if things don't turn out as planned we can always restore it.

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