It would be EPIC! if all the maps from Black Ops returned in the last DLC plus a new map. Imagine those 10 maps coming back along with the maps we'll have on Black Ops II. That would be completely insane! Even better is what if they brought the old weapons from World at War and Black Ops back? Can you imagine having the MG42, RPK and LSAT. How about multiple Wonder Weapons like the Sliquifier, Wunderwaffe and Baby Gun (not the technical name, I know)? How about having Monkey Bombs and the Gersch Device on the same map? You have to admit, a customizable box with these features would be sweet on EVERY SINGLE MAP would be "sweet dude". To further the dreams, how about we choose which perks we want to have on a map? Maybe you would only want Juggernog and nothing else or just Quick Revive? Why limit it? Who says the people in the lobby would play by the rules so the only way they could is to limit it. So many things they could do, if all they did was bring the old maps back so I can play four-player split-screen on all the maps I'd be satisfied. What do YOU think?