I was researching a bit about our old maps e.g:Kino,5,NDU,Verrukt,Shi no,Der Reise etc..When I started thinking about what could be our final map/s.
Personally,I believe a few things about the future dlc-
We will see our old characters in dlc 3
A new perk will be made for dlc 3
Either someone will control or destroy the zombies in the final dlc
I think there will be around 4-5 zombie maps from now-including Alcatraz.Seeing that Treyarch has sold us seperate zombie maps,Nuketown,We may see other zombie/multiplayer maps after the final dlc and they'll be sold as "Micro-transactions".
I think that if we look at Moon,we know that Richtofen takes control,Fact.We know that Stulinger has been singled out by Richtofen to help "restore" Earth.
There are likely to be 2 possible endings for our famous story,but Treyarch will probably include a plot twist.
1.You help Maxis and stop Richtofens scheme and destroy all the zombies.
PLOT TWIST-You help Maxis and stop Richtofens scheme,Maxis betrays you and forces in either you or enters the aether himself to rule humanity.
2.You help Richtofen destroy the world and to stop Maxis.Richtofen stays in control
PLOT TWIST-You help Richtofen to destroy the world but Maxis swaps bodies with him and sends all the zombies away,or controls the zombies to kill Richtofen.
I am currently looking into all intel that is included in Kino,5 and the WaW maps.