Big time zombies enthusiast, such a huge fan of this massive storyline 3arch has conjured up. I'm 26 from Ontario Canada, just really started digging into the storyline about a year ago and have been completely hooked ever since. I haven't had much of a chance to do the Easter eggs since most of my good friends are too busy or not interested enough to sink some 'quality time' into the EE's. so that brings me to these forums, I've been lurking for a while now reading everyone's incredible theories and figured I should try and get some new teammates who are just as passionate about zombies as I am. I play nightly, usually around 8pm est and on the weekends, any help would be greatly appreciated with getting the Easter eggs, any zombie killers out there looking for a new teammate, I'm your guy, pure team player, serious and mature but still like to have fun with it, it is just a game after all. I'm looking forward to meeting some cool ppl on these forums and helping with everyone's theories.