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Everything posted by Boom115

  1. Boom115

    Iron Fist

    Just don't do the last step
  2. Anyone know if you can get more than one per game
  3. People compare it to a lost story line, but that is incorrect. It actually follows a saved by the bell motif. The tranzit four were the new class. Keeping around a few key characters like screech (richtofen) and Mr Belding (maxis), but in the end realizing they had made a huge mistake and rolled out the college years (the return of the o4). My prediction: 6 seasons and a movie. Ive been up for two days, I hope you enjoyed the dlc drop as much as I did!
  4. I like the challenge, the other maps were too easy IMO.
  5. The only one I've encountered is the repspawn glitch. You get instantly downed when spawning in with more than one person. As if I wasnt getting enough downs from the mech. ..
  6. Boom115


    If you hold off on getting DT, you can pick it up as the 30,000 point challenge from the box in spawn or by generator 6. You must have four perks before picking it up
  7. You forgot the "As-much-likely-as-pulling-a-Ray-Gun-from-the-ground" before the "lucky". Because I haven't saw it happen yet. Ive only seen the mark 2 once in 12 hours of playing to put it into perspective.
  8. Possibly the elemental staves were the inspiration for many of the future wonder or special weapons.
  9. It would make sense, but comic book covers normally contain more than just what's on the first page.
  10. It doesn't sound like you love zombies, it sounds like you're in love with zombies. Very good analysis, I really enjoyed the read! [brains]
  11. The an is beast, but the SVU takes the cake. It tops the other weapons in accuracy and longevity. Not to mention its a wall weapon, so infinite ammo.
  12. Sounds like we were right about richtofens sanity. He seems to be more on smart and sadistic side of the spectrum as apposed to his bat shit lady gaga crazy as of late.
  13. Very nice guide, props to you sir.
  14. The buildables are a must. I got to 66 without issue and quit from boredom. The Resonator makes for very easy high rounds. Also in co op we would have one person train out in front of the bank and blow up his hoard with mustang and sallys as we camped on the roof above. Crawlers become an issue in the later rounds.
  15. Also Nikolai and Maxis are the same voice actor, I think he is also adaptable.
  16. Thank you! Now I can actually sleep the night before. Actually, who am I kidding. I'm like a kid on christmas.
  17. Someone had covered a tweet exchange between the actors a few months ago where they identified each other as their character names. This doesnt prove anything 100%, but they were definitely hinting at it.
  18. Maybe richtofens body is like a prison, and she can regain her power when she is no longer bound to the mortal realm.
  19. Barney the dinosaur, ivan ooze, or possibly grimace. We'll find out tuesday!
  20. I don't see why not, fill up your bank on another map for the EMPs and good luck not getting burned.
  21. I've had my shotguns since last November, I played zero vs until about a month ago. So it's not a factor.
  22. Its possible that they added a new barrier to patch some sort of glitch, but it has caused more problems then it has fixed. It wouldn't be the first time.
  23. My favorite thing to do in motd is to go into ghost mode stand behind the troll and get them cornered. Thats how I get my part back :D
  24. Boom115

    BBC Challenged

    Yes thank you sir!
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