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Everything posted by Kyle8957

  1. maybe add Intel to it? gives people something to search for
  2. keep the ranking system, but give a skill point system (5 points per lvl up) because you have nothing to GAIN from going up the ranks e.g. increasing the amount you earn from killing zombies from 60-70-80 etc, and bring back the intel because it gives players another objective and it reveals more about how the zombies were created+the people behind it
  3. maybe make it so you can stop the bus without using EMPs, because it's annoying when you use the box and the bus drives off
  4. maybe green could be if stuhlinger became the announcer (he could communicate with richtofen, remember) Pink: nikolai (not likely to happen, like above)
  5. it should work because a lot of people are getting driven insane by the denizens and going by stop mocking me's comment, it (the avogadro) should have a specific round because that way it'd be easier because there are no zombies, but harder since the avogadro's powered by lightning
  6. well, that's kinda been done with tombstone, unless you mean on solo which would also be pointless, due to the quick revive's effects on solo and it sounds more like who's who to be fair, next time. read the wiki
  7. that is a very good idea
  8. yh, but they already have that, with the galvaknuckles
  9. yeah, that's a good idea, then you get to see how many zombies you've killed WITHOUT having to press select
  10. well, i meant revitalizer on multiplayer not solo, and Gren-aid so you don't waste grenades so quickly. Agilitizer increases the default speed, not the running duration and you have a point with the spring tea
  11. agilitizer-makes your default movement speed faster revitaliser- if you kill a zombie while downed, you manage to come back (a bit like revive on spec ops survival) Gren-aid- gives you longer until the grenade explodes to lob it Hawk-ing- it allows you to jump higher than normally spring tea- allows you to knock a zombie away by knifing it (like you would with the zombie shield)
  12. i know there's another topic on perk ideas, but i wanted to give it a try. what perks do people have in mind for the next CODZ game?
  13. good point, you've got to love a good AR/MG. maybe it could also serve as a minigun (turret)
  14. they should keep it, because what about if you've got the MK1 and get stuck without PhD, at least RGM2 gives 21 ammo and no splash damage
  15. I can 100% guarantee that call of duty zombies 2015 will not be for the PS3…. yes, but call of duty WaW was released after the PS3, but there was still a variant on the PS2...
  16. if zombies isn't on the PS3, i am so going to complain because why pay for a game,, which you have to pay the internet for every month? Also, why not do the N4 after they've disbanded (e.g. new companions with them)
  17. yh, i agree with the ranking system being based on XP, BUT you should get something out of it, so why not add a skill tree? it's less annoying than persistent upgrades, which you can lose
  18. i sort of agree with that, it gets annoying when i get put on a server with non mic players
  19. if that happens, it should on BOII or the NEXT BO game should be on PS3 because that's the only console i can afford
  20. yh, i don't think that they;re ripping off zombies either because some zombies maps don't end after the easter egg is done (in this case, the story)
  21. i mean, they should make a map pack which is zombies exclusive for BOII, so the people don;t get impatient
  22. i agree, keep the galil and LSAT, just, remove the olympia because that gun was ultra rubbish
  23. i meant the slicer, because everyone loves chainsaws. oh and molotovs because they're common weapons. maybe a grenade which functions as a mini nuke too (like PhD)
  24. is this actually gonna happen? or just an idea
  25. maybe a RPG cross flamethrower or the Slicer to replace the galvaknuckles, anyone else got ideas?
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