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I suppose I was just too on edge to hear correctly since I did the egg at 30 something lol you mentioned feguson not being the same guard from the cutscene yet Sal clearly adresses him as Ferguson in the beginning of the scene. Am I imagining this or is can you be mistaken? I didn't know about the water tower that is very interesting it really seems like there are different time zones surrounding the prison itself. In the Cafeteria there is also the menu board that has the date January 1, 1934. This was the day after the "Real life" Murder of Weasel. Also worth noting, is that Ferguson says that he was a guard from 1933, so in the opening cutscene, he can not be that guard, as he wasn't even at Alcatraz when the 3 killed Weasel.
Oh damn. I could've sworn I heard 1944! I'm going to double check the theater..feel like an idiot now. lol In the Cafeteria there is also the menu board that has the date January 1, 1934. This was the day after the "Real life" Murder of Weasel. Also worth noting, is that Ferguson says that he was a guard from 1933, so in the opening cutscene, he can not be that guard, as he wasn't even at Alcatraz when the 3 killed Weasel.
The one critical element you are over looking is that the escape never took place. They were caught.afterwards billy,Sal,and fin. Killed weasel on the roof after luring him up there. After ward's ,in 1944, the three mobsters were executed. Listen to the headsets when you do the pop goes the weasel egg and you'll hear everything clearly. Time outside of the prison SEEMS exactly the way they REMEMBERED it but since they are in limbo they will never reach it since they are confined to the infinte loop to reflect on their wrong doings..just listen to the quotes when a character is down in multiplayer with no afterlife..they sincerely regret a lot in their lives and try to rationalize death..
Interesting that it is the concensus of everyone that the box is not canon. I humbly disagree , simply because of the infinite loop theory. If we can agree that there IS an infinite loop, we can agree time does not matter meaning the guns in the box are giving a HUGE clue as to what the zombie 'host' knows, what time period they are possibly from, and the extent of their omnipotence. The host or zombie controller(controller being used very lightly) Is assumed to be a god like omnipotent being that lives outside of normal time is it a stretch to believe that Sam,richtofen, or the original inhabitant simply wait and watch and add new weapons as they find them.through time? Look at waw for example and compare the box to the black ops versions of the zombie maps. There was a reason treyarch re-released them with mule kick and new box weapons and I think it was to illustrate the passing of time where the host tried new weapons to aid the crew in spilling more 115 tainted blood. I am however glad that you enjoyed the information, thanks for reading!
Sup dudes and she dudes. I was running through pop goes the weasel with ny friend the other day and actually listened to the headsets. The last one before you get to the roof is extremely important. It says that the execution was carried out on 1944. To be more exact Ferguson says following the murder, the execution was carried out swiftly the next day on (month, day)1944. I'm sure the actual date is important but the fact that they were dead AFTER 1944 suggests that the map it self is older than everyone thinks. Now of course being a theorist I have a few ideas how this contradiction still fits in. Fireworks around the island suggest that the city outside of Alcatraz is going on normally as they are celebrating new years or 4th of july. It could be safe to say that since the crew first arrived at Alcatraz in the 30's that the appearance of the outside world, their intended destination through the escape plan, would remain the same way they imagined it while the prison became over run with the undead and candles. lol. In my opinion this is why the golden gate bridge is unfinished yet the prison gives a sense of antiquity. The bars have rusted, traps have been devised and built, the crew constantly references the infinite loop, its safe to say it could've been going on for 50 years or more. Or less. But at least 10. Some proof to back up my theory is simple yet powerful;the clothing. Our Mafia crew have the updated 1940's version of the uniform;demin shirt and khakis. The undead have old school prison stripes and chains. If everything was set in 1930's the crew would be wearing the stripes. Another over stated hint are the weapons. Deathmachine, lsat,pdw,raygun,...they all come from an entirely different era. Then we have the blundergat which comes from the past.I think with all of these factors its safe to say that the map itself exists OUTSIDE of time. [[i have bad hearing apparently , Ferguson said 1934 but in the very least some interesting theories and things to think about were birthed through my terrible senses. Lol.]
new marlton easter egg in tranzit mode?
itsallagame replied to itsallagame's topic in General Zombies Discussion
It's indeed ps3 and I never saw texture or images in the newspaper until this post, I'm going to try and snap a clear photo with my phone. Hmmmm flamethrower, did you play A LOT of tranzit or were like the majority that hated it and went to nuketown ? I ask only because hating a map tends to deter you from exploring and noticing things . I'm not calling you out or calling you inferior, so please do not misinterpret my words , its just i could've sworn I saw the back end of an airplane on fire where this pyramid like texture is. Maybe i dreamt it lol I had a dream about die rise where you could climb through ventilation shafts to different rooms and those shafts were the only way to get to perks lol so close to being Devine Lolol Ahh the bunker quotes I always kind of took that particular quote for him being dramatic . In other words the explosion or something else banished him into the bunker. But it does seem kind of like the paper could reference a banishment if he was involved in the outbreak somehow. And well, he is a genius germaphobe , maybe the lab in town was his lab? And he was unknowingly bringing the fall of man to his town by tampering with 115 and w.e else is in the cccp crates in the lab. I will go into theater and try to get those pics now. -
I discovered something interesting about Weasel and the whole comic book thing a while back. I posted about it but didn't get much response... but I think it's worth bringing up again; Remember when the early promotional material for MotD started coming out and the characters names were first given? Weasel's first name was originally said to be "Arthur". But his name was then said to be "Albert Arlington", which makes a lot more sense for someone called "Al". Still, the quick rename seemed really odd. Now, as many people have said before, when put together Al's drawing of his character "Icarus" bears a close resemblance to real-life 1940's comic book hero Shock Gibson. What most people never realized was that two of the main artists that worked on Shock Gibson were Al Avison and Arthur Cazeneuve. Al and Arthur... the two names that have been given for Weasel. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I don't think so. Especially considering one of the villains that Shock Gibson fought was a Nazi scientist named "Baron Von Kampf", who developed advanced weaponry like a Ray Gun and at one time tried using an army of zombies to take over the world. What does it all mean? I don't know. Perhaps Al, Arthur, and the Shock Gibson stories were an inspiration to Treyarch. Maybe it means absolutely nothing story-wise... but the fact that they used both Arr and Albert for Weasel's name at different times makes me think this is some kind of Easter egg we were meant to discover.[/quote It probably isn't a coincidence that shock Gibson could be the first comic to introduce the mad scientist and threat of zombie invasion either , great connection man! I still think there is some kind of hidden easter egg involving weasels comics, gtoo much emphasis on them in the Message of the day an character quotes
new marlton easter egg in tranzit mode?
itsallagame replied to itsallagame's topic in General Zombies Discussion
In tranzit mode, green run. There were always newspapers on the floor of the bus but they were alway blank.with no texture and then yesterday it showed his picture and the weird diagram . Also I could've sworn there was a crashed airplane by the farm, all the sudden its replaced with a pyramid that has rocks and trees on it. There are strange going ons in green run and incidently great leap forward as well.if you look at the moon in die rise there are a series of tiny red dots on the moon..I know its hard to go back after mob of the dead but it just seems like there are things unfolding as the dlcnavcards are being collected Banished to nuketown? How did that come to be a fact? It looks more like he was giving a public announcement or something, glad I'm not seeing things though. Any ideas why he would be banished? On another note, has anyone else on ps3 noticed improved graphics?? It feels like I never noticed these things until the graphics smoothed out and the zombies didn't lag me anymore in solo when I wiped out trains..either way after you guys check this out lemme know what you think! -
Well, my title says it all, I'm confused at what I just saw on the bus . Idk if it because I've never looked on floor of the bus or if it was added in sneakily in a patch, but, marltons in a picture of a newspaper on the floor. He must've been pretty important to his community , there's more to these characters than meets the eye apparently. Has anyone else seen this? Is it old am I'm blind? There's also another one that looks like boarding instructions or somethings. Perhaps there's more to find in tranzit mode now that die rise and mob of the dead are uploaded the secretbof green run will start to unfold, ya know, like the layers of an onion? If its old I apologize for wasting your time , if you find it interesting share your ideas and opinions , I'm interested to see hat people think eeither way
Yeah I agree with death, its a reference to prohibition, I like billy quote when he drink jug, he talks about how Finns first still was nasty and Finn drinks jug and says its good and reminds him of his first stilll lol Im curious about th me dog heads and raygun thing..weasel seems to have something to do deeply with the storyline. He says things to the zombies that kinda of make me think he created them in a way as well..when he gets hit he sometimes says, 'you mugs don't even know what you're doing huh?' Implying they're attacking the wrong one.the pop goes the weasel egg also reinforces this thought since the zombies avoid weasel. Could weasel be a comic book writer for Satan or whoever is truly in control of the zombies? Maybe this deity or being took pity in weasel since he was murdered so unjustly and was granted revenge on his attackers in return for writing comic books for his savior?could weasel be responsible for the loading screens and storyline?I don't know but it sure is nice to dream..
Zombies is Changing for the Worse
itsallagame replied to ETEl2NAL407's topic in General Zombies Discussion
It's makes me sad to read all the green run hate comments! Transit is super easy and super fun on solo. Co op brings outs the trolls and point whores. Running the tunnel with mustang and sally and a skullcrusher is the most fun I've had next to sliquifying the floors in front of the doorway by the ak74u so that the zombies slide off the building lol in al honesty though, mob of the dead is frustrating at first for the same reason that die rise was, you NEED to get to know the map, once you do there is an obvious flow to getting the plane parts.you can use the tunnels to train the entire cellblock you can also use the tunnels to flee the docks it is next to impossible to get past round15 without a shield, even with jug because of the tightness of space, aim for the tomawk and the shield before round ten and I promise you will have the best game of zombies you've ever played. Best train spots are the cafeteria, the roof,and the bridge.for giant trains that will save your life, use the cellblock !run into the tunnels through the shower entrance then exits tunnels through the ouble tap entrance and run back to the showers through the cellblock.soo easy. Don't forget the gondoloa, it will save you your ass in a pinch. I got to 38 yesterday p.m me if you wanna get alcatrazed Lolol(on ps3) -
Nice connection I think that part is more richtofen talking to zombie stulinger after he was turned in the same way he talks to us zombies in turned game mode. It might be slightly irrelevant but stulinger looks like he's an archaeologist, or was and forgot after he died and became reanimated. I bring this up because of the files found in pc coding Zm_tomb and am_buried..they could be the files that expose stulingers involvement in the zombie outbreak. It should be noted that black ops 1 easter eggs were based on obtaining artifacts, and an archeologist is the perfect unsuspecting discoverer of an evil portal opening artifact :)
Well thought out man, great theories! Although I agree with your ideas on maxis' intentions, I still feel richtofen is the lesser ofntwo (or 3) evils. There have been some quotes from maxis in black ops 1 that reveal him to be rather sinister and he seems to has his own agenda. He always seemed to know more than he was letting on. And he just sound evil lol as opposes to happy go lucky maniac richtofen who is playful and demented lol also is like to propose two contraditive ideas to you ..what makes you think Samantha and richtofen 'control' the zombies? And what makes you think maxis was shot by anyone other than himself? If richtofen and Samantha could control the undead they could basically tell them to stay away from the groups so the eggs can be completed, that's too easy.instead, I believe that this realm that they inherit grants them so much power that they are able to materialize help for their group to survive against the undead which are being controlled by an as of yet undiscovered source. If you look closely at the die rise loading screen in the panel with the dragon there are two zombies seemingly ignoring a shadowy man in a suit on a floor above. This is the same figure from the nacht loading screen..make connections yet? Mob of the dead holds more secrets to the story line than anyone thinksbit does (in theory). Bringing the devil and help into this really adds more room for crazyness.but is it really all that crazy to think that the rift is a between the dimension of hell and earth dimension? Even crazier that this rift grows larger with each person infected with 115? Who knows And now, maxis...esearching the vril artifacts and he's a genius so its not a far stretch to say he figured something out.I think the stone does what you said in the 'B' segment of your ideas, but what isn't discussed is what the artifact was holding BEFORE. It was found.I've got theory that the shadow man was inside and maxis struck a deal for knowledge of.immortality or something similar and was fleeced . Mob of the dead introduces after life mode as you know, in this mode portals exists ..its not a stretch to think maxis figured out the portal system in 20+ years of ghost mode lol now it seems maxis wants to get revenge on richtofen for causing the loss of his body and daughter. I wish treyarch could put out a 15 minute clip of info ..again though, great theory man!
Zombies Team Hard at Work?
itsallagame replied to gunslinger979's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I know this a bit old now but...a zombie map in poop....I....I..I...I just don't know if we're playing the same game! I play the zombies for the map detail, the dilapidated landscapes, the sci fi nature of the locations , amount other things of course, but the surroundings are what truly decide if I will play the map and enjoy or not..and well...sludgy brown messes would not be interesting to slay undead in.lol tranzit and die rise game modes took forever to finish and left many player frustrated and throwing controllers..mob of the dead was completed rather quickly AND has knocked everyone's socks off..I'm scared of what will come next because it could possibly be another waste of season pass :/ -
the zombies are stretching infinitely?!
itsallagame replied to itsallagame's topic in General Zombies Discussion
DAMN..I got excited for a crazy new wonder weapon or tactical that stretched time and space:/ at least my game isn't defective lol thanks for the replies guys!
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