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Okay, so I just purchased MOTD for Ps3. I typically play solo, but when playing, I noticed my Afterlife doesn't stack. Like I can only get one at a time, but I've watched videos and the like of solo players on Xbox having a maximum of 3. Is this only offline? Or am I nuts?
Great observations! Maybe our screaming armor could be the way we activate the song and a Ballista trap? (Essentially a giant crossbow mounted on a platform, if you don't know) or cannons? An Axe knife upgrade? And lastly, since its haunted, afterlife? This could be good (:
Perhaps its gonna pull some crazy twist. Maybe with Sam is Richtofens body she used some device (teleporter?) To travel to earth, in doing so, she was reincarnated as Misty, in the future, with no memory of what happened. Sort of an "Alessa Gillesppe" stunt from Silent Hill. Anyway, then she discovers who she really is (Sam) and teleports (assuming there's still one functioning teleporter) before the events at Kino, and went on fighting with the O4. thus she would have a painting on the wall, however, she may have died before Kino, and thus a blackened portrait.possibly burned by maxis as a result of his "daughter" dying) and their memories (aside from takeo) were wiped. That is why he said "What was is no more, but will be again" (or something like that) because what was is no more (Misty) but will be again (Sam in Richtofens body). Also in Kino there is a German word at the picture that roughly translates to Wanderer. She wandered in Tranzit. And Finally, "The cycle continues" would fit well here, because it would just keep going, unless Misty survived. Don't gimmie no hate. I just thought of this in like 20 minutes but it sounded good. (I know the cycle continues is from Alcatraz that is non-canon as far as we know)
After this story is over, there will be another. "The cycle continues". I believe even after Richthofen and Maxis, the original 4 and the green run gang, there will be more sub-stories, like COTD and MOTD. Possibly a map in between Nacht and Verruckt, to live the zombies in their infancy. Maybe new game modes (A zombies verses human similar to Resistance) and the like. I know I speak for everyone when I say, true zombie fans, like the zombies themselves, never die.
Dang. /: okay, thanks for the info.
So recently I've been playing Die Rise, and its been a piece of cake once you get what you need. However, around rounds 25+ (solo) I have trouble keeping a zombie or two to replenish ammo, pap, new trample steams, or perks. I've tried a crawler (does immediately after leaving the vicinity). I've tried one runner (End up killing him because I get cornered in the tight corridors). And I've tried 2-4 walkers (Which works, but on round 25+ they die. I don't know how, but as soon as I leave the Buddha room, a random explosion happens and the round ends.) Its strange because I've always seen walkers die, only to respawn elsewhere. Does anyone have a strategy to keep a guy or two? Or will I have to stick with the runner and hope for the best?
The "Wunder-ful" Wunder-Weapon Discussion!
Diz-Infinite replied to killerussian's topic in Research & Development
Dark Matter Quantum Device: Similar to the QED on moon, it has several different, and not always reliable, effects. If you shoot it, it has a chance to evaporate every zombie on the map, and give every player 5,000 points. There's a chance it could spawn Phase zombies, or dogs. There's a chance it could teleport. There's a chance it could PaP every players current weapon (secondary weapon for people using it). If shot at a perk machine, it could give the player the perk for free (Even after having 4 perks). Could retrieve drops, or delete them (random). Finally, it could down the player using it (allowing him to keep all perks, just more as an inconvienance not a game ruined.) The catch is, it can only be fired once per round and cant be refilled, it has 1/15 but it could be used to do easter eggs as well. And interact with the map. Maybe deactivate windows for a round or something? -
Zombies is Changing for the Worse
Diz-Infinite replied to ETEl2NAL407's topic in General Zombies Discussion
You see... the beautiful thing about zombies is you don't have to do objectives. For someone like myself that first discovered Zombies from WAW, its been the same game, just different maps. See, after 11 maps of the same monotonous objective, it gets, well, boring. I welcome the fact that the maps are larger, that you have to build things, that you have a CHOICE to do the new features. If it doesn't appeal to you, buy the doors, grab your gun and dig in. Or grab a team and assemble the equipment, and do the story related objective. Also, zombies was always a campaign for zombies. Its always had a story, all the way from Nacht Der Untoten. This is nothing more than a sequel to the story, and if you don't like it, then sir, Zombies is not the game for you. -
Moon reskined to Paris idea????
Diz-Infinite replied to zombiez_grinder101's topic in Research & Development
If they were to reskin a map, moon would be an awful choice. The only things moon had going for it was the physics. (And the fact that it was the moon) and the Hacker. Which I would love to see again, or a similar equipment. I hated playing moon because of the way it was set up. It was far too linear. IMO -
Okay, I'm new here, and I didn't see any posts like this, so I apologize in advance if I'm flogging a dead horse. UNKOWN NAME: Similar to the pack-a-punch machine, you place your gun into it, and it randomly transforms your gun into a retro version of your gun, or a futuristic version. Then, you could pack-a-punch the new weapon. This would be cool on the final map, since it could span the entire zombie arsenal through the time period. (Could RANDOMLY change your current wonder weapon into ANY wonder weapon from any map excluding the ray gun, and the jet gun) Nailed Up Cocktail: A person that bought this perk could either repair a window and make it so no more zombies use it, or make it 2x as hard to take down. (Downside is it could take even longer to build.) Weak Drink: A perk you throw AT zombies. It makes one stay completely still. (For saving a guy at the end of a round and ensuring he won't die from random causes. (Downside could be a limited time before he self destructs.) Super Sauce: Increases melee damage (Makes players punch zombies.) (Could be in the form of a shot to imitate steroids.) Forever Flo: It takes reloading away completely. It just uses your reserve ammo directly without stopping. (Downside is you'd have to spend the money on Speed Cola first.) (Replaces Speed Cola when bought.) Boxing Brew: Could call the box to any box spawn location for ONE use before having to pay for it again, for a little bit more of a cost (1500) and cheapens the cost of the box anywhere its located. (500) Tell me some of yours. I want to hear all of the brilliant ideas my Zombie Battling Brothers have in store.
My Theory Of How the zombies Appeared in Alcatraz
Diz-Infinite replied to Yondats's topic in Mob of the Dead
Yeah, but that doesn't explain why Weasel is the only mobster that remembers them dying several times and restarting each time. -
Okay, I have a few theories of the zombies. I would like to first point out that SOMEONE or SOMETHING has to be controlling them. As the Mobsters still can get drops, hear the voice from the drops, and someone has to summon Brutus. So the argument that no one does in unlikely. THEORY ONE: Maybe, just maybe, the teleporters from Der Rise had sent someone back to the 1920-30's. Maybe an unintroduced character. Maybe Maxis himself. Maybe another unmentioned colleague. Or maybe even Samantha, when she was in control, had the ability to time travel. Her having the ability would explain why the perk machines are there, because she could have taken them back with her. (Except the Electric Cherry per which is the only perk that doesn't phase in and out, which may have been there originally.) However this doesn't explain why their eyes are changed. THEORY TWO: Perhaps the zombie experiments went on before Nacht Der Untoten, and Dr. Maxis may have been friends with the Warden. Maxis may have been paying big money (compliments of Group 935) to have some experiments done on the inmates of Alcatraz. Of course Maxis himself couldn't be there in person, so the Unnamed Warden could have taken the zombie control for himself. (Brutus, based on attire, isn't the warden. He's likely a head guard, or riot guard.) This would in turn make the zombies eyes red, being its a new master. THEORY THREE: in Die Rise, you hear of a "rift". As it seems, this could be a rift in time, a rift into an alternate universe, or a rift between Richtophen and Satan. The rift in time supports my first theory. The second rift though, to an alternate universe could lead to a whole other world and storyline of Zombies. Richtophen may want to try to control zombies among a span of universes. The mobsters being in the alternate one, resulting in red eyes. A rift between Richtophen and Satan, could mean Rich wants to control Satan's power, to become stronger, and omnicient. This would explain a lot of the more evil and dark features in Alcatraz. (E.g. The hanging bodies, the hellhound heads written in blood, the "666" that appears several times) He may have lost the battle and Satan controls the zombies, or won, and SatoRichtophen controls them. (Of course he would still need to travel back in time for this to make sense.) These are just a few thoughts. We can't know for sure until new clues are discovered, or the next map. Hell, for all we know, it could be completely non-canon, and just a test for the new features.
Okay, I have a few theories of the zombies. I would like to first point out that SOMEONE or SOMETHING has to be controlling them. As the Mobsters still can get drops, hear the voice from the drops, and someone has to summon Brutus. So the argument that no one does in unlikely. THEORY ONE: Maybe, just maybe, the teleporters from Der Rise had sent someone back to the 1920-30's. Maybe an unintroduced character. Maybe Maxis himself. Maybe another unmentioned colleague. Or maybe even Samantha, when she was in control, had the ability to time travel. Her having the ability would explain why the perk machines are there, because she could have taken them back with her. (Except the Electric Cherry per which is the only perk that doesn't phase in and out, which may have been there originally.) However this doesn't explain why their eyes are changed. THEORY TWO: Perhaps the zombie experiments went on before Nacht Der Untoten, and Dr. Maxis may have been friends with the Warden. Maxis may have been paying big money (compliments of Group 935) to have some experiments done on the inmates of Alcatraz. Of course Maxis himself couldn't be there in person, so the Unnamed Warden could have taken the zombie control for himself. (Brutus, based on attire, isn't the warden. He's likely a head guard, or riot guard.) This would in turn make the zombies eyes red, being its a new master. THEORY THREE: in Die Rise, you hear of a "rift". As it seems, this could be a rift in time, a rift into an alternate universe, or a rift between Richtophen and Satan. The rift in time supports my first theory. The second rift though, to an alternate universe could lead to a whole other world and storyline of Zombies. Richtophen may want to try to control zombies among a span of universes. The mobsters being in the alternate one, resulting in red eyes. A rift between Richtophen and Satan, could mean Rich wants to control Satan's power, to become stronger, and omnicient. This would explain a lot of the more evil and dark features in Alcatraz. (E.g. The hanging bodies, the hellhound heads written in blood, the "666" that appears several times) He may have lost the battle and Satan controls the zombies, or won, and SatoRichtophen controls them. (Of course he would still need to travel back in time for this to make sense.) These are just a few thoughts. We can't know for sure until new clues are discovered, or the next map. Hell, for all we know, it could be completely non-canon, and just a test for the new features.
My Theory Of How the zombies Appeared in Alcatraz
Diz-Infinite replied to Yondats's topic in Mob of the Dead
Okay, I have a few theories of the zombies. I would like to first point out that SOMEONE or SOMETHING has to be controlling them. As the Mobsters still can get drops, hear the voice from the drops, and someone has to summon Brutus. So the argument that no one does in unlikely. THEORY ONE: Maybe, just maybe, the teleporters from Der Rise had sent someone back to the 1920-30's. Maybe an unintroduced character. Maybe Maxis himself. Maybe another unmentioned colleague. Or maybe even Samantha, when she was in control, had the ability to time travel. Her having the ability would explain why the perk machines are there, because she could have taken them back with her. (Except the Electric Cherry per which is the only perk that doesn't phase in and out, which may have been there originally.) However this doesn't explain why their eyes are changed. THEORY TWO: Perhaps the zombie experiments went on before Nacht Der Untoten, and Dr. Maxis may have been friends with the Warden. Maxis may have been paying big money (compliments of Group 935) to have some experiments done on the inmates of Alcatraz. Of course Maxis himself couldn't be there in person, so the Unnamed Warden could have taken the zombie control for himself. (Brutus, based on attire, isn't the warden. He's likely a head guard, or riot guard.) This would in turn make the zombies eyes red, being its a new master. THEORY THREE: in Die Rise, you hear of a "rift". As it seems, this could be a rift in time, a rift into an alternate universe, or a rift between Richtophen and Satan. The rift in time supports my first theory. The second rift though, to an alternate universe could lead to a whole other world and storyline of Zombies. Richtophen may want to try to control zombies among a span of universes. The mobsters being in the alternate one, resulting in red eyes. A rift between Richtophen and Satan, could mean Rich wants to control Satan's power, to become stronger, and omnicient. This would explain a lot of the more evil and dark features in Alcatraz. (E.g. The hanging bodies, the hellhound heads written in blood, the "666" that appears several times) He may have lost the battle and Satan controls the zombies, or won, and SatoRichtophen controls them. (Of course he would still need to travel back in time for this to make sense.) These are just a few thoughts. We can't know for sure until new clues are discovered, or the next map. Hell, for all we know, it could be completely non-canon, and just a test for the new features.
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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