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Everything posted by madgaz182

  1. New lights on the control panel dashboard, when teleporting with zombie or hellhound and using the monkey bombs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TutuNGxv4bY
  2. OK Guys what about this for new info, the lights on the control panel at the MAINFRAME turn yellow when traveling with certain items, monkey bombs and a zombie/hellhound https://www.youtube.com/dashboard?o=U
  3. ok here is my new video, with hopefully some unseen areas and knew theories and such https://youtu.be/lxtCyo9WlJQ
  4. I have new video coming out with more hidden info , hope this helps us guys
  5. Ok guys well Iowagaming got all the info from me , I found this next step to the Easter egg , I have the footage to show it also I expect Iowa will be posting my same footage later today anyway here it is https://youtu.be/zeT_9wkZHYU
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-fr-6316f4
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