Hello everyone. I hope you are all enjoying Mob of the Dead as much as I am, as it is one of, if not the best zombie maps to date. I have just joined these forums because of the amount of interesting, new information on here related to the map that you guys have already discovered, and also so that I could ask you all about something. I know you may think that this should apply to the "Media" part of these forums, but I think it belongs here because it is directly related to this map. Anyway, here it is, has anybody seen this poster or does anyone have any information about it? I really want a copy of this for my wall but that picture is way too small to blow up without making it look terrible so I am searching the internet for where it came from, where i can get one, or for a higher quality version. I have already tried to search Google for it with a visual search but nothing helpful really came up. Thank you in advance for any help that you can offer.