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Everything posted by zombiez_grinder101

  1. I came up with a new zombies game mode named Streak. It would be a mixture of MW3 survival mode, CoD multiplayer and zombies. You start off with M1911, every minute, one increasing wave will spawn every 45 seconds, your gun will get better (like gun game), you get kills and get killstreaks. Lightning Strikes, Stealth Choppers and Swarms (renamed to suit zombies!) Once you've gone through the weapon cycle, you go throough a similar cycle with the same guns but upgraded. Then you get a cycle of perks however once you've got them you don't lose them. Tranzit's cornfields would be an ideal map for this mode or the golden gate bridge from Mob of the Dead? WHAT DO YOU THINK?
  2. Moon was originally Paris as many know however I recently watched Playthegamecentral's A Drowning in Paris and I hope they bring back Moon in Black Ops 2 but retexture the map to recreate the original Paris idea. An example of reskinning a map would be studio, that is a reskinned version of Firing Range! A Drowning in Paris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLFnJsrsiis Like or Dislike? :D
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