Hey guys. Im nick aka saintofkillers aka gourmetchud (xbox and ps3), Ive been playing zombies since day one. I got land of the dead road to fiddlers green in late 2005 for pc and loved the hell out of it. naturally, years later when a friend came by and was crapping himself with excitement over the unlockable zombies mode in world at war I was hooked. Since then Ive woken up at 6 am every morning a dlc pack has come out and played them all the way till the next dlc or game was released. Ive learned and figured out alot about the zombies storyline but am mostly knowledgable about the original 2 games (I dont have many players to get the easter eggs done enough times to really learn everything about BO2 with the exception of mob of the dead)so Im eager to build some relationships and crack the codes. Im a good dude who likes to joke around but takes tactics and what not very seriously, I smoke pot and I swear alot but its not to offend anyone, Its just the way I talk/my sense of humor. Im a huge comic and videogame nerd too so any nerds are more than welcome. I play zombies on xbox 360 so just add me up (gourmetchud), make sure you send a message saying codz or I wont know who you are