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Everything posted by TheNathanNS

  1. Can you give us a link if its available online? I searched for a while to no avail. I could try and record with my phone, it will be in bad quality but you'll be able to hear it. I haven't got a capture card. :| E: Also because it's on CODTV it'll be jittery.
  2. Hey. Treyarch have uploaded Origins to CODTV and it's slightly different than the intro we heard on YouTube!! Samantha has a normal girls voice and she says a few more things than the YouTube intro! WTF Treyarch!??!? EDIT: To see what I mean, look at themikaelus's video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzRFWWppIyw Or my crappy phone quality potato cam one, somewhere on this page.
  3. Don't forget, we all thought the same with Die Rise's achievements. "Face the dragon head on before round 2" ;)
  4. That is very true.. I guess it's time for me to go look at the money I have at the moment and make a decision. Choose which console too. If you buy all map packs on both, it'll cost ya LOADS. If you want to play Origins.... Xbox.
  5. Ehh... I like to look at the map thumbnails. Don't ask why I just do. :|
  6. Nah, I'm expecting that the day after the leader-board update.... I was excited when I saw "An update is required" then let down due to no leaderboard update. :|
  7. The Rift was already mended in Buried in Richtofen's endgame... Yeah but knowing Treyarch they'd probably say the rift isn't mended correctly. Also we don't know if Origins is set after Maxis' endgame.
  8. As I posted in a different thread, I feel they'll be used to help release Samantha. Or mend the rift....
  9. Treyarch officially released the achievements for PS3. Like with MOTD and Buried, PS3 get the achievements before Xbox do for some reason. First on XBOX Live! ... except for the cheevos. I say we sue them for misleading advertisements!!
  10. How does it make men think of it more? Anyway, I thought that. The EE could possibly be creating all these staffs and using them to help release Samantha from Richtofen's body and get Richtofen back in his own.
  11. Treyarch officially released the achievements for PS3. Like with MOTD and Buried, PS3 get the achievements before Xbox do for some reason.
  12. +1. The campaign team made this map, right? They know how to make achievement hunting fun (not like those bullshit turned achievements that are nigh on impossible to get. Or at least one). Oh god that one where you get a kill with every weapon. That one is impossible.
  13. Riding Tank. XD Anyway, I look forward to doing these achievements. These look better than Buried's.
  14. Seems like a better version of MOTD's EE. Maybe in Lost Little Girl we have to release Samantha from Richtofen's body? I'm interested in the 4 revives. #1: Standard Revive [100% in the map] #2: Ballistic Knives [May not be in this map though] #3: Zombie Blood [in the map judging from the achivements] #4: ?????? I reckon one of the ways is using one of those "staffs" the achievements mention. I hope the challenges aren't as hard as the "Awaken the Gazebo" achievment from Buried. That was a challenege.
  15. Lost Little Girl is probably the Easter Egg.
  16. I think Samantha will narrate a story for us if we do the EE. Like Stanley/Brutus did in Mob of the Dead. Why? Samantha: "My name's Samantha, and I'm going to tell you how it really began" Brutus: "So you want to know the truth???" [Cue Stanley's story] I hope this EE is as good as MOTD's. Instead of a unspecified ending, I want the effect of this EE to effect other maps. Plus remember the Buried trailer? Ghost: "You will stay forever....." So I think we'll hear Samantha's "intro" speech in the map itself.
  17. In my opinion, no. Treyarch screwed most season pass holders over with Nuketown 2025 and Nuketown Zombies.
  18. Heh, Samantha isn't alive at the time of this map.
  19. I kind of understand what you mean. Don't want another "Break the Cycle" EE like MoTD. If that is the EE, Treyarch are out of ideas. :| [TranZit, Die Rise and Buried had you lighting up towers]
  20. That's true, stress can do that. But I am seriously doubtful he'd be alive in 1945 regardless. Also we don't know if Samantha is physically in the map yet. Who knows, she may make a physical appearence in the EE. He may have had a shave. I'd dread to think what that beard would look like if he didn't shave it from 1918 to 1945. :|
  21. The first thing I thought of was CoD logic: Zombie characters are born old and die young. :|
  22. I'm really confused from seeing the intro. If you've watched the intro, with volume, you'd have seen Dr. Maxis. If you haven't here's what he looks like: At the end, the voice said "My name is Samantha..." Now this brings me to some questions. Dr Maxis looks very old. I know some will say that is could be Dr. Maxis Senior, but I don't think it is. We all know Maxis and Richtofen worked together. I don't recall seeing/hearing any radios of Richtofen working with Dr. Maxis Senior or Dr. Maxis JR mentioning it. If it is the Dr. Maxis we know, how did he live to 1945? He looks like he'd have passed on by then. I know some say that Maxis could be the one Richtofen was operating on. However, the corpse [to me] resembles a zombie more than a human being. Now Samantha is much more interesting. In 1945 she is a young girl. Likewise in Moon. She wouldn't/shouldn't be alive in 1918. But in the trailer, she sounds much older than when we hear her. [iDK over 20 IMO] So.... how is Samantha older [and alive] in 1918 than 1945? I know some will say Time Travel, but I don't think time travel would effect Samantha's voice and age. If it did, it'd been the same for the O4 would have been in wheelchairs in Moon and Shangri La. Any possible theorists/explanations to why Samantha and Dr. Maxis are older than they should be in 1918?
  23. How are Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, Richtofen, Maxis, OR Samantha even alive back then?!!! Time travel. It's got to be the answer. I see no alternative. The only one I see is that they never were from WWII but actually WWI and fooled everyone. Or they're just really old. There's no way Sam was actually around back then, however. Time travel is the easy way out. Plus, Samantha sounded older than she did on Moon.....
  24. Likewise. It'd be like David Mason being alive in the 1960's. Am I the only one who thinks that Richtofen was operating on Maxis? Judging from the intro, Maxis looks like he'd be dead by 1945 rolls around. Also Nikolai's note: My reading of it. Nikolai's first wife perhaps? XD
  25. This is confusing. :S 1.) How is Samantha even alive in 1917/1918? 2.) Purple and yellow eyes? Personally, I was kinda let down by the intro. :| I wanted an epic confrontation between the four, like the end, and then the zombies attack. :|
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