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Posts posted by TheNathanNS

  1. All DLC's for Black Ops 2:


    Personalisation Packs/calling cards/extra slots/Nuketown Zombies/Nuketown 2025


    Personalisation Packs 2


    I'd count the Personalisation Packs/calling cards/extra slots/Nuketown2025/Nuketown Zombies as DLC 5, as they were all released at the same time. Or near the same time anyway.

  2. +1 on Misty..

    Also, I recognize most backgrounds that have something to see, the bus, Die Rise skyscrapers, the rift.. But WHERE is this? Possibly hint to next DLC?

    I think it's a reference to that campaign mission that takes place in a flooded Pakistan.

  3. Oh yeah, the hellhounds, how could I have forgot!

    Brutus, is kind of 50/50. If you've listened to his voice files from the PC version then I guess you could say he is Ferguson.

    Still no actual back stories, only theories for: The Pentagon Thief, Space Monkeys[? Haven't played Ascension], Astronaut zombies, Denziens, Leroy or the ghost.

  4. Tough decision for me.

    Marlton: I'm probably most like him, as I'm into technology and I'm quite picky about hygiene. Lol. :D

    However, I find his voice to be quite annoying. Especially on Die Rise when he said "Payback's a bitch, just so you know, so is Russman" about 100 god damn times.

    Abigail/Misty: She reminds me of Dempsey, how they both seem so badass when killing zombies also to me it seems she's the one who'd most likely go down last, if they were all NPC's.

    However, like Marlton, I think she talks too much.

    Russman: The funniest of the lot, IMO. His quotes are down right hilarious.

    What I don't like about him is how Treyarch gave him a very dull personality. If he's in DLC 4, I hope they reveal more about him, as the intro to Buried did.

    Samuel: Before MOTD's/Buried's release, I was actually getting excited to see if anything happened to him, like it did on Die Rise. I wanted/hoped that upon completing the EE, he'd turn into a zombie or something.

    Noticed anything? M.A.R.S.

  5. They don't have to be the same BO1 characters, they could be the O4 on CoTD and the CIA as the new "FIVE" characters.

    Like we didn't have the Marines in Black Ops' Nacht or Verruckt.

    I'd love to see completely new maps though as I think Treyarch have made enough money off old maps, such as Nuketown 2025, Studio and Uplink.

    OK Nuketown was free but you get the idea.

    I do NOT want to see Dead Ops returning. I hated that "map" so much.

  6. ^Agreed.

    Fearing THIS?

    Couldn't resist.

    On topic: I heard people say Teddy is Richtofen's nickname, but I haven't heard anyone call him that.

    So where did his "Nickname" come from?

  7. Seeing as people are using the last letter of every DLC Zombies map, it appears we have forgotten about NuketowN




    IMO, People are looking far too deep into the names of things.

    Likewise with M.A.R.S, it is most likely a coincidence.

    If the next DLC map doesn't end with Y, I look forward to hearing the next anagram.

  8. It's going to be interesting.

    However, I've got a gut feeling only one side is canon. Maxis'.


    Richtofen's ending is simple. He kills/banishes Maxis. The end of their rivalary.

    Richtofen has no more trouble as the world is his own plaything.

    Whereas Maxis' ending is much more darker and hints to the story being far from over.

  9. What I like:

    The atmosphere.

    The intro

    Off the wall weapons

    The addition of the bank and the weapon locker, made even better by the fact it carries over from Die Rise and TranZit.

    Leroy when he's being given candy

    The ghost house, adds a really spooky feeling when your entering it.

    The paralyzer, I love the way you can jump over barricades without Leroy being there.

    The tight, dead end spaces. However, I've noticed people rage quit whenever they get downed in the maze/juggernog etc.

    What I don't like:

    Leroy, I wish he was easier to control. Also I wish he'd attack the players if he was shot, like the trailer hinted at.

    The ghost lady when she steals 2000 points every hit. I'd much prefer it to be 100 or 200 points a hit.

    The game over song. IMO it seems too upbeat, unlike Verruckt or MOTD's.

    The time bomb. 3 times people have had it and annoyed me with it.

    Some achievements, such as "Awaken the Gazebo" because I'm a rookie at zombies, that achievement will be impossible for players like me.

    Overall it's a fun map and very easy to get downed if you don't know what your doing. However, I feel the trailer offered more than it delivered, as I mentioned about Leroy not attacking the players.

  10. 1.) They aren't a Max Ammo round, but defeating them all results in a free perk, which gives the achievement "Ectoplasmic Residue" They aren't overpowered, but very annoying if you have over 4000 points. They also seem to stop any zombies from spawning until they aren't spawning anymore.

    2.) You can get him mad by giving him candy. By giving him booze, he charges at the object behind him.

    3.) The Paralyzer? It slows down zombies then kills them. Never tried it on ghosts and slows down the Big Guy. However, unlike other weapons, he doesn't run back to his cell when attacked by it.

    Also, if you aim it at your feet, hold RT then jump you can fly with it!

    4.) No idea. Remington something.

    5.) Nope.

  11. Hey.

    Just listening to some things the Ghost Girl says, when near the house.

    I heard them in theatre mode.

    *: I couldn't hear them properly.

    So many souls....

    You should leave....

    The house is a shadow of it's former glory.....

    You do not belong here.

    I'm the lady of the house...

    Don't be alarmed

    Where are you going?

    You know we are here [i think that's what she said]

    No one can help you

    This house holds many secrets

    *You have nothing to fear, I'm restless...

    This is my house

    Look behind you

    You will stay forever.....

    Now, I know some hardcore EE Hunters will find something of interest with these quotes.

  12. I'm glad they put so much detail into this cutscene.

    Up until Buried, the N4 were the only ones without nothing being known about them, except from Marlton was in Nuketown and Samuel is infected. Whereas the O4 we knew they met by being captured and we knew the Mobsters worked together before being arrested.

    It's also on CODTV now. :D

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