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Doppelgänger last won the day on November 9 2016

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About Doppelgänger

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  1. The conclusion has arrived. 

    It sucks.

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I think you hit the nail on the head.

  2. Is anyone else getting huge framerate drops in Black Ops 3 on the Xbox One?

    1. Ragdo11706


      I've noticed when going for ?, if i pause the game for an extended period of time, along with having the Alchemical Antitheses gumball equipped, this is more likely to occur. 

  3. The  time has come!


    50 Cryptokeys for 10  Vials of Divinium!


    It lasts for 2 days so get on it!

  4. What exactly do you think you're doing here?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Guitarmanx7x


      Ok i did that, now what? haha

    3. NaBrZHunter


      You are now a part of the team. LOL! @Hells Warrrior here's our #2


    4. Guitarmanx7x



  5. I miss simplicity too my friend. Welcome to the forums! Allow me to pawn off any questions you have to our awesome Admins and Moderaters (the lovely fellas in the Red and Green). Joking aside, if there's any questions or theories you have, create a thread. We'd love to hear what you have to say.
  6. I'd like to add that I'm really disappointed that we're getting zombies every year now. I has been hoping to see a revamped Extinction Mode, what with space being the new frontier for the game, it would have been awesome. Hopefully Infinity Ward's zombies is as fun as Extinction was.
  7. Two days ago I was lucky enough to get the Bansii, the new energy shotgun, from a Rare Supply Drop.

    I have it Prestige 2 and Gold.

    This is the most fun game in the game. Finally I'm enjoying Black Ops 3 again!

    1. Rissole25


      Bastard haha. I only have Butterfly Knife, the Wrench and the Carver. I want a gunnnn.

    2. Doppelgänger


      It's the second gun I've unlocked. I have the RSA Interdiction and the Banshii. Unfortunately I can't seem to get the HG-40 or the FFAR, both guns I want. I seem to only be able to get the fun guns, which is still great.

      Have you cashed in both of your weapon bribes?

    3. Rissole25


      Only had one since I didn't get the Season Pass haha. That gave me the Carver.

  8. I did play Extinction. Advanced Warfare Zombies is below me. The gameplay looked terrible, the maps were bland and the characters were way too edgy. Extinction was fun, even when I played a year after it's release. I enjoyed the idea, and the gameplay was a lot of fun. It felt a lot more challenging than anything in Black Ops 2. The survival aspect was great and it genuinely was hard when I had just started out. Even after leveling up, the challenge remained. I encourage you to try it. However, with Ghosts not being received well with the community I doubt people will still be played it. Solo isn't all that bad, but having people to rely on makes it all the better.
  9. Welcome to CoDZ! If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. Hope to see you in the forums!
  10. Try adding the Nuketown loading screen so you can show us the similarities, expand and explain a little. Here's a link: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DWBIo9YW6Yg/maxresdefault.jpg Just paste it into your post and it will show up. As for the post, I do agree there are some aspects of that machine that look like that one seen in the loading screen. Of all the loading screens, that one is definitely one of the most confusing ones.
  11. I definitely suggest trying to run the Bastion. It is a little overrun by zombie spawns, but once you learn the intricacies, it becomes second nature. I run it Counter-Clockwise. But you can run it either way. There's a small area out the back, to the left of the Pack-a-Punch, where if you get overrun from zombies coming from the Parapet, you can double back and save yourself a heap of ammunition and grief. I train everywhere on the map, but I've yet to find a location with that amount of ways to escape.
  12. Here's how you can get the image into your thread.
  13. It all comes down to where you decide to train. The Ragnarok DG-4 should be built as far away from where you are running those trains. Myself, I prefer to run trains on the Bastion, at the Death Ray. I find it's the best location, aside from the courtyard as it has 3 exits, a Wundersphere to escape quickly, the Death Ray to kill everything trying to kill you and a Workbench above Double Tap 2.0, which is where I build the Shield. I place it there because if my shield breaks, I can run down to the Shield, equip it and use the Wundersphere to escape back to the Bastion. The only problem is the lack of a Wall-Buy, which can really hinder you in the higher rounds. It isn't a problem though, just spam the Bow on your way to get to whatever Wall-Buy you are looking for. Basically I build the shield as closely to my training spot as possible. Undercroft bench if I'm down there, Church bench if I'm in the courtyard and above Double Tap if I'm on the Bastion.
  14. Welcome to the forum, glad to see users suggesting others to join. I hope you enjoy your time here.
  15. But that's the thing. You really don't have to. Call of Duty is the furthest from a tactical shooter. So Objective-based gamemodes don't require "teamwork" where in Battlefield for example, they would.
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