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Everything posted by Inmate_00032

  1. Thanks everyone... I was thinking it was some skin kind of thing you can purchase and download from the store. Would be cool if they did that :lol:
  2. Yesterday while playing Mob of the Dead, one of the other players character had some weird kind of pants on that resembled the design an upgraded weapon gets from the Pack a Punch machine. Is this some customization feature or just a glitch?
  3. Great input everyone... As for the people popping in and out of lobbies I understand, its the ones who will sit in the lobby wait for three players to ready up and then leave just as the timer reaches 0. What would be nice is a block button that tells the match server you will not play with this player..
  4. I love this map more than any other put out so far but having to deal with people leaving their profiles on while not playing, starting a game and leaving once the game starts, and popping in and out of the lobby excessively is getting crazy. I suggest that these players get penalized 10 minutes before they can enter another lobby.. they had this in the tournaments so why not in normal game-play so that we can get rid of this type of childish behavior.
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