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About FourLines

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  1. Haha definitely Grill, I noticed the other day that the forum was down for a bit of maintenance, so I decided to leave things for a while :D
  2. Haha, thank you! I know, I'm so glad to be a part of everything that's going on here!
  3. Haha, thanks for the warm welcome guys! I'm looking forward to taking part already! :D
  4. Hey y'all, I'm new to this site. I mean I'm fairly new, Since the teaser trailer for TranZit, I've popped onto CoDz every once in a while to check up what was going on in the Asylum or in the map discoveries, because I am a mental zombies storyline fan! No seriously, you don't understand. Crazy. Like when my mates are talking about going out for the night, i'm sitting there theorizing how different aspects would change the storyline overall. Yeah... But I finally decided to make an account on here, only like three hours ago? And I want to try and offer what I know and listen to the veterans of zombies; even if I only make a small impact on the community, it's better than no impact at all! So yeah, about me... Well, my name's Joe, and I'm currently a student in 6th form, somewhere in the Queen's country of good old England. And oh yeah, I wish that I lived in America. Thanks for reading guys haha! :D
  5. I love how people research so deeply into possible maps and branches of the story, it really shows how creative and imaginative the Zombies community is! Don't let the 1 post thing bother you haha, I've been around these forums for a long time, and I only decided to make an account today. So you're just gonna have to trust me! 8-) So anyways, I wouldn't think that the idea of a Paris based map is as distant as many believe; what many don't know is that, apparently the map Moon was always intended to be a Paris map (PLAYtheGAME did a video on it a while back, and with them rumoured to have a leak in Treyarch and typically getting many things right about upcoming maps, I'm inclined to believe them on this. Also, for the life of me I can't find the video again to link it, but it's somewhere on their channel!). It was developed to have some Parisian river (which ended up becoming the trench which housed the three nukes), and the bio-dome was to be a big garden near the Eiffel tower itself. They changed it pretty much last minute however, wanting to go larger scale than ever before. So, do I believe that there's a chance of a Parisian map making it's way onto Black Ops 2? A small chance, but that's it; a big problem with TranZit and Die Rise for me was that the maps didn't get any better than Moon, but Mob of the Dead offered a diversity no other map so far has offered. I would hope that following the last DLC and it's success (at least I think it was), the zombies team would want to 'one-up' the single-player team's map, bringing out hopefully the most diverse map and addition to the storyline yet! So what do you think? And thanks for reading! :D
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