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About dannyfrog2013

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  1. @Hells Warrrior i keep getting this error when trying to view peoples status updates https://gyazo.com/9b59d28343894d1160b69075e3bc1d6e or even searching for things server configuration error something or other like that

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      To be honest, I'm aware - I've had a ticket open with IPS since the 5th, a patch is available for it and I'm hopeful this will be applied today but it's likely a new update for the suite is going to come out today or tomorrow which will include this fix and others.


      It's a waiting game - sorry.

    2. dannyfrog2013


      ah ok sounds good to me surprised they havent done it already lol .... thanks for the info

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Patch only became available yesterday but they don't publicly release the patch, they apply it on a need to basis - it's part of the next system update which includes other fixes and they only give the patch out when critical.


      Ours is critical and we need it now, just a case of awaiting update to the ticket from yesterdays response.

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