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Everything posted by ZombiesPerkulator

  1. Yeah it can be used for mustang and sally. Was using it last night
  2. So far I have noticed two moon references in buried, and I am sure we are going to find more eventually. First off is in the cinematic opening right after they show the crumbling earth, the screen cuts to the moon. Someone could say that this is just for effect, but when has treyarch done something like that? They are hinting at the moon. Another reference I found was when you are playing as Stuhlinger. When you start off and are in the starting area, Stuhlinger says the following quote "What are all these huge machines? do they serve some GRAND purpose?" This could very easily be in reference to Richtofens Grand Scheme (moon easter egg) Anyway I just thought these two things were odd and were worth mentioning. Thanks for reading and if anyone else has found other things like these feel free to share :)
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