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Awful Lawton

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Everything posted by Awful Lawton

  1. Right now, TheeFrenzy has the highest round on zombies (215 on der riese)

  2. Right now, TheeFrenzy has the highest round on zombies (215 on der riese)

  3. Right now, TheeFrenzy has the highest round on zombies (215 on der riese)

  4. Correct, thundergun is in nacht, howl in verruckt, snn was where wunderwaffe was introduced, so yeah.
  5. So, as of 4 hours ago, Steve has reclaimed No Man's Land.... 393 kills.

    1. Fariko Zomb
    2. DeathBringerZen


      Damn... Someone is due to hit 400. It will happen!

    3. Slade


      pics or it didnt happen - Chopper

  6. If anything, PhD lander is where I go my start with the trains lol
  7. Moon (Pc) paused on 134 at about 30 hours. Expect to reach 140 in 4-6 gameplay hours.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Boom115


      Hmm never had issues with it. PM me if you need any help.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I will never understand the joy of surviving past round 50…. It seems it'd just become tedious and long...

    4. Awful Lawton

      Awful Lawton

      137, 78.5k kills soon. My only motivation for 100+ runs is instakill rounds. You can do it too, just play WaW SNN. Games on there can be done in 4 hours.

  8. Moon (Pc) paused on 134 at about 30 hours. Expect to reach 140 in 4-6 gameplay hours.

  9. I wonder how many resources we could pour into a 2nd master zombie/solo zombies guide?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dahniska


      You're asking if I want to put together guide material for all BO2 maps/survival modes while you tackle BO1? Hmm. Send me a PM when you get a chance and we can discuss this more. Up front I will be honest though - this would take a while. At least several weeks.

    3. Awful Lawton

      Awful Lawton

      Yes, sort of. My goal is to cover each map, while covering the intricate parts- instakill rounds and the reset time.

    4. Chopper


      I admire what you are trying. Gotta remember though that insta rounds are a niche within a niche within a niche. I suggest doing individual guides for the maps and then combining them, it will seem more manageable then.

  10. I wonder how many resources we could pour into a 2nd master zombie/solo zombies guide?

  11. 74, post mark-2 patch. Game took about 21.5 hours, and I had to trade out alot of rayguns, thats all I'll say.
  12. I hope so, Dahn. I hope so. I have all bo2 maps on pc, and the situation there is approximately equal to that of xbox. Also, try moon Dahn while you're at it. I'm sure you can rip the reciveing bay into something fierce.
  13. Shi No Numa. I don't know how Frenzy played for 94 hours on his 186 games without becoming bored from those colors.
  14. More info: Kino was supposed to be WaW MP 4, but mw2 was (literally) 11 days away. So, they remade it, bo1 style. However, Ascension was already made during bo1's dev cycle. It was much larger apparently and double tap was to be included. Also, Deadshot was not introduced and treyarch did not want mule kick in until the final dlc. Instead, ascension's size was reduced, and as a compensation, phd and staminup were put in instead.
  15. Good strat, awesome to see others trying to compile strategies. However, there are many strats that easily eclipse that. Take in example- five's top floor traps allows 3 full hordes to be killed per trap.
  16. Ooh! Pick Me! Pick Me! My strategy is to trade in rayguns past 50 until I die.
  17. What can I do to prevent an xbox from overheating? Thinking about trying to go for instakill rounds again over my spring break (next week)

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Awful Lawton

      Awful Lawton

      Rissole: But, I could put my fan in such a way that it would blow cold air towards the xbox.

    3. Awful Lawton

      Awful Lawton

      Rissole: But, I could put my fan in such a way that it would blow cold air towards the xbox.

    4. Chopper


      The same strat with novas is probably the overall easiest and safest. Not easy or safe, but then it's easier and safer than most anything else, and definitely compared to no novas. With no novas the spawns are crazy quick and difficult to deal with, plus you have no crossbow and cant pap thunder :)

  18. What can I do to prevent an xbox from overheating? Thinking about trying to go for instakill rounds again over my spring break (next week)

  19. 10/10, great guide! In my 116 game the rounds dragged on when I ran out of ammo, then had to run ALL THE WAY from The tank station to gen 4 to get the robot to come.
  20. I am mass-adding some of you on xbox GT: xXL1V1NGLEGENDX

    1. Chopper


      Mate we don't really allow those questions over here, I have to delete those comments I'm afraid. I got an accepted your FR btw :)

  21. Anyone want to license transfer me First Strike on BO1? Der Riese and NML have burned me out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Awful Lawton

      Awful Lawton

      Ah ok. My intentions are to try for 200 on Ascension (jbird, another member here, has the same goal.)

    3. Dahniska


      How did you get 182 on Ascension before?

    4. Awful Lawton

      Awful Lawton

      Tgun only. I have been trying to find my footage to upload to zombierecords, but have not been successful.

  22. Way, Sithbas reset on 178. Also, as a high round player, I sort have been analyzing this situation myself. What I will say is that although some things are Suspect, wings HAS been known to be a BS'er in the community.
  23. Feeding off of what Slade had said, this also happens in BO1, with script errors/gspawns/resets as consoles quickly run out of RAM.
  24. For Kino, camping firetrap room to 30+ is easy as long as you know how to group up in the room. Ascension, I camp the spawn, standing near the m14 with raygun til 40 or so. Verruckt, there's the speed cola area, with tremendously fast spawns (as low as 10 seconds) until 35. die rise, I usually camp the pdw elevator, but I am also trying to find camping areas that allow quick spawns. Buried, easy map is easy. Origins, usually I camp at G4, moving when necessary, shooting staffs.
  25. You're actually not right about that one, DBZ. The best strategy for high rounds is either training behind the tank station or by Gen 4 - the tank station has faster spawns which allows for an extra 6 or so zombies killed with each train you kill (using Ice Staff of course), and Gen 4 has the advantage of easy access to Odin's feet which is the best way to kill zombies once you reach that point in the game where your staffs don't hold enough ammo to get through each round. Each of the two best staffs has its strength - Ice, for the best charged effect for killing your trains because of its spawn trapping potential with the most ammo and Wind for killing the train instantly, which allows you to get out of a jam without too much of a worry. With the way the map was made to be played you can only have one - so there is a drawback either way. Ice doesn't kill them fast enough to save you sometimes, while Wind lacks the ammo to grind through the rounds. Having both on your person at the same time would allow you to fill the ammos simultaneously which is a game-changer. You just got the ability to go past round 100 without having to worry about your ammo in the least bit where you would have been struggling at round 78 or so and having to swap staffs back and forth and catch Max Ammos are smartly as you could to get from round to round. On top of that you can now run with the Wind Staff in your hand so you can get out of a jam while having the Ice Staff to swap to so you can kill your trains better and with MUCH more ammo. To anyone but experienced players this doesn't seem like much, but to me this is gamebreaking in the extreme. On top of all this, you will no longer need the Mauser - instead you'll carry the Fire Staff to kill the Panzer instantly without any worry at all! This is incredibly overpowered, even more than having both versions of the Ray Gun at once. This is like having the Thundergun, the Wave Gun and the Scavenger at the same time! This MUST be patched or competitive, high rounds Origins is done for in every way. Exactly. The 1st person to do this glitch to 100+ will screw everyone else over, including both me (116)and you (108) who actually did it legit. By the way, did you run tank station too?
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