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  1. How Is Everyone Doing Today!!

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    1. Electric Jesus
    2. AKA-DR3AMZS


      That is Great to hear Spiffy!! Gl and have fun

  2. hi all i have tried this earlier today i had Leroy go through the mansion and in to the maze and down in to the Pap machine i used the candy there but it seemed he did not to anything but get mad and take some zombies out lol but was worth a shot maybe someone will figure it out what he can do at the pap machine gl.
  3. Hi, Dfsnake I have also been having the same problem the game has been freezing as well on buried and have no clue to why its doing that. It also has been freezing on Die Rise to and i have tried this on my girls ps3 it freezes on her system to both buried and die rise. I really would like to know why its doing this also. Hopefully there is some information out there that will lead to what the problem is to why its freezing up. Good luck with this Dfsnake
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