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Posts posted by RDB

  1. I'm almost certain Xerum 525 was a code-word for Mercury.

    Check out this Ancient Aliens episode on "Aliens and the Third Reich". I believe it ecovers a lot on this topic.


    It covers the relationship between Vril energy and mercury vortex energy; It covers the Nazi's inspiration of ancient flying Vimanas when developing Die Glocke. Die Glocke has been rumored to being a teleporter, time traveling device, as well as a flying saucer.

    So where does Element 115 fit into all this? There's a conspiracy theory created by Bob Lazar, that while he was working at Area-51, he was hired to reverse engineer the UFO from the Rosewell crash. Bob Lazar claims that the UFO's anti-gravity engines were powered by a stable isotope of Element 115. The process of how the UFO engines ran on 115 was similar in description to how Die Glocke technology works.

    I agree with MMX here. In my opinion, Xerum 525, Red Murcury, Vril Energy, and Element 115 are all one in the same in terms of lore in this game.

    - Mix

    I did say this Xerum 525 looked like glowing-red, "nuclear," mercury.

  2. Ununpentium? No. As most of you know, Die Glocke or "The Bell" was a project to enhance the German Luftwaffe during WWII. This project was worked on at a facility called "Der Riese(Yes, it's real.)." Here and there there are hundreds of connections from the zombies storyline and Die Glocke. Now this entire story revolves around 115. Excuse me, Xerum 525. A man named Igor Witkowski translated a German interrogation of a Nazi SS Officer, Jakob Sporrenberg. He described a bell-shaped metal object about 9 feet in width and 15 feet in height. It was said this bell. or "Wunderwaffe," could travel through bends in space and time and possibly even time travel. The "Wunderwaffe" was said to be powered with a secret and sacred element they named Xerum 525. It was said to look like red mercury and it would glow when activated on the "Wunderwaffe." The Xerum 525 was highly dangerous too, according to Jakob Sporrenberg it killed dozens of scientists with its radiation. The origins of 525 were never known, but Igor claims that Jakob said it came from place that the common human has no knowledge of it's existence. The entire Call of Duty Zombies storyline revolves around this project. Tell me what you think.

    Want more information?

    How does this relate to an American UFO incident?






  3. Found this video on YouTube.

    There is the first video on the Internet of this "Firm" thing.

    Found one more. These are the only 2 videos on youtube of this as of Sept. 17 2013. What do you think? (Sorry this one is spanish)


  4. Haven't zombies been around since at least the Templar times? Just buried where no one knew about them or the people that did know about them were silenced by the zombies).

    But yeah jimmy, thx for being clear for once :lol:

    Pssh, they've been around since the times where the Vril bros still dwelled at Shangri-La.

  5. This is a strange theory but it makes good sense. I can easily see this brainless body being Maxis' but it confuses me because later on he's most likely in a body when he's working at Der Riese around WWII. (I'm 99.9% sure that Maxis has a body later in the storyline. Someone can probably easily find evidence/proof that he has a body later on.) Possibly Maxis used some sort of teleportation via Aether, Agartha, etc. to enter another body, relating to the theory of Richtofen entering his old body.

  6. The Mark II is incredibly powerful against him. Maybe 2 or 3 shots to kill him. As long as you have something better than an MP40 or SGT you should be fine for the first 1-3 times he spawns.

  7. Hello I'm RDB. I've been browsing these forums for a long time now but yet never made an account. I'm glad I joined the CoDz community and I'm looking forward to contributing to the forums and killin' zombies. My Xbox Live gamertag is TRickZ RDB1 if anybody needs it for some reason. See you later. :D

    P.S. I don't know if my signature is "okay" as far as the CoC goes, just shoot me a private message if I should change it.

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