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The Twirp

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Everything posted by The Twirp

  1. If we are going for atmosphere, I would have to say Mob of the Dead. Every time I play that map, I feel a lot more "sucked in" than any other map due to the feel it gives. I would also want to say Tranzit, and although the gameplay itself sucked, the atmosphere of the map has the perfect post-apocalyptic world that I think fits zombies perfectly (except the lava. I HATE the lava).
  2. Most Difficult: 1.Die Rise 2.Nuketown 3.Origins 4.MotD 5.Tranzit 6.Buried Most Fun: 1.MotD 2.Origins 3.Die Rise 4.Nuketown 5.Buried 6.Tranzit Best Layout/Atmosphere 1.MotD 2.Origins 3.Tranzit (I like the apocalyptic atmosphere, but the layout is horrible) 4.Die Rise 5.Nuketown 6.Buried
  3. I personally can't stand this map without the shield. It is part of my go-to setup along with Jug and Stamin-Up. I feel so exposed without it, and seem to go down much more often without it. As for the going prone with it on your back, I really wish that was true. That would be so fantastic!
  4. The Twirp

    Shovel Guide

    This post is awesome and super helpful, awesome job. I do have a question, however. I way playing solo the other day, and received the golden shovel after the usual amount of digs you would expect. That was around round 15-20 somewhere. I then proceeded and made it all the way to round 50, stopping every round or two to dig as many sites as I could find. I never found that stinking gold helmet! Anyone have any idea if my game could've been glitched, or am I just super unlucky? Like is there a max amount of graves that it takes to get a helmet or just totally random? I've found it in other games I've played, but the one time I get to a decent round I still have to worry about being stepped on :cry:
  5. Hey CoDz users, what's up? My name is The Twirp, I'm new around here (obviously). Despite what you might think by my username, I'm 20 years old. I really enjoy playing some CoD Zombies, but have been forced to play solo lately due to all my friends moving on to other games or other reasons like that. I am looking forward to talking about and playing some zombies with some new people. Don't get me wrong, playing with randoms is fun and all, but communication and some zombie domination is always awesome. Can't wait to slay some zombies with you all, thanks for reading!
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