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Everything posted by ShafterX

  1. This is really disappointing but its time to know it. There is nothing inside the bunker in Nuketown Zombies. Heres a video that i made with a dolly camera trick. kjwXpARwfHg Even if in the game over cutscene, the fallout shelter is possibly open, there is nothing inside it. Post your opinions
  2. Yeah, im enjoying my stay. My favorites maps are Moon and Mob of the dead.
  3. Make sure you are playing in original difficulty.
  4. My language is spanish
  5. Hello everyone, my name is ShafterX. Im a 14 years old gamer and i love playing CoD zombies, i really love the storyline and the characters, specially Nikolai and Sal. English is not my language so sorry if i have bad grammar. I started playing zombies since WaW and i always played Nacht Der Untoten all the time, i didnt know that the map packs existed, so then i found them, and i started to love CoD zombies. So thats all about me, have a nice day everyone! ;)
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