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Everything posted by lead_psychopath

  1. I can now also confirm that an extra squadmate does not get awarded every 20 rounds. First time I tried it we got to round 18 and it hadn't come back by round 26. Second time I tried it I used the squadmate on round 1, as soon as I could, by round 32 it hadn't spawned back.
  2. Wow. Did not know what trigger happy did. I always swapped it out for ammo!!!! I literally thought it was a useless perk!
  3. That's still amazing! Must try both those spots myself. We've gotten into a terrible habit if doing either warhawk or bayview because of them being slightly easier.
  4. While I'd also love to see it, it would make it so much longer to find a lobby. I don't have very good internet, and sometimes I could wait 5 mins before I even get into a game. If all the players with mics suddenly moved to best only, I'd never get into a lobby.
  5. Well done! What map was that?
  6. Wow, where on earth were you in fog? We've only gotten to about round 11! Once the dogs start coming, we usually go down!
  7. Also, on a different note, I really like safeguard. But what would make it awesome for me would be the ability to buy things like a riot shield or armour. It'd make it easier, definitely. But I'd still love to see it.
  8. Yep. The only reason I found this out was from the riot shield guys. You don't even need to hit their feet, just shoot the ground near them and they're finished. Good point with the ammo and minigun, but I/we tend to change the support crates into ammo quite often, so ammo is rarely a problem. Actually, that's another thing we do. Neither of us will have the same gun, which is really handy with leveling up weapons when you get the same weapon from a crate. Also, (geeze, the more I think about it, I keep thinking of these little things!) your weapon level stays the same throughout the game. Ie. if you had a level 10 Mtar, traded it out for an Arx, then decided to pick up the Mtar again, it won't start from level 1, it'll be whatever level you traded it in on (in this case 10). Maybe I always have blast shield on, and thats why the semtex guys don't seem to hurt me..
  9. How do you not get shot at when you camp out in the open? A few points/suggestions of my own: If camping on the lighthouse in bayview, the vulture is the number one killstreak to have. Go to prone on one of corners away from the sea-and just wait. It literally kills everything! And you can't get shot at! On the note of the minigun reward, I personally find it much better to keep using my gun. It still levels up, but you get to keep the explosive ammo, so the damage is increased greatly. That was a great tip with the perks, I did not know that you get an extended bleed out time with more perks. On the note of perks, another tip I'd have is: don't get many perks until you have sleight of hand (SOH). You lose perks as you die out, and we always find SOH an uncommon drop. If you have SOH first, then 5 more perks, you'll find by the time you've been revived, you still have SOH. Don't ever get a sniper. The wild widow is totally epic, but do upgrade it. I found when ghosts came out, I'd just keep it for emergencies, but definitely level 35+ it starts to take 2 hits (inaccurate shots to the legs/feet/arms). Get the WW past level 6, and you'll be fine. The grenade shooting enemies are by far the easiest IMO. I've never received damage from their grenades? I think they're more to destroy your equipment. They do melee you though, which can bring you don't very quickly. The Helo Scout it great for escapes, but be warned, you can get shot at by the heavy machine gunner enemies. That's all I can think of atm.
  10. I like the idea of mixing perks Edit: (clicked the reply button too quick!) What if every mixable perk had a slight negative effect? For example Jug and QR. Time to revive is 1.75 seconds, and you lose 1 hit of health, so 4 hits would down you. The benefit? It only takes up one perk slot. But I would also like to see perks that are the same that could be mixable. QR + QR= 1second revive. PhD + PhD= same effect, but damage for explosives increases significantly.
  11. Lol. Its cool man. I just wanted to point out that everyone is arguing for no reason. We all want a better COD game, and don't want to have to resort to buying micro dlcs for it.
  12. Dude, if I can reduce your argument to "everything should be a handout" in one post, I should get into politics... Where is the divide between gimmicks and innovation? Its totally personal and opinionated. I feel the wolf DLC is totally innovative. But (on assumption) you would not. I know if I was 12 I would beg my parents for the Snoop Dogg voice pack. I'm 24, I have no intention of buying it, but it's still ingenious. Many people will still buy it, even though plenty of people think it's stupid. And that is why Call of Duty, even though it's past it's prime, will continue for many more years. It appeals to the masses. We can moan about it all we like, regardless of wether micro DLC should exist, or if it should be a better game altogether, or wether it's fine as it is. Opinions are opinions, and until a proper "COD killer" comes out, we are all going to be playing a hacked-to-hell-cash-cow-COD. Loyal or not, millions of people will still buy the game, hoping for something different. But as it is, I like Ghosts, and its slow paced gameplay. I just wish they got rid of the IED, then it would be awesome. As I like to put sidenotes in my posts, I'll add another now. I'm really hoping that Treyarch are creating a whole new engine, so in a years time, when we are all wondering what's going to happen next, Treyarch will be like: "well you know how we had 2 years...well, we actually properly made a new engine... Ta Da!".
  13. The problem is though, that Ghosts still has the same engine as MW1. If it got more complex, it wouldn't be as easy to hack, but no matter how they disguise it, its still the same engine, just heavily modded. Hacks are going to happen. But surely even you agree werfer that this game got it worse than any other COD? Previous CODs, I've never gotten into a game where people are actively hacking (unless it was an old COD). Three weeks in, every second game of Ghosts was hacked. True its fixed now, but I do still get the odd game thats in a dodgy crowd.
  14. Damn. Was going to be all "yay, finally found something they actually patched!"
  15. Even though I live in Europe, I'm a Capitalist through and through. They are selling fun, and people want to buy it/ will pay for it- why not? Simple supply and demand. But Grill, you are 1000000000000000% correct, it should be free. Each CoD title since MW2 has taken in at least $1 billon, just from game sales. Imagine DLC on top of that. Now Micro DLC on top of that? You're right, it should be free, they've made more than enough. And Matuzz, how the hell can they have the time to create more Micro DLCs, but not enough time to fix actual problems? You are also right. They did fix all the hackers on ps3 at least. But my friend and I were lagging too last night, and both of us have fine connections. You two made great arguments, I'm not so convinced as I was earlier.
  16. I thought that may have been patched out in the most recent patch? I thought that may have been patched out in the most recent patch? Was going to create a thread on it. Has it happened to you recently mate? Because I have had about 6 games of Die Rise post patch, and I'm having to run the zombies around the elevator as I'm going up.
  17. Hi CODZ, so as I'm sitting here, I'm pondering, what could they actually do with the next gen consoles, that they cannot to with current gen? There was a rumour (that may well be true, I'm not 100%) that TranZit only had the fog because there wasn't enough ram to give everything a decent texture, and keep the game running smooth. So in future zombies, would we have an equivalent fog-free TranZit? Could the number of zombies per train be increased dramatically? Double perhaps? 48 solo, 96 4 player? What else can they add? Obviously no G spawn errors would be nice. Could they have multiple leaderboards for things separate from rounds? (such as challenges) Could they create a non-moddable system? Could we have a map with many maps in in? (remember at the beginning of Bo2 there was speculation at the navcards. There were ideas that you'd be able to play many maps in one go, being able to teleport to a different map.) I've Wonder waffled enough. What is actually achievable?
  18. I really want a "golden era" of gaming again. I consider the PS2 era to be one. The games were awesome, and so many fresh, epic ideas. I recon in 10 years time, all I will remember of the PS3 and Xbox 360 is it started me on zombies, and Halo 3 was awesome. I want the same again, but with new, innovative ideas. I don't care which platform is going to be lead platform for CoD, as long as whatever game comes next with zombies on it is awesome.
  19. In all seriousness guys, when Bo2 came out, every single thread in the Activision multiplayer forums was "BO2 IZ THE WORST COD EVER IM TAKIN IT BACK Y'ALL". With Ghosts, one out of every 3-4 threads were negative, lots of positive things came out. My personal gripe with Ghosts is it gets boring really quick, and I'm not sure why. I'll play 3 games and I'll be like: "ok different game time..." Having said that, I love Ghosts. I didn't buy any Micro DLC for Bo2, whereas Ghosts, I've bought several. Why? Because they're way cooler. A frigging WOLF?!? yes please. Cats in Space? Well, I like cats, and I like space.... What did we get multiplayer-wise in Bo2? Camos and more camos. And plenty of these were totally stupid too: anyone remember the Bacon camo? What I find awesome with Ghosts, is they will try anything. So do I think the devs want to make this kind of stuff? I sure do, if they were totally against, it wouldn't be coming out. It's also the first COD game that hasn't taken itself too serious either, which is a bonus. I'm playing COD for fun, if I want Snoop Dogg to shriek stuff at me, I now have the option too. Yeah it's stupid, but again, I'm playing the game for fun.
  20. Wow, that's crazy. I really thought it was going to be neck in neck!
  21. Drill instructor? Come on now, this has to be fake.
  22. I agree with the fairness side of things, for sure. But with next gen consoles the leaderboards could be incredible. No power challenges, wall weapons, etc They could all start as a new game, but as you do things it cuts you out of each leaderboard. For example, once you turn on the power it discounts the no power leaderboard etc I'm not sure what everybodys view of the leaderboards are atm? I can't see the point in a 2,3,4 player separate leaderboard. I'd sooner see solo, co-op and challenges.
  23. I'd buy it too, but I'd love to see different things within the game. Like Buried with WW2 weapons, or a map with only wonderweapons in the box, but no perks, or the box having every gun from all the games in it (excluding ww).
  24. The disappointment for me was massive. I'd really wanted either a zombies only DLC or another Rezurection but with multiplayer maps too. My hopes got even higher with the teaser trailer of all of the previous maps with the word "Origins" right at the end. Only to have my hopes dashed with the release of the full apocalypse DLC trailer. Origins was a good map, but I was hoping for something spectacular.
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