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Everything posted by lead_psychopath

  1. Yes. I really like this idea, and at 10 rounds, it's definitely not op! Would they be reusable? Or just once offs? I still love the idea of being able to buy back doors, but having a set up where the barrier only lasts for 10 rounds and is a once off, gets me very excited indeed! Imagine the feeling of how easy it's become, only to have the barriers break after a while. It'd be awesome if they broke mid round too, so it was totally unpredictable!
  2. The only thing I can think of dude is maybe the lag difference causes the Ieds not to be thrown? Other than that, it's a pretty weird glitch! Sent from my D2303 using Tapatalk
  3. Right. First things first, I love the new map. It's delicious. My friend and I completed it on our second attempt, which is INSANE for us, it normally takes a few weeks! Does anyone know how to speed up the last bit and the escape? We escaped yesterday with 2 seconds on the timer, so to say it was close is an understatement! One thing I would say about it is that it is a teamwork orientated map. Before you even do the first drill, build the Venom Lx. It's a free gun, and is really really good (as you all know!) A way to survive on the gryphon rounds is to train the aliens like you would zombies, and then use the gryphon when your health is low as it puts a shield around you. I survived the whole round on my own last night doing that. Also, when the gryphon rounds are on, the aliens tend to go for the gryphon first, so the quickest way to complete them is to get someone covering the gryphon. We did the second round with just two gryphons yesterday! As for the last bit ( with the terminals) what the hell makes them speed up? 45 Mins it took us to complete that bit! I'm sure there's a quicker way! Sent from my D2303 using Tapatalk
  4. Ieds always disappear when you die. The trick is not to bash x/square straight away, as the ied will remain for the time of your killcam. It's the same with grenades and semtex. Very handy on free for all when people run over you just after killing you.
  5. That feeling when everything seems hopeless, only to have something magical happen! Last night my friend and I were playing mob, it was getting late so decided camp out in the engine room in the warden's office. He'd lost his vitriolic withering and all his guns, I had lost all of my perks, and had run out of ammo. Zombies flood the room, but he knifed one and it dropped a max ammo, I shot the VW through the door, and boom, we survived! Carried on for another few rounds then went to bed. Sent from my D2303 using Tapatalk
  6. Lol. I think it's the way you use ping. I always listen for it rather than look at the map. If I hear it,then I look at where the enemy is.
  7. To be honest 83457, I use wire tap a perk . The enemy team often whack down a sat com or two, and if our team put down two it's a advanced uav! The other perk that I found to be majorly useful is ping. Points out groups of enemies very easily. I pulled it off for agility, and I have noticed that I'm dying a lot more from enemies being close together and being campy. Sent from my D2303 using Tapatalk
  8. Wow. Amazed you found even the slightest bit of a fix! Reinforce is a weird gamemode though. I very very rarely play the same people, but nearly every night I play against this same guy! It's so strange! Sent from my D2303 using Tapatalk
  9. Hi peeps. I'm really struggling with a strategy that we used when MOTD first came out. It involved training outside the cafeteria (next to the mp5), with one player running, and the others sitting in the corner (where the acid gat part spawns), throwing the 'hawk/ killing zombies as kites built up. Claymores were placed in the corner where the acid gat part sometimes spawns, and as Brutus spawned in, it would be a insta-kill for him. The bit that I'm really struggling to remember is which doors were left closed. Has anyone used this strategy? Could someone please tell me which doors to leave closed? The only 2 doors that I do remember leaving closed were the door to the laundry room (you used to have to use the Double Tap entrance to the washroom) and the door directly above the acid gat part spawn. I think the top door next to electric cherry was also left closed, but I'm not 100%. So yeah, if anyone remembers this strategy/ has used it, could you tell me how to do it properly? It was a bit of a boring one, but assuming you had someone that was good at kiting, it was a very very safe strategy. Thanks chaps (and gals).
  10. That's not half a bad idea actually! Must try that tonight when I'm on!
  11. The numbers Mason, the numbers! This thread has really got me thinking. Just to throw a totally totally random one out there, the Pentagon Thief looks kind of like a very aged Richtofen.
  12. I really think the canister bombs need to be buffed. But I really agree on the grenades buff. I get way too many hit markers with them. I'd also love a timed semtex.
  13. Super duper quick response! Skull- 0+ Knife~ 80 Shotguns~ 160 But it's actually based off your average round down though, high round downs count less against your rank than low round downs . The numbers for ranks are very changeable though, I got my knife at a 70k/d, a friend got his knife on a 43 k/d, so I'm afraid no one actually knows. Edit: when I first started to respond, it said that the thread was 25 seconds old.
  14. Wow, just wow. Can't believe new things are still being found. I've just noticed though, the portal that looks so similar in the Nacht picture has numbers coming out of it like the teleporters from Five. Is perhaps the mystery man a former version of the scientist from Five?
  15. Yet I still get killed by them every game! I've only ever seen smoke once in reinforce, but ironically, the opposite team had tracker sights on!
  16. Mini rant: holy hell, what is wrong with people with this game mode at the moment. we played it all night last night, my friend and I often died first (we rush sometimes too much). There we were, watching the last player alive, waiting for him to capture the flag...but no. YOUR TEAM RESPAWNS IN IF YOU CAPTURE A FLAG... IF YOU ARE GOING TO SIT THERE, THEN AT LEAST TRY TO TAKE A FLAG SO YOU CAN GO BACK TO CAMPING WITH THE BENEFIT OF HAVING YOUR FULL TEAM BACK. Geeze last night we lost so many rounds because of guys just camping waiting for people to come onto our flag/flags. If the other team has 2 flags, there is very little point in them taking the 3rd, you're better off to go get your team back! We did win most of our overall games though, but my god so much of last night was spent watching a screen. Rant over, and sorry for filling up your thread 83457 with crap.
  17. I thought that too delta, but ny dog laat night definitely lasted about 3 rounds, I kept thinking it was so. weird!
  18. Is it actually real? Surely it warrants more than a paragraph?
  19. Ive found that the likes of IMS, sat com etc explode when I die, but my dog lasted the whole game last night. I'm not good enough at reinforce to get a sentry gun, battle hind or other high streaks, so im not sure what happens to them!
  20. To talk about timesplitters yet again, my friend and I would have 30 min games often. What about extremely long games rather than infinite?
  21. One final point that I forgot from yesterday: When players respawn in after a flag is taken, they can spawn at any taken flag. Useful to remember if they have 2 flags, sometimes they can spawn behind you! Ah, I very rarely rage quit. But the kd thing is crazy, I'd love for them to take it out altogether. My track record on Ghosts, went from a 0.3 (!) to about a 1.3, now slowly getting lower and lower. It's really daft actually, I only ever play with one guy, and my kd always goes down when I'm playing with him. If I only played free for all, or on my own, it would probably just go up. But what the hell is the point in it? I can get 30+ kills on dom and have a negative kd, or go 10+ kills and have a positive kd. It really doesn't reflect skill, only your play style. (IMO)
  22. Damn, you beat me to it! Was going to do something similar! I love this gamemode. I hadn't played Ghosts much till they brought it out,(edit: I've played tons of ghosts, I meant not recently) and for my friend and I, it's given Ghosts a whole new lease of life! Let's talk strategies, 'cos there seems to be so many things to think of. I'm just going to brain dump to warn you guys: 1) if you're against a team that are all in the same clan, leave that lobby. It's a gamemode that requires teamwork, and if you're with randoms- good luck! 2) everytime you take a flag you restore your teammates (that are downed) and it also adds about 45 seconds to the clock. 3) rushing works really well, but beware of opposite team rushers that have the same idea. 4) if you're in a team, a good strategy is to have a member go for each flag, enemies don't expect it, and by tge time they realize whats going on, its game over! 5) if you hold two flags, and there is only one member of each team left, you're better off waiting for the timer to end rather than going for the last flag. 6) snipers that are hidden work well. 7) rushing classes work even better! 8) remember stealth perks amplify and dead silence. I dont know how many times a teammate has died from someone soundwhoring. 9) if there's 30 seconds left, edge closer to a flag you haven't taken. If there's <15 seconds left, sprint to take it! You're going to lose if you let it go, might as well try! 10) watch those flags like a hawk! So many times have I seen it where I'm dead, and our last teammate is Campy Mc Camperson, but we lose anyway because he/she didn't notice that the opposite team already have 2/3 flags, and jump on the third. 11) don't be a honey badger tracker sight twat. Here I am, rushing like a boss, only to have a camper f**k my day right up!
  23. They are for sure. But if it was as simple as copy and paste, don't you think they would've cashed it on it by now?
  24. I read somewhere once that the reason they haven't remade the maps is because of something to do with the matchmaking engine. In Bo1 it has its own engine, but Bo2 uses the multiplayer matchmaker engine. It wasnt quite as easy as copy and paste. Not sure how true it is.
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