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Everything posted by lead_psychopath

  1. Finally have another one. Got to round 42 earlier on Nuketown, beating by previous best of 46. edit: meant 36 not 46 Deep.
  2. Again, thanks to everyone who responded! Just a mega quick update- I just had a game of Nuketown, was round 31 before I got my first down. Had my last down at 42, but was a massive improvement from my previous best, round 36. I slowed it down big time, walked a lot more rather than sprinted, and didn't panic as quickly. On the note of practising, I decided to start a load of custom games, and try and make a train in the first room without opening any doors. I find it really difficult, but its definitely helping. Once again, thanks.
  3. Lovely job. Looks really good. And as much as people didn't like so much colour, I love it. Well done guys.
  4. Does getting back into still count? Mob of the Dead if it does. I played it so much when it came out, I now can't bare it! I've tried and tried but to no avail. I'm not gone on Origins either, so much to do, only to die for a stupid reason. My friend and I upgraded all of the staffs the other day. Spent about an hour and a bit faffing around doing everything. Round 16/17 came along, and we both left the wind tunnel as two panzers dropped in. He ran to jug. I ran straight ahead, where I killed the first panzer, but died from him exploding. As I panic looking around to see how he was getting on I see the second panzer drop right infront of him, with a train following him. He got trapped between the two, game over. I hate Origins so much.
  5. Grater- really good ideas there. My only issue would be with the later round EE bit. I'm totally for it, but I think it would prove too unpopular for the masses. Many people don't ever get past round 30, lots of people would be pissed that they couldn't get the 100% trophy/ Gamerscore thing. Having said that, trophies should be more difficult to unlock, so I personally would very much welcome it. Imagine the map diversity you could do with it though. Lots of areas locked by walls/ barriers etc, but the boss enemy could break down the new areas as he spawns in, or as you destroy him. What about if every time you destroyed the Panzer, it unlocked a new room?
  6. Really appreciate the comments guys! All of you have epic points. Swapping- I don't think I cut back enough at all, and I don't really play No Man's Land enough will try more of those! Boom- Slowing down is definitely something I need to work on, that really does make a game I find. One of my problems is I try to do a speed run without meaning to, everything is quick quick quick! One thing I need to work on is how to get into the mind-set of slowing down. Eternal- that's a really good idea with the Tranzit stops. I think I might even take it one step further and try and run in the buildings alone, say a round of each building. Once again, thanks for the tips/ ideas. Any more, please keep them coming!
  7. Hi guys! I would consider myself an average zombies player, I probably average at a 25-35 round game, but have had plenty of higher and lower games. As for kiting, I'm not bad, but it's always a sloppy train that downs me. I'll run too wide, or cut where I shouldn't and get trapped. Or I'll run backwards shooting for too long. I really want to get to the next level, make it so most my games are 40+. Do any of you zombie pros have any training (as in getting better, not zombies) tips? Do you guys do challenges in nearly impossible areas to get better? I'd appreciate any advice, or even videos/ pictures would be an awesome help! Thanks in advance CODZ!
  8. I'm on the same boat as Electric. I get the appeal of character customizations, but I really don't like it. One of the reasons I didn't like extinction is when I first started playing it, nearly everything is locked, took a while to get as good as someone who had played it for a long time. If its a hassle to unlock stuff, plenty of people wont be bothered to. If the guns are the first thing to unlock, then definitely, good idea. Back to the arena idea, I do like it. I always thought the Timesplitters zombies mode was cool, it was based in a small room, but you were only given one gun. If you stepped outside the area you had a countdown till you died (321). That would work well if people did try to get out, it could kill them, and they'd respawn next round. Either way, an arena style zombie map would be very cool.
  9. Actually, a small glitchy thing that works really well is if you spin when you are either reviving or fixing the drill, the meter fills up slightly quicker. Sometimes does mean the difference between life and death. ;-)
  10. You carry normally $6000. With engineer maxed out you can carry $8000. You also can get 100 points for fixing the drill. It needs a repair at <75 health. I'm not sure how true this is, but I often find that once you get past the first area, the points gained from kills decreases by half, except in Point of Contact where after the second barrier hive points increase by 50%. Some brain dumping of my own: Turrets are amazing at lowering the health on barrier hives on Point of Contact quickly. One turret should decrease the first hive by 50-75%. Two turrets should decrease the 2nd hive 50-75%. Propane tanks are also very good at reducing health on barrier hives. The upgrades on the sentry guns also work on stationary turrets. It goes from 100->200 ammo, and cool down time is a lot quicker. Easiest way to take out a Rhino is with 2 sentry guns and the 30% damage increase. As for alien points, off the top of my head- Scout- 60 normal 90 overkill. Hunter 200 normal 300 overkill. Scorpion 200 normal 300 overkill. Rhino 1300 normal 1000 assist. (no overkill on a Rhino). Not sure what the Phantoms are worth, I think its the same as a Hunter though. Seekers 100 if you kill it 50 if you hit it, but it blows up on you. The new Breeder alien 1350. 25 points for each of its machine gun plants. All assists are roughly half of the points you'd normally get, except for Rhinos, which are worth 1000.
  11. I second this nomination (not sure if I can do that? Is it an open poll like UOTM or just thread posts?)
  12. That one kind of looks like a boat doesn't it? Does look very interesting if it was post Buried! What about all the cut perks? Amm-O-mattic from WaW. Candolier from WaW. Proneaid and Tufbrew from Ascension. There was another one cut from Origins that mixed Jug and Stamin-up. I cannot remember what it was called though.
  13. From a different point of view, a reason they might not log in is dude to PMs. Imagine how many they mustve got. Treyarch plz fix game, make this map etc...
  14. You're a total jerk who steels my points apparently mr. red-bonus-points-drop-make-appearer…… Oooohhhh yeeeaaaahhhh!
  15. QEDs for me. Am I powerful, nice, friendly, deadly....ooh, you better throw one to find out!
  16. 42. I've tried many times to beat this, but I just cannot do it. I'll get to mid 30s, get bored, run a silly train and die,
  17. What is the best way to work out how many of each type per round? I'm just struggling to workout how to count the types without a theatre mode, got any tips?
  18. Tell me about it dude! I'm so desperate to have a few guides/threads myself, I was thinking of doing something on the survival maps!
  19. That is just so incredibly disrespectful. And the masses of troll tweets aren't? Bit of an over reaction dude...
  20. As lovely as new zombie DLC sounds, I really can't see it happening now. Fair enough with the first Micro dlc on Bo2 after Ghosts dropped, even I thought we might get something. But now I really do believe that as far as zombie mode maps are concerned, this is it till the next game.
  21. Which one is overlord again? I'm really struggling to remember.
  22. That would explain why the camping outside didn't work for us last night! Round 26 was impossible because of the hammers! Do you ever get the hammers when you do it on 20? Or are they literally set to round 24 up?
  23. Right, that makes more sense to me. Because to me, mic ONLY excludes all players without a mic. Mic preference wouldn't exclude anyone.
  24. Rather than a flat-out mic only lobby, what about a mic preference option? So like in Bo2 you click square or x whilst choosing a map you get the search preferences, maybe have a fourth option of mics on/off. Say there's 20 matching players, 10 of which have mics. With the "on" option, you'll get connected with any of the 10 players with mics. If it's set to "off", it'll be just like it is now. But it's still only a preference, so you may still get a full lobby of no-micers, but mics would be put together quicker. The deciding factor would be what connection setting you have it on. For example: Best and few games with mics or Any and lots of mics.
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