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LiL TS 420

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Everything posted by LiL TS 420

  1. i cannot believe i havent been on this website in 5 years haha


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    1. Lenne


      Do you still play the game(s)?

  2. I really hate using my phone for internet and i do not own a computer of my own so, technically, yes.

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    1. Lenne


      I see. Well that kinda sucks. Good to have you back though. :)

  3. Man its been such a long time! Back at school so finally back on CoDZ!

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    1. Lenne


      You can only go on the internet in school?

  4. Guess who's back ^__^? Back at school -___-!

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  5. T'as been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day -__-

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  6. I am extremely surprised, in a good way, what some of you guys look like haha

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      it has made me feel like the kind old grand dad of CoDz

    3. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      Haha Clay im sure youre not the oldest guy here! But for your sake you should request to be this sites grandfather! That'd be awesome LoL

    4. MegaAfroMan


      I can't have been a big shocker.

  7. Definitely would be a game i would buy if it was real. Haha you may not see me for some weeks!
  8. Debating on changing my profile pic to a selfie just like everyone else... Life is so full of hard decisions

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  9. Have a short school and work week. This weekends gonna be great, I hope i can make it through this short week then its zombies slaying time

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  10. I rank up pretty fast honestly. Yeah maybe the ranking system needs some tweaks or whatever but nothings perfect, right? Although i think we should have kind of an official guide on how to rank up from Treyarch, at least giving the necessary requirements on how to rank up because ive heard pretty much all rumors having to do with ranking and no facts
  11. Sometimes when you live on your own when you're 16 things get stressful. Like getting your guardian to come sign some VERY VERY important papers... Damn -_____-

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dahniska


      Never give up! It's hard though.

    3. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      The only reason i live on my own is because my mom cant support me and i dont really know my dad so i had to buck up and get a job and still go to school. Im almost 17. But thanks NinjaNick and Dahniska for the encouragement

    4. ZombieOfTheDead


      That kinda sucks to be honest. You'd have to be working like every hour just to live. You really don't have much of a choice, though, so hang in there until after high school

  12. Welp Ive hit the one week mark on this website. Time to grill a good steak and drink a nice glass of celebratory wine! ;)

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      LoL lets just all have a CoDz formal get together with lots of food and spirits!!!

    3. Boom115


      The trouble with meeting people on the internet is there will always be that one guy who wants to wear our skin as a coat. cough Lenne cough.

    4. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      D: that doesnt sound tasty...

  13. Im hungry. Its chicken nugget Monday. IM READY!

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    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Mince Monday's - was going to be tatties, but we opted for chips (french fries) instead.

    2. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      Cant go wrong with Fries though!

  14. I cut my eye so now i have to wear an eyepatch... I look like a douche bag -__-

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    2. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      Hahahaha true! Im just mad because people keep trying to take it off and telling me im faking it. Its like yeah i wore this eye patch in hopes of getting to sit with the cool kids at lunch. Like what the hell man

    3. MysteryMachineX


      Act the part. Act disgruntled due to the injury, and you give people the impression that it is serious and they shouldn't mess with you. Don't let anyone close enough to take it.

    4. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      You must obtain parrot… NOW!

  15. Finally those whack-jobs from the pregnancy center are gone. I was beginning to get worried that they were going to hound me and my classmates to come down for a visit... Money hungry -__-

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  16. So I've realized everyone on this site is a loser and i feel like i am to cool to be here. Goodbye CoDz Forums >:)

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 83457


      But we can still be losers, right?

      Awesome losers?

    3. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      haha thats how id describe myself honestly 83457!

    4. 83457


      Ha. I as well.

      Zombies of a feather...

  17. I try and get a shotgun (preferably the executioner) as soon as possible or the Galvaknuckles. Just kill the zombies as quickly as possible. Do not train or do anything that would waste time. I Take out the first 20 rounds in as little as 30 minutes sometimes with that strategy! You just need to stay in the first box location area and run around with your shotgun bustin' zombies until you feel theres just no more room for you to work with and that you've made substantial progress and then start training or whatever strategy you use after round 20.
  18. Might start playing a bit of Left 4 Dead and its sequel. Does anyone else still enjoy those games or is it just me?

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    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      It's alright with friends. I don't really like valve games except portal, though. This one can still be entertaining.

    2. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      Theyre my favorite Xbox games personally. Not because of content or gameplay just personal experiences and memories.

    3. Delta


      You can go ahead and add me, man, GT on profile. I love that game, just have like nobody that plays it anymore.

  19. I agree with most of what you're saying especially the bigger is not better for map sizes. One thing i would respectfully disagree with you on is the no ranks. Yes i agree they should ditch the way they have the ranking system for Blops II that they have now for sure, but i would like to see them maybe make improvements on the ranking system rather than eliminating ranks altogether.
  20. Zombies has been literally pissing me off the last few days. Ill get all set by round 10 and make one stupid mistake and go down. Then of course i have to whip my controller at the ground and yell loudly. Ugh the struggles of a bipolar zombies player. :/

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dahniska


      Camp more? Idk. Each map is ideally played a certain way. I can give you tips for any of them if you want, though I mostly play BO2. ^^

    3. MysteryMachineX


      Try to just have more fun with it. Play with friends you can just goof off with. You might find yourself at a high round and not know how the time passed.

    4. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      I think im just going to take a nice break from zombies for a few days. Maybe play another game or maybe try and play some MP just to switch it up a bit

  21. Welcome to the Forum!
  22. LiL TS 420


    Welcome! I also watch a good amount of NGT! Go Spider and Hyper hahaha!
  23. I feel like people that hate other people that say Swag and YOLO say it waaaaaay more often than people that say the phrases for real.

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    1. DeathBringerZen


      I don't hate people who say those particular terms, but I DO hate the abbreviations themselves. Swag sounds vulgar to be honest, and although the term 'You only live once' is older than time itself, youngsters somehow found a way to completely overuse it.

    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      I haven't heard either of those said in a non ironic way in over a year i'd guess

    3. LiL TS 420

      LiL TS 420

      I dont hate people that say it and mean it but people that are like "Oh swag and yolo are for faggots" then all they talk about at school or work is mocking those people like "swaggity swig sweg" its like they say it more than the people they're trying to make fun of and it honestly get annoying

  24. @BrayJayTheZombSlaya I made it to round 13 (No Jugg) and i checked every round to see if the machine was powered on and it never did. Whether it would have powered up in a round later than that ill never know.
  25. The Lightening staff was always my favorite. Although i usually only make it to round 25-30 just like you said.... Oops
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