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About Tasers

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  1. As much as I love the Wunderwaffe so much and being my favorite WW, give me a Ray Gun Mark II or III and I'm good lol. Thats probably going to happen on the third DLC map though.
  2. Going by quotes Richtofen puts emphasis on turning on the beacon to contact Maxis and then Maxis confirms he knows where they are when the Fly Trap is completed, thus I guess completing the overall goal for this map by establishing the beacon. Quotes, radios, detail, and context of everyone's perception is all we have to go for here. I kind of wanted to go on a goose chase but I guess it's already over. Kind of lack luster but I am sure they will make up for it in the next sequel to The Giant.
  3. Agartha isn't our dimension lol its the Vril-ya's home world. By the way does anybody remember in Call of the Dead in the starting area in the water near the iceberg there is a strange design. To me that resembles an actual Vril-ya person. but anyways, I agree shooter Samantha did go back in time, and I believe her dying on moon might have her goto agartha. If you guys remember when playing Tranzit the first diary entry has Maxis saying Samantha disappeared. To where? Origins? Probably, but how the hell did she go back in the time? The Casimir effect is known to cause time travel into the past. Maybe she used the mechanism? Maybe she used a gersch device to goto Agartha. Lol I also agree with the fact that personal history is never changed, but alternate timelines are created when you time travel. Similar to Dragonball Z when Trunks time travels lol it creates a different branch off of the original timeline. I don't think people "fade away" or disappear that's illogical what is making them disappear? lol. I also don't think after Buried Maxis caused Origins to happen because he doesn't know whats happening when Samantha talks to him during origins, if he time traveled he would know lol. I think the serious questions here are How did Samantha time travel because that's truly the missing link. Other things to note. There is a wunderflizz machine in Der Riese, meaning the events in france could have happened, but were overrun by zombies. Thus giving another important question, Why are there statues of the O4 at the mound. BTW type 115 into the coder in MOTD and 666 comes up, meaning the devil. Type in 935 (richtofen, maxis, samantha) and 777 comes up, which is the perfect number in the bible, meaning Samantha could be a God or they are destined for something else. Too many questions my friends but we are on to something.
  4. Shooter, I am very interested in reading that thread in your bio about 115+ Casimir Effect = Vril Energy, but the page is down This is vital for me Lol
  5. I love it man, freaking genius. I think She does know though of moon, because she states "The loop must closed" "I see all that has been, all that will be" Shes remembers the "doctors" work that threatens the world. She doesn't mention moon because its irrelevant at the time I believe. I think shes American simply because she wanted to be, because by this time She is extremely intelligent
  6. People have also said the disturbing voice is her teddy bear. I mean its plausible its her, when I first heard the demonic announcer on origins it sounded nothing like a girl and the laugh from quick revive disappearing sounded nowhere near a girl, besides why would she impede their progress and take away perks and move the box if it lowered their chances of freeing her? She insists she is not safe there, and claimed "something far more terrible" lurks in the aether. Aether being the spiritual world between life and death and Takeo's hypothesis of "demons possesing the lives of fallen warriors" makes her evil side suspicious and fishy at best. I think something else lurks with her that trys and kills the players. agartha could be hell, after all the vril-ya claimed after they ran out of room in Agartha they would roam the earth destroying mankind in the process if nescessary (zombies). I dont believe Samantha is the only one in the aether.
  7. Interesting, so no quotes were ever found with her talking to the disturbing voice?
  8. I agree! but I feel like they wouldn't make up something that big, or it would of been taken down already. Could it be possible that they were ripped from the PC version of origins and it could be exclusively present on the xbox version? Thanks
  9. The disturbing voice talks to her man, on the COD Wiki Samantha Maxis page on trivia it states " In Origins, after collecting zombie blood there is a chance at later rounds for the player to hear Samantha talking with a disturbing voice explaining the history of what she knows." Now I would doubt this but the fact that my brother stated he heard her talk about nuclear bombs made me really question its authenticity, I know hes not crazy
  10. I mean, there are reports that Samantha talks to a disturbing voice in high rounds on zombie blood about the history she knows. I have tried many times while on high rounds such as 63, 79, 52 (Easy as hell with Kagutsuchi's Blood) but ended up dying in dumb ways (tiresome, get mobbed upstairs from the crazy place, IT GETS CRAZY LOL) I have figured the once easter egg fanatic zombie fanbase would of been found this and uploaded it, but I am wrong. I hope at least you guys arn't noobs... can somebody shed some light or even upload the quotes? Its ruining my life and haunting me not knowing what was said, and I dont even think its available on solo cause Ive tried so many damn times and even my brother confirmed she was talking about nuclear bombs. This is very important when theorizing about the ancient evil whom I believe to be Satan because he makes the perfect villain nobody dares use nowadays. Please help me Bros lol I pray you're all not noobs
  11. But none of these are when she talks to the demonic voice... Im disappointed in you guys
  12. Welcome to the forums Tasers :)

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