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Everything posted by mralways1

  1. -guesstimate- 5k times ive tried, and tried and tried.... but unsuccessful every single time... can someone complete it and put my mind at ease? nuketown start round 20, orginial difficutly no perks, no shooting, no grenades, no doors opened run around, train em and get the entire spawn of zombies out... its not as easy as it sounds... something like this, but its hard as EFF on nuketown for some reason
  2. Razer sabertooth..... Highly recommended Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I've been trying to find a place that people can go to and see the challenges, but I haven't found any... TheRelaxingEnd usually has a new one on his YouTube page once a week.... It would be nice to have someplace to go and see the current top rounds of different challenges and all that stuff.... Can someone please do it? 2015 is to far away!!!!! The head chopper and trample steam are the only ones that would help in the challenge I posted
  4. Buried Church challenge From round 10 on you must remain in the church, no exceptions! Weapons - mustang n sally, and whatever choice wall gun you choose to put on the wall in the church, and khaos defibrillator..... PaP allowed on them all Only Buildable allowed is whatever one you choose to put in side the church Time warps are allowed No Leroy help after round 10 NO LEAVING THE CHURCH FOR ANY REASON AFTER ROUND 10 PEROID! Friend request me and make sure you have your video saved Xbox360 gt mralways1
  5. RE-RELEASE black ops 1 with the ranking system involved..... it would atleast be something
  6. very nice! i love me some BO1 guns!
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