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About Bobby61

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  1. 8 player team. (HARDCORE) More zombies! Wonder weapons(x8) More Bosses - Dogs(spawns with the zombies) every 3 rounds - Brutus's(every 10 rounds) Any other ideas?
  2. TranZit: Electric guy Die Rise: Jumping monkeys MOTD: Brutus Buried: Witches Origins: Panzer Soldat I think they should have a boss that comes every 10 rounds and does A lot of damage but has little health and makes the zombies stronger. Once you kill him you get Max ammo and the person who killed him gets a Wonder weapon for 5 minutes. Exact thing for Grief mode BUT... Instead of the Max ammo you get a scavenger perk which makes the zombies drop ammo(like Vulture aid). PS: The wonder weapon that I was talking about, that is the only way to obtain it.
  3. I wanna beat MayDay with a Good Team. GT: PopCornKing99 I am a Skilled player and I know what to do. Requirements: - Mic - Need to know that map somewhat Twitter: @HiddenBlade01 Twitch: Twitch.tv/HiddenBlade01
  4. TranZit: Jet Gun Die Rise: Sliquifier MOTD: Blundergat Buried: The Paralyzer Origins: The Staffs(Fire,ice etc) - Bo3 You can combined 2 wonder weapons? The Paralyzer and Sliquifier. * Slows zombies down and fires the purple goo. Ammo: 5/35 What do you think? Any other Ideas? Twitter: @HiddenBlade01 Youtube: Youtube.com/TheHiddenBlade01
  5. Grief mode but instead of VS'ing, you are on a team. x2 zombies. Boss Zombies can spawn(only one, every 5-10 rounds)
  6. For the final map you should make it a Time Travel map. You go to all the different maps from WaW to all the new maps in Bo3. All the Guns are on that map and all the Wonder Weapons and all the perks. You can also merge all the Wonder weapons together to make the Ultimate Wonder weapon(everybody can have it). Zombie Challenges! - Complete a certain Challenge and call in a Panzer Soldat or something. The Soldat helps you for 5 rounds. - Other things that you can do for Challenges is you can call in maybe an Alien from Extinction to Help you. And if you are unable to complete the challenge Some(NOT ALOT) Aliens attack you and your team. - Some easy challenges are get 300 Knife kills before round 13 and the reward is a stronger Knife(Golden Spork) Zombie Bosses I.e. Hell Hounds, Brutus, Witches - Zombie with four arms (comes every 10 rounds, NOT 5.) Any other Ideas Comment them below! Follow my twitter: @HiddenBlade01 Subscribe to my Youtube! Youtube.com/TheHiddenBlade01
  7. I AGREE! I HATE THAT! I try to upload videos to my YT channel and people keep on leaving!! The EXACT(no joke) same thing happens to me. Most of the time they suck and zombies. Lol. I don't like plugging my mic in..
  8. I am a new guy here. I love to play CoD Zombies and I am currently the Knife rank! I have a Youtube Channel! Youtube.com/TheHiddenBlade01 - 264 subs. Thanks for reading and Subscribe!
  9. Welcome to the forums Bobby61 :)

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