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  1. Excited for Voyage of Despair

  2. Here is Origins in a nutshell (taken from Deviantart and not mine) Tell me how you think of it -CODBO2RGM2
  3. Forget FNAF, It's all about that SNAS now. Seven night at Skydoesminecraft's

  4. Veteran's Day at school. IM IN 2ND PERIOD AND BORED ALREADY!!!! D:

  5. Not too sure about it. But it would be nice so others will not be jerks to others. Overall, pretty nice for a content monitoring system.
  6. Not really much different than the original ending. I think it should've been better than a ripoff of the original ending.
  7. xD
  8. What you mean by whoa??? Is it really that good???
  9. Avenged Sevenfold > any music trolololololololololo :3

  10. CODBO2RGM2


    Hey you might already know me as CODBO2RGM2. I am a big zombies fan. my highest round is round 23 on town solo. I hope to all new users you would like to get to know me.
  11. I say we should put new zombie maps adding more story between buried and origins
  12. Hey guys!!!! I am here with a poll for more people to be aware of the call of duty zombies!!!! have you ever dreamed of drinking a Juggernog soda??? Or ever dreamed of having a wind turbine fan??? Well, here you can let your voice be heard!!! give your opinions guys! Come on! Cannot wait to hear your opinions
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