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Fariko Zomb

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About Fariko Zomb

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  1. Been drowning myself in Gears hows everyone else doing?

    1. way2g00d


      Downloaded Hears, played campaign for 1 minute, Meh then MP for another minute, Meh, switched off and put my ghosts copy back on.

    2. way2g00d
    3. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      haha definitely an acquired taste for sure!

  2. Have you guys heard anything on a new SNN EE?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      PTG Tweeted something out i figured you guys might be on that

    3. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      they blocked me on twitter i'm sure. whoopsies

    4. DeathBringerZen


      PlayTheWhoWhatNow? Ah... those guys! Reminds me of there tweet regarding Moon getting a hotfix several month back. I would take anything they say with a pinch of salt.

  3. Wait did i miss the site maintenance?

    1. GRILL


      It was just some back end stuff, no worries :D

    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Yeah it's all sorted, we basically upgraded the MySQL system and also introduced a little bit of optimization.

      You may notice some speed improvement with page load times (might only be slight though)

    3. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Woo! Sounds good, love hearing improvements

  4. Whos slaying right now? Zombs that is

    1. GameChanger


      Aw, thought you meant people out on the street ;(

  5. Been learning about GoW Competitive & working on lots of Achievements!

  6. Still grinding GoW

    1. Slade


      The Cole Train runs on whole grain, baby! Whoooo!

  7. Wow, Prob 100% Correct on this, Can anyone confirm? Makes me wanna go play Nacht now
  8. Playing alot of Gears Of War lately :P

    1. Delta


      Clay was best Carmine.

    2. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Love Carmine lol<3

    3. Slade


      As am I! What's your GT?

  9. No W@W Zombies!? Have you played since this post!?
  10. Come on the remake isnt that bad Less scary and nostalgic of course, but you cant say its not better quality.
  11. It really is said that these are the kind of thoughts hackers make us think, Considering they destroy every leaderboard ever made.
  12. New Extinction Map Quick Opinions?

    1. DeathBringerZen


      It looks meh! If you like Extinction then I am sure you will love it, but for those who remain neutral then it still looks boring. I hoped it would improve dramatically so it could

      entice me, but alas it looks too samey so I will be avoiding it myself.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I don't really care for the gameplay, but I do want to be there when they finally admit to using the multiverse theory to link to zombies.

  13. Thank you for posting the picture btw, you're right about that. I just wish they didnt leave things in there like that so it made us wonder, Ahh Treyarch
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