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Fariko Zomb

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Everything posted by Fariko Zomb

  1. No more Extinction Forum!? :(

    1. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Found it! Quite hidden :P

    2. way2g00d


      If you are on x1, hit me up for extinction.

    3. Fariko Zomb
  2. Seriously need to patch a game mode like this constantly or it wont work. Way too many bugs on the 360 Version. I havent tried on X1 yet but i've heard its a little better.
  3. Finishing up some Extinction!

  4. Got that right, playing Verruckt alone especially W@W Version was super scary. Like you said maps since then should have added them in, Origins would have been perfect for a spooky feel, OR even MOTD?
  5. Acually have heard this a couple times, its on the CoD Wiki. I assume its just for scares
  6. So lately i've been trying to finish up Nightfall, doing Achevements, High Scores etc.. Im on my last Achevement and its Complete Nighfall and Kill The Breeder with a Relic. So for the past 2-3 days i've been trying to figure out which relic to run. So eventully i came to the conculsion that if you want to run 1 Relic Solo your best bet is Pistols Only. So I tried it all day yesterday and just hopped on this morning. So overall this is my 3rd trial and it goes really well, except till im with the LAST hive. It finishes out the Hive and im nearly done. If you have played this map fully you know you have a few seconds before you actually have to go to the breeder fight. Well the last hive completes and a few seconds goes by then it says across the screen "Rejoining Squad in 10, 9, 8...etc " So it brings me out to the Breeder totally un-prepared and i take 4 STRAIGHT downs because of this and there was nothing i could do. I cant stand when things like this happen. Especially with all the Patches and Fixes Ghosts has had already. Hell we're already on the 3 DLC and the first ones still broken! There are little things as well that are broken, for example there is a challenge Stay in the Circle and Kill 10 Aliens, Well doesnt go to well when the circle doesnt spawn near the hive! Lol just another broken map figured you guys would enjoy reading my Trails and Tribulations. - Fariko Zomb
  7. Wooo! Time to find the patch notes
  8. Thought todays Blops 2 Patch was PS3 Exculsive?
  9. Really is good, didnt miss to mention a single thing. I was a little late but its always refreshing
  10. After 4 days of trial and error, Origins Solo EE Complete!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Seriously is dude, COTD was way easier

    3. DeathBringerZen


      Good job Fariko. It get's easier the more you do it, so high rounds are your next quest.

    4. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      You bet ill be going for HRs!

  11. Awesome guide !
  12. Got it! Comm room with the Waff till 35+
  13. So close to Solo Origins EE tonight, Im gonna get it sooner or later!

  14. Welp another successful few days with CoDZ Members! Thank you guys for all the help! I love this community

    1. DeathBringerZen


      Glad I could help. If you have not got Origins done, I will help you tomorrow.

  15. Still need someone to walk me through the Die Rise 360 EE right now, Any takers?

    1. DeathBringerZen


      If you did not manage to get this done yet, I would be down to help you this afternoon at some point.

    2. Boom115


      Same here. Let me know.

  16. I just got my first 40+ on Origins and all 9 perks for the first time (: Super Happy

  17. So its clearly someones birthday today, Happy Birthday Nait!

  18. Im ALWAYS getting robbed on Origins Solo its not even funny. I seriously start games to waste time. That map is so tough sometimes!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dahniska


      The people who succeed are those who keep trying no matter how rocky the road.

      That being said I know what you mean.

    3. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Thank you guys for motivational words! Im trying again now(:

    4. 83457


      Sometimes it's my friend. Sometimes it's an evil entity of nukes, glitches, and magically appearing double-slapping octozombies. Bitch.

  19. Does anyone have any quick tips for getting the spawn rate up for Shi-No-Numa ? I cant seem to find a good strat till i can start using the flogger at 40+.
  20. Need someone to run me threw the Die Rise EE on 360 Right now

  21. Just got a 60 on Ascension and on round 38 i got Mule Kick again as my 5th perk for free. So next monkey round rolls around and they actually took it! You were right i had to have that certin area open. Thank you for that tip. I had opened all the map up extra early because i wanted to see if it would work.
  22. Just got my first 60 on Ascension!

    1. InfestLithium


      Congrats mate!

    2. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Thank you very much!

  23. Still so happy about my Der Riese 47 today(: Im trying again tomorrow! Prob spending my sunday practicing it(:

  24. So i finnally got my first 40+ on Der Riese!!

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