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Fariko Zomb

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Everything posted by Fariko Zomb

  1. Alrighty thank you for that tip. Im gonna see what i can do
  2. Learning Der Riese Solo!

  3. They never take it for me I litteraly go to the point where i let them take every perk except Mule Kick and run away. Oh well not a big deal just wondering if anyone knew about this.
  4. So im not sure if anyone is aware of this but i hate Mule Kick personally on Ascension so i dont useually buy it. The problem is lately when i get my free perk on my first Monkey Round its been Mule Kick. So of course ive tried several times to get the monkeys to take it but they wont. Is this because of the Mule Kick Hotfix? When they put it in evey map?
  5. How do you increase your community stats?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      **cough, cough ** Pay one of the staff **cough, cough** me **cough, cough** a handsome salary to doctor them for you **cough, cough **

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Only joking ;) It's easy to improve stats, simply be who you are, be an active user and it will come naturally.

    4. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Sounds good! Thank you guys!

  6. Even thinking about running the backpool sounds crazy. I would love to see a try lol
  7. Welp another night of failed Solo games, Do you guys find it better to practice one map at a time? Just Blops 1 for example

  8. NML is so aggravating sometimes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. way2g00d


      haha nice one chopper

    3. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      Aggravating yet rewarding

    4. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Very rewarding i agree

  9. Wow what a great find, im glad i read this
  10. Might spend all tomorrow playing NML. I need to go for 200+

  11. Pretty excited to go on a High Round Game with DBZ this weekend(: Hopefully everything works out well gamewise!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boom115


      Good luck gentlemen! DBZ knows what he is doing, stick with him.

    3. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Sounds like a plan! Btw Thank you boom! Im 100% down for moon as well

    4. Fariko Zomb
  12. Havent gotten all perks from George in COTD Solo yet :(

    1. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      Just kill him as quickly and frequently as possible. Try using an upgraded standard sniper rifle. start killing him when you already have 4 perks bought.

  13. Well, it finnaly happend I got Shotguns in Blops 2 after an awesome Die Rise game. Well deserved i think(:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Lucky, I'm doomed with just a skull….

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      me too mocking, I let others play my account on zombies in the beginning. Doesn't bother me but wouldn't mind the knife.

    4. Dahniska
  14. Got my first Solo 32 on MOTD today and trying again tomorrow!

    1. Rissole25


      Good luck. :)

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Don't die! That's my strategy!

    3. Hells Warrrior
  15. Taking a smoke break and going for MOTD Solo again

  16. Officially own all Zombies maps for the 360(:

  17. Trying Origins again tomorrow (:

  18. Playing Solo Origins, Going for a HR !

    1. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Always getting robbed :(

  19. First Night on CoDZ and I've already gotten so much done.

  20. Still need help with Shang 360 EE if anyone is up for it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boom115


      About three hours late, but I can join if needed.

    3. DeathBringerZen


      Well, we got both Shangri La and Moon done. Thank Naitrax and Boom. Pleasure as always. :D

    4. DeathBringerZen


      Oh, and Lawton... sorry we missed you. Shoot me a friend request though if you can. Would love to get a few games in with you. :)

  21. Need help with 360 Shang & Moon EE

    1. DeathBringerZen


      I would be willing to help. All I ask is that you have a mic and are not a squeaker.

    2. way2g00d


      Man, that's rude.

    3. DeathBringerZen


      Well, I don't know how else to put it, and it is a strong stance I have. No offence was intended.

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