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About StrickenSparda

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  1. Firts of all, hello everyone. Long time ago i downloaded " A zombie trilogy" document, but, a few days ago, my laptop was stolen and i lost all my files . Now im asking for thar doc, and if someone still have it, i would be very thankful with him/her for share it with me. Thanks for your Help. -Sparda
  2. This WW is like a Bazooka but is smarter, have an ACOG and a big sphere with mysterios black energy into it. Name: Dark Exploder Ammo: 3/42 Unique Features: The weapon makes an explosion that can stun the zombies when hit something and after 2 seconds it makes a big dark hole that absorb the zombies like the gersch device, faster but with a minor range. When PAP: Name: Gersch Freedom Ammo: 6/84 New Feautures: The hole and the mysterios energy become white and the ratio for absorb the zombies increase.
  3. Hellof friends, I'm Sparda and I love all about zombies.I know a lot about the zombies story and i want to learn more for all of you. I expect to make friend here and talk about strategies and theories. I love all map except Green Run, Kino Der Toten and Natch der Untoten and my favorite character is Richtofen.
  4. Welcome to the forums StrickenSparda :)

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