Even though I'm still a bit new, I'm happy I found people who are still willing to EE hunt.
Earlier, Goldenspork mentioned that we can somehow trap "him" in the small area that requires power to open in Bus Depot. Well, i was thinking, that we can sort of do that to create a more powerful Jet Gun. We could try to trap "him" inside a Turbine like area, bu surrounding him with, and we can then try and blast him with the Jet Gun, to somehow overpower it.
We could also try using the combination of the electricity to power objects, since most things require power in TranZit. Thing "Electric", what is electric in TranZit. Well, there is the Electric Trap, and the Turbine which we can combine, along with the Jet Gun to open things up. If the Even though the Electric Trap requires a turbine, we can use that, combined with the Jet Gun, and even "Him" to unlock a bigger source of electricity, which can allow us to do some new things.